Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

I Love Podcasts and I have been listening to some of the top Marketing Podcasts over the past 12 months. It’s kind of crazy that we can learn from the best minds in our industry all for free.

I am always preaching that people should skip college, listen to Podcast and watch YouTube Videos. You will learn more. It’s a great habit to get into especially if you are running a business. Podcasts can keep you focused and inspire you to keep moving. Plus it’s fun listening and learning about the struggles, challenges, triumphs, and successes that others are going through.

So here are…

The Top 10 Marketing Podcasts that are worth your time.

They’re in no particular order.

1. The Top by Nathan Latka (The Top Entrepreneurs in Money, Marketing, Business, and Life).

This podcast is awesome because Nathan doesn’t mess around. In business, there can be lot of fluff. People tend to beat around the bush but Nathan keeps them in line.

If you want to listen to all different types of Entrepreneurs in all different stages of their businesses, then The Top Podcast is for you.

Kudos to Nathan Latka for being consistent and providing us with great information.

2. Art of Paid Traffic by Rick Mulready

The Art of Paid Traffic is jam-packed with great information on Facebook ads, Video ads, and other traffic avenues.

Last week on episode 92, I was able to apply the podcast to my business. The episode was all about how to increase your Facebook Video Ad Results.

3. Perpetual Traffic by Digital Marketer

Perpetual Traffic is a weekly podcast produced by Digital Marketer and hosted by Keith Krance, Ralph Burns (Dominate Web Media), & Molly Pittman (Digital Marketer).

Obviously Digital Marketer has spent Millions on Facebook advertising so they know their stuff. They provide some great value and are well worth your time.

4. Growth Everywhere by Eric Siu

Growth Everywhere is a lot like The Top. Eric interviews all types of Entrepreneurs. They give you a lot of little tips you can apply to your business. I also like the fact that Eric interviews people who are just starting out.

5. Conversion Cast by Tim Paige

I am just getting into this Podcast. Basically, Conversion Cast is the only podcast that gets to the heart of the metrics. At least that’s what the description says.

I will be the judge once I listen to a few more episodes, but so far so good. They are short and sweet.

6. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek. Many of you already know who Tim Ferriss is.

Tim is one of the only guy that can keep you entertained for 3 hours on one Episode.

Thanks Tim

7. Social Media Marketing by Michael Steizner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is hit-or-miss for me. They have some good content, but I have to pick and choose what I want to listen to. They hit almost every social media avenue, so it’s a great start if you are looking to get an overall view of all things Social Media.

8. SaaStr by Jason Lemkin and Harry Stebbings

If you are running a SaaS business you have to listen to this Podcast. Jason Lemkin is all about getting you from $0 to 100m Annual Recurring Revenue. (ARR) It is jammed packed with ideas and great interviews.

If you have no idea what SaaS stands for, get in line. I probably heard this term for 2 years before I even knew what the word meant. SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Now doesn’t that feel better?

9. StartUp by Gimlet

I actually ran into this Podcast while listening to music. Their commercials kept interrupting me so, I decided I would check it out.

Startup is the real story behind creating a business. Their format is amazing and very entertaining. The Gimlet staffs are storytellers and the production of each episode takes a lot of work.

You will know what I mean when you listen to an episode or two.

10. Video Marketing 2.0 by Joel Goobich and Brendan Carty

I live and breath Video Marketing so of course I am going to listen to a Podcast that is all about Video Marketing. I am a going to on an episode or two in the coming weeks.

Those are my top 10 marketing podcasts but I also listen to a couple of others that I am going to mention. You might like the honorable mentions better then my top 10.

I love marketing by Joe Polish and Dean Jackson
Anti-Preneur by Ben Settle
Marketing In Your Car by Russell Brunson
Self Made Man by Mike Dillard

The way to get the most out of Podcasts is to actually apply what they’re saying to your business. You’re better served by doing what they say, not just listening.

I like to listen to an episode, take action notes, and then apply those notes.

Good luck I hope you enjoy my Top 10 Marketing Podcasts now go listen and apply.

