Is Your Drug Detox Center In Trouble?

Is Your Drug Detox Center In Trouble?

How To Market For A Drug Detox Center

Drug Detox Centers Might Have A Problem!

Recently we came across an article that was released by the verge It was titled Google is cracking down On sketchy rehabs. Let’s just say they did. Google has gone in and disabled Keywords that are related to drug rehab programs, Drug rehab treatment centers, And basically anything drug rehab related. Just to give you an understanding the drug rehab industry is a billion dollar industry. The cost per click for these industries are around $100 per click. These treatment centers relied solely on Google to generate their business via pay per click, and now are probably freaking out!


Drug detox center keywords that have been disabled

  • Drug rehab near me
  • Detox center
  • Addiction recovery center
  • Addiction recovery treatment
  • Addiction recovery
  • Opioid Recovery
  • Drug treatment
  • Drug treatment near me

This list literally could keep going on and on. But I just wanted to give you a list of ideas that if you were to Google these phrases no ads will show in regards to the search phrases. Everything at this point for drug detox centers is falling back to the concepts of SEO.


Drug Detox Center Solution For Marketing

Rank YouTube Videos

Ranking YouTube videos is one of The fastest ways that we can get your business to page 1 of Google. Now, what do we mean by rank?Know what we mean by rank is We can rank your video for specific search terms such as, “(States name) Treatment center near me” or (States name) Rehab near me”. When someone googles those phrases your business is showing up on page one. The first solution for your drug detox center is get your videos ranked on google.


Shoot More Videos

Videos are one of the fastest growing things across the Internet. Videos will definitely help brand your business, they will get you the SEO (search engine optimization) you’re looking for, better yet leads and sales. You should easily be creating at least one video a week. There’re way too many resources out there to not allow you to do this. Solution number two is getting out there and shooting more videos!


YouTube ads

YouTube ads are very affordable, In this particular campaign that we are running, we are getting $.05 Video views. Our view rate is around 40% which means 40% of our audience is actually engaging with our video, and we have over 7000 impressions. If no one knows your businesses I will tell you what.YouTube it is a fast and easy way to get your message out there. Solution number three is pay for Youtube ads.


Facebook ads

Link Clicks

The one ad platform that has not been shut down yet for drug detox centers is Facebook. Facebook has so many different variations of Marketing that can work for your business. There are different ways you can market to specific audiences to generate leads, sells, and conversions. This particular ad campaign is running Clicks to the site to see how much our cost per click is around. In this particular instance, we are averaging $1 to $.50. These clicks to site are real people visiting your site. If you were advertising on Google you were paying around $100 per click. Facebook is just a little bit cheaper.


Video views

Now, this video view campaign is definitely less expensive than YouTube. You’re getting one cent video views and getting your message out there to your target audience. You’re getting two things from this campaign; One, you’re getting branding; Two, your building a list of people that are interested in your business. This is also known as remarketing.



In this particular campaign, we are remarketing to our list in two different forms one sending them back to the site to visit us again. The other one is what we call a leadgen form. It is a form That appears as an ad in the Facebook news feed, with an offer that the user has to fill out inside of Facebook to receive a free brochure about the treatment center. Thus far this campaign is getting us leads at $24.


Create A Sales Funnel For Your Drug Detox Center

Warm up your audience

There’s a bunch of different ways that you can do this. Generally speaking warming up your audiences we use Facebook ads and YouTube ad. This helps create brand awareness, and our message gets out to our target audience. The key to warming up your audience is to show them different content that your drug detox center creates such as video blogs. Your audience will start seeing these messages and will begin to trust you.

Give them something for free

Once you’ve warmed them up, you’ve introduced your business, now it’s time to give them something for free.You got to give them something that is going to educate them, and get them closer to solving their problem. We create guides or free courses that help them solve their problem. For the person to receive the guide or course they must enter their email and then you put them into what we call an email sequence.

Email sequence

Now, this is where the money is at! There’s a phrase out there that says, “The money is in the list”. People that have downloaded your free courses or your guides we know for a fact that they’re interested in your business, and what you have to offer. Now it’s time to close them inside of your email sequence. You’ll educate them about your products services and really convince them that your brand is going to fix their problem!


