New Video Marketing Hack! How to Rank A Video In Under 14 Days


Have you ever wondered how some videos pop up in search engines while others do not?

Are your videos popping up? Are you currently ranking your videos?
Do you try and rank your videos on search engines and you just can’t seem to get any traction?

Would you like to see how I rank videos in just a couple of days without breaking the bank?

You are not alone!

Video marketing can be a mystery, but it definitely is not rocket science. I want to show you a simple yet effective way you can rank you videos in a couple of days, not weeks, or years.

Because who wants to wait that long?

I have been using this simple method for a couple of years now and it works.

I wish I could say that I am the only one doing it, but recently a friend of mine sent me a link to a video showing a similar method.

Since the secret is out, I figured it is time share it with my most trusted email list, and whom ever else happens to stumble upon this guide.

You’re the lucky ones!!

Feel free to share this with your most trusted colleagues and friends and of course you will want to share these video marketing hacks with your loving mother.

So lets get started.

If You Want the PDF version you can click on the image to your right.


Search Engine Optimization is war! The rules are constantly changing and the competitions can be tough to beat.

You can spend a fortune trying to hit the number one spot on Google, but you don’t have to.

Here is the thing…

80% of companies are all competing for the same simple keyword and they tend to forget there are a lot of Long Tailed Keywords that will send you more traffic and get better conversions.

See the Graph:This is the same for videos.

Long taile Keywords

Everyone is competing in the High Cost and Low Conversion arena.

But not us…We are going to stay away from that for now.

Most SEO traffic will come from Long Tailed Keywords and some of those keywords are going to convert like crazy.


For this write up I wanted to show you guys how quickly we can rank a video.

I took a simple whiteboard video that Ydraw created for one of their clients. We chose the keyword “Chicago Whiteboard Video Company”

We have a few competitors there and it;s a big city.

In 6 days here are the results.

You will see that I actually ranked 2 videos when I only meant to rank

one. I placed similar description tags and since I used similar methods they both were picked up.

If you type in “Utah Whiteboard Video Company” you will see the same video is sitting in the number one position.

The system works and we have done this for a lot of different videos in a lot of different niches.

By using Video and Long Tailed Keywords you will dominate in search and shrink your competition dramatically.

**SEO for video is a lot different than regular SEO. You can buy backlinks and spam the heck out of your YouTube links. That is why this works so well**


Like any online endeavor you will want to pick out some good keywords, ones that have a good amount of traffic, but are not loaded with competitions.

Here is how to do this.

Open up your Google search bar and go into “incognito” mode. That way we will get a clean search.

You are going to try and find keywords that have very little competitions on YouTube.

Type in: “how to shoot a basketball” (the whole thing)

“how to shoot a basketball” is the keyword that you would like to rank for.

How to shoot a basketball video search


You will see by the screen shot that there are a lot of videos ranking for that keyword. (25,700 results) You do not want it!

Move on to another keyword.

Remember the secret is to rank for long tailed keywords and start ranking your videos in days not months.

To do this we need to find keywords with a good amount of traffic and little competition.

**I am not saying you shouldn’t rank for competitive keywords. That just takes more time and more effort. Go after every keyword you can, but do it over time.**

Next search: “best way to shoot a basketball”Best way to shoot a basketball video marketing

This keyword is looking a lot better. You will notice there are only 4 other videos and nothing is recent. I would go after this one…

Lets jump back over to Google and do a simple search for:

“best way to shoot a basketball”

There are 64 million results and your goal is to be one of those two videos showing up on the first page.

Google search on best way to shoot a basketball

Can you see how powerful this can be for your business? That is a lot of traffic for a small investment. Plus you can see that video gets an image snippet which increase the likelihood of someone clicking on it.

Benefits of Ranking Your Video…

  • Ranking video is easier
  • Rank your video for multiple keywords
  • Show up on the first page of Google in days
  • Get leads
  • Drive traffic
  • Be seen and be heard

Now that we have identified the keyword, it is time for step 2.


Hopefully you have a video already and you are ready to jump right into uploading your video. If you need a video, I would reach out to Ydraw. They can create a video that will convert (I am biased).

  • Save the video file as the keyword you want to rank for
  • Upload the video
  • Put the keyword in the title
  • Create a long description with the keyword all throughout
  • Place links back to your site or social media (I do both)
  • Fill out the tags (keywords)

**You need to make sure the keyword you want to rank for are in the title and put your keywords in the description and use multiple keywords.**

If you want your video you rank for a local niche or a local service you will want to click on the advanced tab. There you can set a location.

I am still playing with this so stay tuned for an updated on ranking videos locally.

** Set the video location to the place you are trying to rank for especially if it is for a local area. For you dentists and doctors and lawyers**


To get your video on page one you are going to have to get backlinks.

This can be a little tricky but we have a network in place that can get you a lot of backlinks quickly. If you want us to do this for you click here…

You want backlinks from high PR sites, meaning sites that have good traffic and have been around for awhile.

A great example would be a .edu site. Google give .edu sites a better PR and you can really boost your video if you can get them to link to your YouTube video.

Remember a backlink is basically a vote and the more you get the higher you are going to rank. The nice thing is you can purchase these backlinks because everything is going to be directed towards YouTube, not your home page.

There are places online where you can purchase links. I try not to endorse any of them, because some are good and some a just a waste of money. Our network is amazing and allows us to buy a lot of links quickly.


If you want Yinc Marketing to buy all of your back links, including .edu backlinks we can do so. We basically charge $149 per video. We will send 15,000 or more links to your YouTube video. This is the key to ranking quickly. It’s hard to rank if you do not have links.


**Do not purchase backlinks to your home page or your website, unless you’re an expert in SEO. This can kill you rankings. You’re safe with buying backlinks to YouTube**


Most of the time step 1 – 3 are sufficient and the video will rank for a long time.

If it doesn’t you need to take step 4.

  • Adjust your descriptions and make them longer
  • Purchase full YouTube views
  • Comment on other YouTube videos
  • Get leads
  • Drive traffic
  • Get comments and likes on your video

**You might need to purchase views, comments or likes to give your video a bit of a push. Full views are the best because Google is tracking full views**


Merry Christmas.

I hope you like your Video Marketing Hacks…How To Get Your Video On Page One Of Google In Under 14 Days.

Use it and abuse it.