Scaling A Business With Adwords, Facebook, and Instagram Video Ads. Part 1

Scaling A Business With Adwords, Facebook, and Instagram Video Ads. Part 1

I am excited to finally get this project going. Are you ready to start scaling your business? We are going to show you guys how to scale up your business using Facebook, Adwords, and Instagram Ads. Especially Video Ads.

When I say scale, I mean increase ad spend which will, in turn, increase your leads.

More leads equal more sales for you business.

This is part 1 of a 4 part series so keep an eye out for the other blog posts. This could turn into a 10 part series. I will keep going as long as you guys keep reading. Feel free to ask questions, make comments, and share this article. There are businesses that need it!

A lot of people have a problem with scaling. It can be really nerve racking and it takes a leap of faith: Faith that you have the right offer, faith that your product brings value, faith your funnel is set up correctly, and faith your message will bring conversion.

The reality is, you could bomb and lose money.


That should not stop you from trying. You have to take a risk!  If you want to grow your business, scaling is a great way to get rapid growth. It may take testing and tweaking. So make sure you are ready mentally to do this.

We know this first hand. Case and point!

Many of you know, Yinc does marketing for all types of businesses. We like to focus on video marketing but many of our clients need a lot more then just video ads.

We are currently working with a business that is ripe for scaling. Our cost per lead is around $1 and our cost per customer is around $9.

Their average customer spends around $70 on their first order, which puts us at a $61 gross profit.

On the surface this looks amazing. The numbers above are definitely scalable, but the company is basically breaking even. They have a net profit margin that is so tight that we have not convinced them to scale yet. This is where the Lifetime Value of a customer comes into play. If their customers order more product, instant profit. But they have to be willing to break even on that first order.

Like I said…it’s not easy.

During this process, you will learn about your product and offer. Take what you learn and make adjustments. It’s also important that your adjustments are made quickly. If you have a web guy that takes weeks to make a correction, you have problems. If you can’t create a Facebook audience in a hour, you need help. If you have no idea how to create an Instagram ad, you better educate yourself or get someone who knows what they are doing.

This is not a game for beginners. You will lose money and quite before you become profitable. I see this all the time!

This is not to scare you. I just want to make sure you have the little things adjusted before you decide to scale.

The History Of Scaling Ydraw

We’ve come to the conclusion that we want to scale our Animation Company Ydraw.

Over the last couple of years we have been content with the growth and profits but we want to add another 100k a month in revenue.

One of the biggest limitations of Ydraw is that each video is customized. It takes a lot of creativity and human capital to create a Whiteboard Animation Video. It’s even worse with 2D and 3D animation videos. For us to scale perfectly, we would need to have a turnkey video in place or we have to find a lot of new talent.

We don’t know if we want to do this yet.

So once we increase our sales another 100K a month we will put a freeze on our ad spend and decide if we want to go on another hiring spree.

Where We Currently Stand

When I talk numbers, I will only cover Adwords, Facebook, and Instagram. The numbers do not include referrals, SEO, repeat business, referral partners, etc.

We’ll be discussing Ads and Video Ads only. All the leads are coming from Ad spend.

October 2015 Ad Spend (not a good month)

Spend: $8,083
Leads: 81
Cost per lead $99.79
Click To Conversion Rate was 3% to 9%

Facebook and Instagram (Zero)

Last October we were running the following:

Keywords Search Ads (Adwords) : These are just simple keyword targeted ads.


Gmail Sponsored Ads (Adwords): These are Gmail ads that pop up on the Gmail promotion tab

Video keywords Ads (Trueview adwords): These are YouTube display ads for specific keywords

YouTube In-Display ads


Video Placement Ads (Adwords): Hand picked YouTube videos that allow ads

YouTube In-Stream Ads

Retargeting (Adwords): Banner ads and video ads for visitors

Although we had great success with running Facebook ads, last October we had turned them off. We felt we needed to make some changes first.

Step 1: Scaling your online business. Online Marketing Assets

Do you have everything necessary to run an effective online marketing campaign?

