Truth About Cancer Case Study

Docu-Series Launch Traffic With A Full YouTube Campaign.

The Back Story

The Truth About Cancer recently geared up for their nine part docu-series launch for the fall of 2018.

The goal of the docu-series is to educate viewers on various aspects on cancer – causes, prevention and treatments.

When the idea behind a campaign is exposure, there is a fine line between which type of campaign is best. Brand consideration campaigns are great for a broad audience, and can get views fairly quickly. Site traffic and lead generation campaigns typically start slower, but have a higher conversion rate because their views are more qualified.

The main obstacle in this launch was breaking down the campaigns and choosing which direction would be best and most efficient to push the rest of the month.

The Opportunity

Marketing Hy and The Truth About Cancer decided to do the following: 

  • Build out various YouTube campaigns and test for best results
  • Move down to one primary campaign once optimized
  • Use an educating video with a call-to-action
  • After launch: push each episode as they go live
  • Get the lowest cost per click and conversion possible staying in campaign budget

The Creative Assets

Landing Page

A simple landing page is important when you are looking to get opt-ins. If someone leaves YouTube to fill out a form, you want it to be seamless for them.

Ad Creation and Optimization

Since we focused solely on YouTube campaigns for our part in this launch, we had a lot time to tweak and optimize the ads and audiences we ran with.

As things got going and adjustments were made, costs dropped dramatically and we were able to get great, efficient results. Click on the images to see our progress through the campaign period.

The Results

A Happy Customer

We ended the main launch with 2,190 leads. On day one, our leads were coming in at $35.75/conversion, and by the end of the first phase our average was $4.02 per lead and a conversion rate of 1.56%.
This portion of the campaign also got 5,089 clicks at $1.73 each and a .97% click through rate – median CTR is .34% for 2018.
The campaign (main launch and episode push) ended with 2,322 leads at $4.28 each and a 1.46% conversion rate.
We wrapped things up with 6,132 clicks, $1.62 CPC, and a 1.03% CTR.
We brought revenue back to TTAC through both Google Ads and YouTube referrals.

Here's what you will get with your audit and proposal.

We will examine your business, website, YouTube channel, PPC, SEO, and social media and show you mistakes being made, immediate changes you can make, and how you can increase business.


• Find out if your website has issues like security

• How much you're wasting on Pay Per Click Campaigns

• If your website is being indexed by Google

• Are Facebook and Instagram going to work for you

• One thing you need to be doing now to get more sales

• How you can use YouTube to drive customers

• How to stop Google from taking your money

• Learn if SEO will work for your business

• Are your customers confused when they visit your website

• Why simplicity matters and how you can apply it

• Automate follow up and keep leads coming back

• Simple trick to rank on Google and YouTube

• How to grow your business

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