Your Detox Treatment Center Can Stay Alive

Just because your PPC campaigns have been shut down your business is not over. At Marketinghy, we think outside the box. We are experts in leads, sells, and conversions. We know for a fact that our system works because we apply it in our business and multiple businesses that we market for.The system works and we know if you applied to your business, your business will stay afloat. Create more videos, market your videos, get more business!

If you have any questions about your drug detox center feel free to reach out to some We love to help you out!



Video Transcription

What’s up, guys. It’s Taylor Timothy with, and today I want to talk about an article we came across. It was released by the [Verge 00:00:11] and they said, “Google’s is cracking down on sketchy rehabs.” And basically what has happened is Google has gone in and disabled a ton of keywords that are related to drug rehab centers and has completely shut them down. So some of the keywords that they released that they said were shut down were such keywords like rehab, rehab near me, anything drug detox center near me. Everything shut down for these industries.What’s up, guys. It’s Taylor Timothy with, and today I want to talk about an article we came across. It was released by the [Virge 00:00:11] and they said, “Google’s is cracking down on sketchy rehabs.” And basically what has happened is Google has gone in and disabled a ton of keywords that are related to drug rehab centers and has completely shut them down. So some of the keywords that they released that they said were shut down were such keywords like rehab, rehab near me, anything drug detox center near me. Everything shut down for these industries. The reason why they said that they shut them down is that in this article they said that they found a number of misleading experiences among rehabilitation treatment centers that lead to our decision. Overall, they said that they were ruining the entire industry as far as Google goes and just making a bad experience for users. To give you an understanding of what ads they shut down, I Googled carpet cleaning near me. Basically, these first four spots here, these are papers click ads. So to show you like drug detox near me, there are no more ads anywhere to be found on these search terms. New York drug rehab centers, again no paper click is showing up. Best drug treatment centers in the US, again, no paper click ads are showing up. So overall, this was one of the big streams of revenue for a lot of these rehab centers. A lot of companies are probably freaking out right now as far as the drug treatment centers go, but we do have a solution for you guys at Marketing Hy. What we have come to … we kind of have one thing I want to show you, it’s called ranking videos on YouTube. So to give you an example, I Googled how to clean your shoes. Right here, there’s a video that says, “How to clean your sneakers easy.”  We know how to go in and rank videos for specific keywords that pop up in SCO. So we basically could take a video such as your states name and drug detox center near me, and we could rank it so when you Google that your video is popping up on page one. That is one of the solutions we have.  I have a number of solutions for you guys that I like to go over. Number one, start shooting more videos. Number two, start ranking your videos and then using those videos that you’ve been shooting to run YouTube ads because you can still run YouTube ads. Start running Facebook video ads and overall creating a sales funnel with these videos. So the main goal is, in the sales funnel you want to warm up your audience. So make sure your audience, you’re educating your audience about your drug rehabilitation center, or rehab center, or detox center, and then going from there and offering them something for free. You guys got to educate your audience about why your drug rehab center’s the best free solutions for parent on how they can educate their children, how they can become better parents. Then last thing you need to do is educate them inside of an email sequence and continue to educate these parents on how they, can become better parents, how they can get their children back on the right path. So, overall, this is a solution, this is what’s going on in your guy’s industry. If you guys have any questions, feel free to reach out to and we would love to help you guys out. Thanks.

Examples On How To Improve Your Headlines And Drive More Traffic

Yesterday I received an email from one of our clients asking me what I thought about his headlines. It was perfect timing, because I was in the middle of writing a post on how to create headlines that can drive more engagement. Here are the headlines he sent me to review:

– What does Harvard Business think of MLM’s? (or other industry recognized experts)
– Right now I’m working 40+ hours per week.  Yet my job security, pay and satisfaction are low.  Is there a better way?
– Does it really work for someone like me?
– I don’t know how I’ll ever get ahead. I’m smart, work hard and have initiative. How can I get paid what I’m worth?