You are going to need the following:

  • Website
  • Videos (30 second ad and a full length explainer video)
  • Banner Ads
  • Email Campaign
  • Website Forms
  • Adwords Account
  • Facebook Account
  • Instagram Account
  • YouTube Account
  • Conversion Pixels
  • Analytics Goals
  • Facebook Pixel

**you can click here for our full online marketing checklist**

Everything should be branded correctly and have links out to your landing pages. I have created plenty of video tutorials to help you. Just visit my YouTube Channel.

When scaling, everything works together. Traffic we get from Facebook becomes part of our Remarketing campaign in Adwords. Our Search traffic on Adwords becomes part of our Lookalike audiences on Facebook and Instagram. The likes and shares on Instagram become part of our Remarketing group on YouTube. The point it…It’s a full system.

The Assets above are the foundation. Do not go any further until you have everything in place.

For those who have everything, I would suggest revamping or double-checking your work or go down the full checklist which I provided above.

Ydraw’s Adjustments

After looking over our numbers I realized we needed to make some adjustments to the website. I knew this for some time, but I’m busy and I didn’t make time to for the necessary adjustments.

I know…STUPID!

This seems to happen a lot with business owners. We get caught up in so many different things that we neglect making necessary adjustments; especially if things are going great and you’re making good money. It’s human nature to keep the status quo when all is well.

Our number 1 goal for the website is to collect a lead. We want their email address or we want them to pick up the phone and call. Calls have a much higher closing rate, but a lot of people are in research mode and will only leave their email.

That is ok.

Once we collect an email address they enter our Email Campaign.

Our website was ok at the time, but was random and lacked a clear call to action.

Plus, there were a couple of issues on Mobile that needed to be fixed.

Over Thanksgiving break we went to work on the website. The updated version would have a clearer CTA and would eliminate a lot of the clutter.

Basically, we simplified.

Our website contains:

Below I will give you the results.

But first, I want to go over the numbers.

Numbers You Should Know:

-Cost Per Leads
-Cost Per Customer
-Closing Percentage
-Profit Per Sale
-Life Time Value Of A Customer

If you are losing money every month, one of the numbers above is messed up.

Cost Per Lead is different for everyone.

If your industry is highly competitive you could be spending $50 dollars a click which could turn into a $500 cost per lead. This is not uncommon (Attorneys are known to spend this type of money on leads).

At Ydraw we can afford to spend $150 to $300 per lead or $2500 a customer, and still come out on top. You may only be able to spend $3 a lead.

Just make sure know your numbers.

Obviously, the name of the game is to get the lowest cost per lead.

We will get into this later but if you can only spend a couple of dollars to generate a lead, Adwords might not be the best place start. I would look at Facebook or Instagram. You will have difficulty reaching your goals with Adwords unless you find a way to increase your prices and profits per customer.

Either way, you have to test it.

Dan Kennedy says, “He who can spend the most per lead wins.”

Russell Brunson is always preaching that it’s ok to break even to obtain a customer. He will even lose money because he knows profit’s are made further down the funnel.

The Lifetime Value of a customer is important.

Fast forward to Jan 2016

It was time to start scaling up. The new website was up, Instagram ads were working and our Facebook strategy was in place.


Spend: $8,185.35
Number of Leads: 117
Cost Per Lead: $84.62
Click to Conversion: 5.69% to 10.53%

Facebook and Instagram

Spend: $4665
Number of Leads 446
Cost Per Leads: $10.45

As you can see, the website adjustments made a big impact on our conversions. We saw a 35% decrease in Cost Per Lead and close to 87% increase in Click to Conversion.

You will also notice that Facebook and Instagram campaigns really added to the number of leads.

Our Cost Per Lead is way lower on Facebook and Instagram, but those leads are not as high of quality as Adwords.

There is a difference between people who are actively searching and people you interrupt. Facebook and Instagram are interruption techniques. Meaning they are not actively searching for our product or service.

There is a longer sales cycle, but the ROI is still big.

What I love about Facebook and Instragram ads are the shares, likes, and comments. Here is the Instagram video ad we are running.



