Lessons From Moneyball About Marketing, Profits and Business.

I love watching Moneyball. Yes, my wife thinks it’s boring, but I have seen it 3 times and still can’t get enough.  It is a story about perseverance, numbers, consistency and a bit of luck.  The kind of luck that comes when preparation meets opportunity. The movie is also about how sticking to a plan … Continue reading »Lessons From Moneyball About Marketing, Profits and Business.

The One Thing That Can Make All The Difference With Your Videos

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” The Bible Confused yet? Let me explain. One of the big mistakes people make when creating a video, … Continue reading »The One Thing That Can Make All The Difference With Your Videos

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

I Love Podcasts and I have been listening to some of the top Marketing Podcasts over the past 12 months. It’s kind of crazy that we can learn from the best minds in our industry all for free. I am always preaching that people should skip college, listen to Podcast and watch YouTube Videos. You … Continue reading »Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

How To Protect Yourself From Hiring The Wrong Online Marketing Company

The online marketing arena, like the real world, is full of shysters, con artists, and wannabes. They have so many different angles, tactics, and maneuvers that they’re hard to keep track of. But that will not stop us from revealing who they are. We are nice like that…  🙂 We are going to paint a … Continue reading »How To Protect Yourself From Hiring The Wrong Online Marketing Company