Here are the tweaked versions of his headlines I sent back:

“Who would’ve thought Harvard Business would say this about MLMs? Now I think they are complete Geniuses.”
“You might be working 40+ hours per week already. Yet nothing can prepare you for what is coming.”
“5 facts on how you can get paid what you are worth. You should see who is doing it.”
“They laughed when we showed them the secret. You should see them now!”

It doesn’t really matter the kind of content you are creating, you really need to focus on generating great headlines. By doing so you can increase engagement, social sharing, conversions, and CTR.

How To Create Great Headlines

The One Thing That Can Make All The Difference With Your Videos

The One Thing That Can Make All The Difference With Your Videos

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” The Bible

Confused yet?

Let me explain.

One of the big mistakes people make when creating a video, especially from scratch, is they don’t POLARIZE. They do not do want to offend anyone so they keep everything general.

Polarity is probably the number one reason why a video and your message fails.

We work with some of the biggest companies in the world and it’s frustrating how much effort, money, and resources are spent trying not to offend the masses. Instead of focusing their message on their fans and users, they get distracted and try and create a message that makes everyone happy.

Not saying you can’t have both…

Well actually, yes I am.

Lukewarm is the enemy.


“Please make sure the drawings include one girl, one black guy, two Chinese people, one gay guy and a tranny. We want to make sure the world knows how diverse we are.”

“Our product or service is for everyone. We have to make sure we include the following features…..”

“We can’t say that. We may offend someone.”

“Hurry take down the video because we had a complaint.”

“But ignoring a portion of our customers needs might backfire. Our complaints could skyrocket.”

Or… “We’re getting calls from some of our customers who find our video offensive. Shouldn’t we create videos that all our customers like?”

I always tell my clients that a great way to know if their marketing works…is by the number of angry responses you get. You will have haters.

“When your messages cause polarity, it attracts attention and people will pay for it. Neutrality is boring, and rarely is money made or changed created when you stay neutral. Being polar is what will attract raving fans and people who will follow you and pay for your advice.” Russel Brunson

This may hurt…

If you’re like me, you hate when people do not like you. It’s actually a real struggle for me. I come across that it doesn’t bother me, but deep down it does. I want people to like me and my intentions are to help them.

Every email sequence I send out, I will get a couple of harsh responses sent back to me. It’s frustrating and can turn into a time suck. I used to respond, but I have learned to let it go and spend time and resources with those who are my fans.

For every 100 people that love you, there’s a few that will hate.

Just move on.

“You see, marketing formulated for the masses is guaranteed to deliver quiet and understated ad copy, and creating a likable ad isn’t your goal. Again, your goal is persuasion. So choose who to lose and let the cash register determine the success of your marketing.”

Here’s a story for you.

Have you ever wanted to admit that you are #2 in your market? Me neither. I would think this would be a formula for instant disaster.

Think again.

In 1962, Avis was going under and they needed to make a change quickly. Since its inception, Hertz was the dominate player in the care rental space and AVIS was clearly going down.

So the ad agency Doyle Dane Bernbach decided to pitch a different kind of Idea to the executive. They would embrace their second-place status as a sneaky way to tout the brand’s customer service.

I have not idea how they got the executives to buy into this. I can hear the complaints now. I guess when a company is desperate they are willing to try anything.

Here is a screen shot of the ad.

“When you’re only No. 2, you try harder. Or else.”

Within a few years Avis had taken a huge market share and were no longer #2.

Here’s another one of their ads.

“Don’t be afraid to polarize people. Most companies want to create the holy grail of products that appeals to every demographic, social-economic background, and geographic location. To attempt to do so guarantees mediocrity. Instead, create great products that make segments of people very happy. And fear not if these products make other segments unhappy. The worst case is to incite no passionate reactions at all, and that happens when companies try to make everyone happy.” Guy Kawasaki

When can this polarity fire?

When you cross the line into CRAZY.

A good example of this is Kathy Griffin. She has always been polarizing and it served her well. She has made millions. You either love her or hate her. She had a loyal following that produced a lot of money and fame.