Take note of the comments and shares. This is powerful because we are getting free customers. When one person sees our ad and thinks their friend needs it, they share the ad.

This is like an instant endorsement.

These are factors that are extremely hard to measure. All I know is that things are working.

For example…

In one day Wes, our sales VP, had $18,000 in sales from Instagram Ads.

We spent around $150 on ads that day. The whole month of January we spent $4665 on ads for both Facebook and Instagram.

I do not have the exact amount of sales that came in from Facebook and Instagram, but it was a lot (still trying to track them more effectively).

These are exciting numbers.

The Plan Moving Forward:

Over the coming weeks I plan to increase ad spend by $3000 and make some more adjustments.

The goal is to lower or maintain the same Cost Per Lead.

Here are some key factors that contributed to our success in the month of January.

  • New Website Design
  • New Facebook and Instagram Video Ads
  • Lookalike Audience Created from Conversion
  • Increase Ad Spend

I will create a separate blog post about Lookalike Audiences because I think Facebook changed their algorithm a few weeks back. It was a good change because their effectiveness increased dramatically (more to come).

In the meantime, good luck scaling your ad spend. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to discuss your business.

I am excited for what 2016 holds.

Happy Scaling…

Thanks for reading.

Scaling A Business With Adwords, Facebook, and Instagram Video Ads. Part 1

Finally 60-Second Instagram Ads Are Here

I did not see this one coming, but I am sure glad it did.

Instagram has announced that we will no longer be strapped to a 30-second Instagram Video ad. We now have the ability to run 60-second Instagram video ads. This will give marketers a little bit longer to deliver their message.

It’s a great move.

In the coming days, I am going to run a couple of tests to compare a 30 and 60-second video ad.

It should be interesting.

Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Since the launch of Instagram in 2010 Instagrammers have taken the world by storm.

According to in January 2013 there were 90 million users and that number has skyrocketed to over 400 million as of September 2015.

Aside from the number of users alone, Instagram is a unique and progressive choice for marketing your brand. You need Instagram video marketing for your business.

What makes IG so great for brand marketing is the way that IGers relate to each other. Instagramming is all about showing your personality which allows brands to reach out and connect with their followers on a personal level. Instagram video marketing is your best bet.

Structurally, Instagram was built to be mobile and to give its users the ability to have a visual social media “diary” documenting their life on the go.

Now its essential for a lot businesses and Instagram video marketing is a huge key to their success.

Due to the intimate connection brands have made with their followers, Instagram was named the most effective social media platform for business in 2013 by Mobile Marketing Magazine.

That’s exactly why you need to be doing Instagram video marketing to run a more successful business.

In 2013 Instagram gave us the ability to share videos which does much more than just put an ad out there, it portrays the identity of your company.

Instagram has been mainly a hot spot for the tech savvy and “in touch” crowd, unlike Facebook where everyone has a friend like their cat lady Aunt Edna and of course, their Mom.

Considering this, brand marketing via IG takes on a new spin. Brands illustrate “who they are” and how their identity relates to their followers.

Producing a marketing video for Instagram is relatively simple due to the mobile intent of IG. Capturing a video doesn’t require fancy cameras and sound equipment, it can be recorded on any smart phone or tablet.

Keeping that in mind creating a video for your brand has endless possibilities. For instance, if you are a coffee company a quick video of coffee being brewed in the morning would be brand representation.

Starbucks has perfectly demonstrated dynamic marketing with their followers. As a powerful entity which has a store on what seems like every corner, their online presence has followed suit.

An impeccable example of an Instagram marketing video is a simple panning view of a Starbucks location with a line out the door and the Baristas doing amusing tricks while serving up a beverage.

That video has over 58 thousand likes.

Once you have your video ready to gram adding hashtags is a great way to increase your views.

Instagrammers often search hashtags to find new accounts to follow, so if you hashtag correctly you can acquire new followers.

Being responsible with your hashtags is very important.

Because of the way hashtags are constructed the words flow together and sometimes can be misconstrued.

Make sure it reads easily, one bad example of a hashtag is #susanalbumparty which was etched into the internet forever to promote the album release party of Susan Boyle.

