Would you like to grow your practice?
LIMITED AVAILABILITY: Now Accepting 3 Medical Practice Owners.

In 30 Days We Created 484 Consultation Requests and 148 Facebook/Instagram Messenger Conversations. You won’t believe what it cost us!

Apply Now, it is a perfect time to get started.  Don’t wait! This is the only Risk-Free Way To Generate Leads To Grow Your practice Quickly and Responsibly Guaranteed! With social media, ads, videos, and specific targeting we can book you quality consultations. See how we took one start-up medical spa from zero to 484 consultation request in 1 month. Fill out the form, click submit, and get a full marketing proposal.

Here’s the latest screenshot of a campaign. Notice the cost per lead on the right ($3 average. Goes up to $12 per lead).

Case Study

The Back Story

Belle Medical Vegas just opened two locations and needed to start generating leads.

Belle does HD body sculpting for people looking to remove unwanted fat. It was something new in Las Vegas.

If you are trying to market anything that has to do with Plastic Surgery, Functional Medicine, Spas, or Fitness; Instagram, Google ads, Instagram, and Facebook are a must.

The problem is… there’s a lot competition. You have to look legit and create good content. 

The Opportunity

Marketing Hy and Belle Medical Vegas decided to do the following: 

  • Create a new website
  • Start social media campaigns
  • Use active campaign for the CRM
  • Create a better user experience with videos
  • Buy Traffic
  • User Influencers
  • Start ads on Facebook, Google, & Instagram
  • Rank website for HD body sculpting

The Creative Assets

The Website

Online marketing starts with the website and your message. We build the site and find the right message. We basically discover the why behind your product or service.

A Cool Video

A simple explainer video can help increase conversions and engagement. We build these videos for your practice.

Traffic Generating Activity

Email Campaign, Google ads, YouTube, Facebook and other social media accounts are a must if you plan on running an effective campaign.  Just click on the images to see the different things we created. 

The Results

A Happy Customer

Instagram followers are now at 4,000 and growing. All done organically.

Day 1 of campaign we had 38 pageviews and 2 consults. By day 2, we had 258 pageviews and 11 consults. By day 3…we had 348 pageviews and 23 consults.

In one day we create 54 requests for consults. That was our record.

Hey, my name is Jace and I want to share something exciting with you.

We have created a marketing system that can deliver 20 leads a day to your business.  These are not just any normal email leads. They are people looking for a Consultations.

Is this something that you need?

If so, keep reading.

First I want to tell you what our system is not…

  • It is NOT just another “marketing gimmick” that will be gone tomorrow.
  • It is NOT free – yet our system will actually make you money.
  • It is NOT about increasing your conversion – yet our marketing system will increase your conversion MORE than any other marketing tactics you may be using.
  • It is NOT a system you can simply “test or try” – yet leads could come in one day one.

We created a predictable marketing plan that will grow your influence and audiences permanently.

Medical practices lose out on customers because they fail to take advantage of the tools and systems available.

If you are failing to get patients and leads, we need to talk.

Fill out the form and I personally will reach out to you.

I love talking business and I promise to not waste your time.

Get a marketing proposal and book a 30 minute strategy call

We will examine your business, website, and social media and show you mistakes being made, immediate changes and how you can increase business.