Everything came to a screeching and pathetic halt with her latest stunt. Kathy Griffin crossed the crazy line. Even her loyal fans have deserted her.

This seldom happens so do not let Kathy’s story be an excuse on why you should not push the line.

A video that is trying to target everybody: skinny, fat, big, small, old, young. May not offend. But, it’s just another flavor of vanilla. If you don’t polarize your audience, you don’t create a following.

If you do not create a following, you will not have enough persuasion to get them to purchase your product or service.


“Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya!”

How To Market and Make Money With Your Fitness Company

How To Market and Make Money With Your Fitness Company

How To Make Money and Market Your Fitness Business

1. Keep it simple. Start with 1 traffic source
2. Instagram and YouTube channel (would be my choice)
3. Post Content 1 to 2 times daily (1 year)
4. Content must be helpful
5. Gain a following
6. Create products and Services
7. Look Good and Show Results
8. Great site
9. Spend money on Ads.

Here is a video that will explaine everything in-depth. Good luck

The Video transcript. (computer generated forgive errors)

What’s up, guys? Hey, today we are gonna talk about how you can market your fitness business. I’ll tell you a little bit how we got to this point. So I have … I actually have a sister in law and then I have somebody that does our video editing. He’s starting a fitness business, so there’s been a couple of people I know that have been starting these fitness businesses, and the first question they always ask is, “Hey how do I market it? How do I make money doing this?” So what I thought, today I would do a video specifically for the fitness industry, how you guys can actually make some money from it, and what steps you need to take to actually get a following, okay? So I jumped over onto my Instagram, and I’ll talk a little bit about this, and found a simple post by Dr. Nadalski, okay? I’m gonna go over this. Let’s jump over into the steps first and then I’ll jump back into this. So first thing, whenever you’re looking to market your fitness business, what you want to do is keep it simple.

  1. Keep it simple. Pick one channel at first.

Don’t get complicated. Don’t think you need to go out there and setup a website, all your social media content, everything. It can get really overwhelming, so what you’ll end up doing is spreading yourself way too thin. And the best thing you can do is start with one source of traffic. Start with one area. If you’re gonna do YouTube, great, stick with YouTube. If you’re gonna do Facebook, Facebook. Don’t worry about doing everything at once, because once you start getting on a roll or when you start building momentum, you’re gonna be able to go into those other channels, okay? So for right now, keep it simple. Now, since it is the fitness business, number two, I think Instagram and YouTube are the places you need to be. Okay, Instagram is huge for fitness, it always has been for selling products, fitness products, for following, for getting a following.

That is where a lot of fitness people are, whether you’re in CrossFit, whether you’re a personal trainer. So I would suggest using Instagram. That’d be the very first thing, and it’s simple. You can post everyday. You can post five times a day, okay? Number three, I want you to post content. You have to be posting content one to two times daily, and plan on doing it for a whole year?

2.  Be Consistent in creating helpful content

Okay, and it cannot be hit or miss. You have to be very, very consistent. If you’re serious about going into fitness, you have to be consistent at posting this, just like you are at working out. It needs to become part of your daily routine. That way your customers, your clients, your followers, those guys can depend on you, and they’ll be looking forward to your content. Number four, the content … And this isn’t in any particular order. Your content has to be useful. It has to be helpful. If we jump back over to here, this is actually a pretty good one that I found, and this was the first one at the top of my feed.

So how bio hack your exercise for rapid progress, laugh out loud, just kidding, but there are some tips. Then look at this … Look at what he created here. This is huge. Start from selecting from activities or exercise modalities, consistency. Don’t take too much on one day. So he gives five points, and that’s actually pretty thought out content. If I keep scrolling, okay here’s a fitness, gymnastic bodies. Okay, these guys actually got a huge start just from social media. Love watching what these guys do. They do videos. So here’s videos, gymnastic bodies. They’re in a niche of kind of older people getting back into gymnastics, and grown. I mean if we look at … 140K followers, okay a year ago nothing like that. I actually … Now they have courses, everything and here’s another one … Oh gymnastic bodies, okay? So just make sure you’re out there, and obviously if you’re going into the fitness business, you’re probably on Instagram and you’re following a lot of other businesses or other fitness people. Okay, look what they’re doing. If you like what they’ve done, use it. Turn around and create your own pitch.