Being a brand on Instagram is all about keeping followers engaged through a personal conversation.

With that being said your followers want to be a part of your process, not just a receptor for ad campaigns.

Whether your video content is an exciting new product reveal or a peek behind the scenes, you can say a lot with so little in the short 3-15 second time limit.

If you want to read more about instagram, check out this article 

7 Things I Have Learned Running Thousands In Instagram Sponsored Ads

7 Things I Have Learned Running Thousands In Instagram Sponsored Ads

Since October of 2015, we have been creating, running, and testing Instagram Sponsored ads. It’s now 2019 and we are still running Instagram Ads.

I’ve become obsessed because I think the platform is the perfect way to advertise certain products or services. It’s not just for branding. We have used Intagram ads for Plumbers, Body Sculpting, Helicopter Tours, Marketers and more. 

Intagram has worked for all of them. This post was orginally created back in 2015. We are now going to update it with the latest information on Instagram. 

Here’s your 2020 Instagram Marketing guide. 

Instagram has come out with Stories and all the new features, it’s becoming a great tool for businesses.

Here’s a quick screenshot of the most popular social media networks. 

Instagram ads are one of the most powerful tools we have as business owners.

Our path has not been all roses, but we have been able to achieve a huge ROI. Whether you’re looking to spend $5 a day advertising to a single zip code or $50,000 a day reaching fans everywhere, you can find your ideal target audience.

Make sure you give us some love and comment if you have any other ideas or suggestions below. I want articles to be the go-to place for Instagram Ads.

Before we get started I want to explain something about Instagram.

Instagram was purchased by Facebook for an obscene amount of money.

They control Instagram advertising. The way you advertise on Instagram is through the Facebook ads manager. When I show you how to create ads I will be using Facebook’s Ad Manager.

I have had some people get confused in the past and have no Idea how the 2 of them are connected. 

Let’s jump into the top 7 things I have learned running Instagram Ads.

1. Instagram does not scale perfectly. There is a sweet spot.

What do I mean by this?

Let’s say you are spending $20 dollars a day on ads and your cost per conversion is $1.89. Common sense would tell you that if you increase your daily spend to $100 your cost per conversion should stay at $1.89 or close to it (assuming you have a big enough audience).

This has not been the case. As you will see, by the image below every time I increase my Instagram daily spend, my cost per result increases. Often times it will triple the cost. How do you overcome this?

You create more ads. Instead of increasing your daily spend, I suggest you create more ads. For now, that has been my workaround and it is working.

Instagram Sponsored Ad Results

Over the past 3 years there has been a big change in this. It is more scaleable, but the cost of Instagram leads are higher than Facebook. 

Here is a screen shot of our Facebook Ad Manger  where we show you the cost per. You will see that Instagram is a lot higher, but we have found the quality to be better. 

2. Lookalike Audience or Custom Audience will give you excellent results.

Facebook (Instagram) is under pressure from Wall Street to produce earnings. They can not do this unless advertisers are spending money. Advertisers will not spend money unless it is working. The more our ads produce for us, the more we will spend on Facebook and Instagram.

It’s a vicious cycle but one that benefits all of us. Facebook has taken everything they have learned from Facebook ads and applied it to Instagram ads.

Facebook/Instagram wants you to be successful, and their algorithm is extremely good at finding your ideal customers, as long as you give them the parameters.

Custom audiences and Lookalike audiences offer a simple and automated way to put your message in front of an audience that you know will perform well.

Here is how you will do that.

A. Create a custom audience from your Conversions. Meaning, place your conversion pixel on your Thank You page.


B. Create a Lookalike audience from your Conversion audience.


3. Instagram Does Work For Direct Response Advertisers

When Instagram Sponsored Ads appeared in 2014, it was for brand awareness. Now, we are seeing direct response advertisers getting big results.

Instagram is a direct response advertiser’s dream. You can create highly visual static ads or video ads and drive traffic to your landing pages.

It’s extremely easy to communicate your message which is what direct response marketers need.

Here are a couple of examples.

