3 Day Live Workshop To Grow Your Business

A Must Attend Live Workshop to help you discover your message, create a video, and implement a marketing campaign so your company can grow


Schedule Your Date

Where: Your Location or Ours

Do you have a marketing team that needs training? Hire us to come train your team on how to create your message, build an email campaign, create a video, drive qualified traffic and much more. When we are done your team will know exactly what they need to do to grow your business.

Contact Us For Details


January 29 – 31, 2018

Where: Las Vegas Nevada

Day 1: Message/website/foundation

Day 2: Creating video/ads

Day 3: Running ads and sales

**Limited Spots Available**



Register Now


We get it… We know there are so many options available. Why should you spend your money and time on attending our workshops?

Here is why…

The wrong message mixed with a horrible marketing campaign causes business failure. The right message with the right marketing campaign will lead to huge business growth. This works shop is going to provide 100 times the investment that you make. The Marketing Hy System has generated millions for other businesses and it can for you.

**A detailed information packet will be emailed to you in the welcome email or just give us a call at 801-592-1026 if you have specific questions.**

The Agenda

Thursday Night

We get to know each other over dinner. It’s a great chance to get to know the people you will be spending the next couple of days with. After the meal, Jace will set the stage for the Marketing Hy workshop.

Friday (Discover Your Message and Video Shoot)

9:00AM — Session One:
How Discovering your USP Will Grow Your Business

Jace will break down the need to simplify your message so that people will understand. There is a certain formula you will learn and apply this to your business.  You’ll use this formula to explain your ideas, products and services for the rest of your life. Creating a USP will give you a distinct advantage.

10:30AM – Session Two:
Create Your Target Audience and Talk To Their Needs (With Work Groups)

12:00PM – Lunch
Grab lunch with a fellow participant and be inspired by the work they are doing and their passion for their business. Turns out you’re not alone in trying to grow your company. These are relationships you will likely keep for years to come.

1:30PM – Session Three
How to write a Video Sales Script.

5:00PM – Video Shoot
Grab fellow participants for a night on the town and continue building your new community of like-minded professionals.

Saturday (Launching Your Ads)

9:00AM – Session Five:
Generating qualified leads with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google.
You will learn what is working now and what platform will work the best for your business.

10:30AM – Session Six:
Account Setups

12:00PM – Lunch

1:30PM – Session Seven:
Creating Your Ads

3:00PM – Session Eight:
Launching your new ads

5:00PM – Workshop Concludes

*Marketing Hy Workshop includes  2 jam packed days of interaction with Jace and his team. You will leave with a tons of material, 2 quality videos, marketing ads, and an actual lead generation campaign that is up and running. It’s the best investment you can make in your business.*

“Jace and his companies has opened up a whole new world of buisness for me. The traffic is amazing ! They’re Ez to work with very personable has a small company feel with huge results. Honestly they saved my company from going under.”

—– Tony B

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Registration For Workshop

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