3. Gain a following

So if we jump back over here … So once again, content must be helpful. Make sure you create some really, really good content. Gain a following. That is the whole goal. The more people that are following you, the more views you’re getting, the better your results are gonna be as far as making money on the backend. You can go out and get sponsors. You can sell products. You can sell male plans, but the monetization usually needs to happen after you get a following, because a lot of times your following is gonna tell you what they want, whether they start asking you, “Hey do you develop male plans? Hey do you do custom workout plans for people?” Now, once you start getting a following, your next step is you need to create a product or service. This can come anywhere in the process. Okay, you can start out with a product or service and just pitch that, but you need to actually have a product or service.

Now, whether you’re gonna design male plans, workout routines, personal trainings, whatever it is you want to do, you need to create that product, create that service, and I would do it sooner than later. I wouldn’t wait till the very end, but you’re … A lot of times, like I said, your audience will give you a good idea of what you should be marketing. Seven, you are in the fitness business. You need to look good and you need to show results, so that includes customer testimonials. You need to show customer progress. People want to see that you know what you’re doing. Okay, and at first, you might be like, “Well how do I do that if I have no customers, or how do I do that?” You kind of need to fake it till you make it. Grab some people. Give them free advice. Give them free advice for testimonials. Give them a free workout. Work with them. You need to actually produce results. And then when I say, look good, we are in a world where everyone likes beauty. Everyone likes good looks.

4. Look good

Now, this isn’t saying that because if you’re not handsome or if you’re overweight, you can’t have a niche. Nice thing is with Instagram with everything, you can fill a niche, okay? You might be not a skinny trainer. You might not look the best, that’s okay. You might be an amazing person at creating content or making people feel good. You can still get a good following, okay? But it’s a lot easier if you’re gonna take good pictures, if you’re gonna look good doing it. That really works on Instagram. And then eight, you can go into other things, and I just put get a good website. Then you can move into other channels, Facebook. You can do YouTube. There’s so many different channels. Now, something that I didn’t put in here that could accelerate this is spend money on ads. Anymore with Facebook, with Instagram, YouTube, Google, you can spend a lot of money on ads or you can spend very little. So my suggestion is, checkout some of our other videos that we’ve created where you can learn how to run simple Instagram ads, okay? It’s very easy and spend $5 a day doing it.

There’s so many tutorials out there, including our own, where you can learn how to run ads, and that can speed up your acceleration. Now, something else you can do, this is a little bit of cheating. It’s a little bit of hack, is you can buy followers. So if you’re starting out slow and you only have one or two followers, if you need a boost to get 2,000 3,000 followers or sponsors, whatever you want to call them, you can get those. You can get likes. We’ve helped some companies where their sponsors want to see followers. Their sponsors want to see likes, and there’s been a lot of pressure on some people where we just say, okay, let’s boost you, and we went out there and bout real followers, real likes. That is just a little hack you can do, but that’s it. So just to recap, make sure your content’s really good. I mean the most important things you can do are content, creation that is really good. Make sure people like it and it takes time to learn how to do that.

You just need to keep putting out content day in and day out, and let the audience tell you what they’re liking. Okay? So there it is. That is how to make money and market your fitness business. If you do need help, obviously, you can always go to or you can go visit our YouTube channel, where we teach you how to create ads, how to setup ads, how to run good ads, stuff like that. Got it? Thanks for listening. Have a good day. See you.

How To Make Money and Market Your Fitness Business

1. Keep it simple. Start with 1 traffic source
2. Instagram and YouTube channel (would be my choice)
3. Post Content 1 to 2 times daily (1 year)
4. Content must be helpful
5. Gain a following
6. Create products and Services
7. Look Good and Show Results
8. Great site
9. Spend money on Ads.