4. Your Target Audience Is Most Likely On Instagram

If you are searching for Lawyers, Doctors, CEOs, CMOs, Mothers, Fathers or Teenagers you are going to find them on Instagram.

Instagram currently has 300 million active users. Your target audience will be there.

The money is made in the audience. The most common mistake is people do not spend enough time researching their audience. Spend a couple of hours creating the perfect audience. Not 5 minutes!

5. Video Ads Create Better Engagement

A little unknown fact about Instagram ads is that you can run 60 second sponsored video ads. You are not limited to the 15-second video post.

Instagram has increased the amount of time you can run a video as long as you are running an ad. This is a nice little benefit. A 60-second ad is that it gives us a chance to deliver our message.

With video, you are able to deliver your message with words, images, and music. It’s much more entertaining and useful for your future customers.

It’s kind of a no-brainer.

These last two lessons are more for encouragement and motivation and might be the most important.

I have added a whole section to the bottom of this Articles where I give you a simple guide on why kinds of videos work.

6. Don’t quit too soon. You are going to screw up and lose money

Like everything that is worth doing, Instagram ads take money and endurance. If you have zero budget, don’t plan on running Instagram ads. If you’re a whine bag and expect instant results, try the yellow pages and Radio ads. Their ads always work…haha

And another thing…

I can’t tell you how many times I get people wanting to run ads with zero budget. If you can’t pay, you can’t play.

If you do have a budget, be prepared to make mistakes that will cost money. Keep moving forward. As long as you have a good product that produces value, you will get buyers.

7. It Is Only Going To Get Better

Since we started running Instagram ads in October, Instagram advertising interest is skyrocketing. Costs are going to increase, but at the same time, it is only going to get better.

Facebook is losing traction and Instagram is gaining. I can’t believe the amount of time and energy wasted on scrolling through Instagram posts.

Even though I want to advertise to 30+-year-olds, my ads are still being shown to 15-year-olds. Things like that will get adjusted.

Instagram will improve their platform and their targeting options are going to also get better. Instagram wants to get the right ad in front of the right people.

Don’t miss it.

Instagram Case Study

45 days ago we took on a Click that does HD Body sculpting. It’s a type of liposuction that gets rid of fat in a couple of hours.

Within a day we created the website, built out the social media account, and started running ads.

You can see by the screenshot below that Instagram produced 123 Consultation in a 30 day time period.


I have created video tutorials on How to Run Instagram Ads. There are also other blogs that will give you some tips.

I have put their links below.

If you’re looking for a marketing company to help you generate leads, request a FREE Marketing Proposal.

Thanks for reading the 7 Things I Have Learned Running Thousands In Instagram Sponsored Ads

Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketing

Why You Should Be Running Instagram Video Sponsored Ads


Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketing 2016. Get Ready

Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketing 2016. Get Ready

The struggle is real. It is Jan 13th and I have yet to put my first post out. But I have a great excuse, #ydrawcruise2016. Each year around this time we take our employees and their spouse on a cruise. This Instagram post sums it up.


I have so much I need to show you, so let’s jump in.

You’re about to read the absolute best information on Instagram Video Ads for 2016. A guide on YouTube and Facebook is coming later. I will share this information in 3 separate posts (hopefully, they all will be done in the next 7 days).

This year is going to be a big for my companies! What about yours? Have you set your goals? Are you using Instagram, Facebook and YouTube ads? Are your ads in place?  I am about to show you a marketing plan you need to have in place.


Instagram Video Ad Update.

Instagram ads became available to the public toward the end of 2015. We were prepared and had been waiting for the time when we could start running ads on Instagram. Facebook was already working well so we were excited for this new platform.

When that day arrived, we were ecstatic to hear that we can run 30-second video ads. We quickly took action and created 30-second Instagram Video ads for Ydraw and a couple for our dental clients.

Here’s what they look like:

(You’re seeing the full version of the dental video.) The Video ads were cut from our YouTube and Facebook videos. YouTube and Facebook allow for longer ads. Once you have the video in place, you can start running Instagram Video Ads.

