Treatment Center Marketing Videos

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Video Marketing Campaigns Created For Treatment Centers

Once you have a video, that tells a story, its time to put it to work. We have found that Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are a great way to spread the word about your Addiction Treatment Program.


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Video stories that our Addiction treatment programs can brand.

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Addiction Treatment Marketing Starts With The Video

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Great question. It’s because we have found a way for Behavior Health Facilities to spread their message without breaking the bank and we want to share it. It takes a lot of work to build out an effective rehab marketing campaign, but it needs to be done. Google has pretty much covered the first page with ads. If you do not want to pay $100 a click, you need our system. It all starts with a story.

[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″][et_pb_blurb title=”The Addiction Story” url_new_window=”off” use_icon=”off” use_circle=”off” use_circle_border=”off” icon_placement=”top” animation=”top” background_layout=”light” use_icon_font_size=”off” header_text_color=”#000000″ border_style=”solid” header_font=”|on|on||” header_font_size=”20″ background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” _builder_version=”3.0.55″]

A great marketing campaign begins with a story. You will want to capture the story with a video. You can do this with a simple phone or a professional camera. We have found that the results are about the same. When a struggling drug addict watches a story that is similar to theirs…they will listen.

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Whenever we launch an ADDICTION TREATMENT MARKETING CAMPAIGN we like to start with the Character. Who’s the person we are trying to reach? Do we have a past patient that can share their story with us? Are they likable? Can the drug addict relate. It’s important that your video shoot has the right character.

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After you have identified the character, you need to outline their desire. What do most treatment programs do? They tend to talk about themselves. How they have the best program, the nicest facility, best locations, etc. This is not marketing. Marketing is about talking the same language as the drug addict. They have a real desire to get better and you need to have your Character talk about that desire.

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We all know the battle that takes place with addiction. All great stories have some type of conflict. Addiction is one of the greatest conflicts of all. It’s real and our character has to talk about it. Theirs an inner battle and an outer. Make sure they explain just how much of a fight recovery took. I also like to revert back to great movies. The greater the conflict or battle, the more we feel. We are emotion creatures, and that emotion drives most of our decisions.

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Every great story has to have a resolution. When creating your video, your Treatment or Therapy is the ultimate solution. Its what will win the conflict and fulfill the desire.

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Our Offer For Your Treatment Program.

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How to generate qualified leads and patients with video without spending outrageous amounts of money on marketing.

The first thing I want to mention is that if you’ve struggled marketing your program or if you are spending huge amounts of money and not getting the results you think you should, it’s not your fault. There’s a lot of information out there and it an be overwhelming.

Just yesterday I spoke with the Marketing Director for a detox center. She said they have tried everything and have wasted thousands of dollars on lead, phone calls and ppc. She had been struggling and couldn’t seem to get things figured out.

I want to put those fears to rest. You can do this. You just need the right system and person to show you how it works.

Our Goal is:

1. For those who are beginners, you’ll get step by step instruction on how to create your video message, deliver that message so that you can find more patients.

2. For those who are experienced and think you have tried everything. We’re going to show you out to adjust your campaigns to get the absolute best return on your marketing budget.

3. We want to show you that the best way to create your message is through a video story and the most effective way to deliver that story is through Social Media.

7+ years of experience

Since 2009, our team has been engaged in online marketing services for different addiction treatment programs. We are experts in web design, PPC, SEO, conversion rate optimization and social media marketing. When video started to dominate the web, Marketing Hy was the one of the first to take advantage of the trend.

Our 5 start reputation

A good reputation is hard to keep in the online marketing world. Some businesses are just not going to be successful. We work to maintain customer happiness and keep an open line of communication at all times.

Our marketing team

The Marketing Hy team prides itself on making customers happy. Our team is made up of hard-working, bright individuals from a number of different backgrounds, including analytics, creative writing, business, and statistics. We are confident that you can trust our suggestions because we only want what is best for your business.

Where Is Your Current Video Strategy?

Contact our sales team to find out where your current video marketing strategy stands. If you do not have one, that is ok. Our custom video marketing proposal will give you give you strategic ideas you can act on immediately.

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How many of you would like to get Addiction Recovery Leads for you addiction program for 1/10th the cost?

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