  • Open up your Facebook ad manager and create an ad
  • Create a target audience. (Spend a lot of time on this step. The money is made in your audience creation.)
  • Select where you want that ad to run. Pick Instagram.
  • Upload your video and write the text for your ad.
  • Run the ad      **At the bottom of the post there’s a question and answer section with detailed instructions. **

I put together a simple tutorial on how to run Instagram Ads. You can gain instant access by filling out the form. I created this just for you guys because I am so nice… 🙂

[et_bloom_locked optin_id=”optin_8″]

Our Instagram Sponsored Video Ad Results

This is where everything gets really exciting. Just yesterday I called my sales rep and asked him how many new Ydraw clients came in from Instagram. On Monday, we closed $18,000 in sales just from our Instagram ads. If I spend $18,000 on ads, that would not be that impressive.

I didn’t!

I spent…

$120 dollars that day on Instagram ads. Do the math. Those are some scalable numbers. Meaning I will be able to up my ad spend drastically and get a lot more sales.

That is the key to scaling any business. You find a source that will generate a lot of leads and traffic, make sure the numbers work and increase your ad spend quickly.  Here is a screenshot on one of the ads that I am running.

Instagram Video ads

Spent: $2989.89

Reach: 135,402

Comments: 89

Likes: 3031

Sales: $58,000+

Shares: 72

*People Taking Action: 55,796 (The number of unique people who took an action such as liking your page or installing your app as a result of your ad. For example, if the same person likes and comments on a post, they will be counted as 1 unique person.)


Here is the actual Instagram Video Ad. One of the reasons the ad is so successful is the fact that whiteboard animation videos work great and it helps that our video is entertaining. When creating your video you have to remember to entertain first and educate second. If you do it right, people will comment, like, and share you post. The power of Instagram comes from the comments and shares. It’s not just about the traffic and leads. If you need a video you are always welcome to visit We will do everything for you.

For those of you with a very tight budget, you can start running ads for $5 dollars a day. We have a couple of clients that spend $5 and get great results. Here are some numbers from one of our Dental Clients. He spends about $5 a day on this ad. You can see he got 46 website visitors for $36.62.


Now that you see how effective Instagram video ads can be are you ready to get started? You can choose to do this for yourself, or we would be happy to run your ads for you. Click here if you would like to sign up.

Here’s a list of different targeting options you might want to consider (this list does not include everything).

  1. Remarketing: Anyone who visits your website
  2. Conversion Lookalike Audience: Track your conversion and then create a lookalike audience.
  3. Standard Audience: Your ideal client (soccer mom, 38 years old, San Diego, etc…)
  4. Customer Audiences: We can target your customers
  5. All Contact: We like to take all of your contacts and run Instagram Ads to them.

Once your audience is nailed down you will need to create your ad. Just follow the tutorial or the instructions below.

Good luck and let us know if you have any questions. Keep an eye out for our next posts. This is part one of a three-part series. In the next couple of days, you will find a guide on Facebook Videos Ads and YouTube Video Ads.

If you found this information helpful, leave a comment or share it. This helps me know what type of material is helping your business.

Have a great day! Thanks for reading the…Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketing 2016.

Instagram Sponsored Ads Question and Answer

Q. How Do I Add My Instagram Account To My Facebook Page?

A. Go to your Facebook page and in the top-right of your page click Instagram Ads. To add an existing Instagram account to your page, click Add an Account. Enter your Instagram account’s username and password, and click next.

To create a new Instagram account and add it to your Facebook Page:

Go to your Facebook Page and in the top-right of your page click Instagram Ads. If you need to create a new Instagram account, click create a new account, enter an email username for the Instagram account, and click next.

An email will be sent to the email address specified. Follow the directions in the email to set the password for your new Instagram account.

You should now have an Instagram account connected to your Facebook Page. Whenever you use your Facebook page to create ads that will run on Facebook, you can use your new Instagram account to show those same ads on Instagram.

Q. Should I Run Ads On Both Facebook and Instagram?

A. Yes, but make sure you create 2 separate ad sets/campaigns. Facebook and Instagram will tell you differently but they want you to spend more money…