How to Market Your Product Or Service On YouTube

How to Market Your Product Or Service On YouTube

This is the 3 post in 3 days. I am on a roll. Today we are going to learn…

How to marketing your product or service on YouTube

I get calls all the time from people wanting to know how they can push out their product or service on YouTube. It’s not too complicated especially since you have this video.


1. Create a good product or service
2. Get a video
3. Run YouTube Ads
-Find videos related to your business
-Find your competitors
-Create ads

Here is the video transcript. Forgive the errors it’s done by a computer.

Hey this is Jace with Marketing Hy and today we are going to go over how to market your product or service on YouTube. Throughout the day I’ve gotten a few calls on people calling up. One of them’s an eCommerce product, another one is, well, eCommerce. I mean, it’s a health product. It’s sport cream. Another one called up, they run an insurance company, another one does a lending company, so I’ve been getting all these calls and the first thing they want to know is, “How to market my product or service on YouTube.” I’m going to go over that, so this video we will discuss your product, how to get it on YouTube, the different things you need to do, different things you can watch out for, so we will jump right in. I’m going to try to keep this short. We’ll see.

Number one, anytime anyone goes to market anything, you have to make sure that you have created a good product or service. You cannot market junk, it’s hard. Now, there might be a product or service that no one wants but a particular group of people in this world want, that’s fine. There’s a big difference between rare and a junk product. You just have to make sure your product is good. I get worried when people come to me and they say, “Hey, I have a new product. No one has ever done this” because immediately when I hear something like that I’m like, “Okay, so you have no competitors?” Usually if you have zero competitors in your market, it’s not a good sign. Just make sure you have a good product or a good service, and that is going to be the best step because I’ve seen a lot of companies where they actually have a bad service.

They go out there and they will spend all this money marketing, they start to grow while their service is terrible, and then the whole company collapse. Got it? Once you have that product or service, you need to make sure you get a good message and then get a good video behind it. The video, like I said on an earlier video this week, we discussed different things you can do with your videos or different ways or different companies you can use to actually create your videos. It doesn’t need to be expensive but you need to get a video. Now, what’s a good video? Something that identifies who you are, what you do, why it matters to them, and then tells them how they should take action.

Another formula we use over at Ydraw is a good header, something that grabs their attention, identify the problem, give them a solution and then do a strong call to action. You can do a video in many different ways but it needs to include those types of things. If you’re creating this video on your own, go read about how to create a good script, and there’s a lot of material out there and also we have a lot of material just on Also,, there’s a lot there, too. Got it? Third, run YouTube Ads. Let’s jump over into the YouTube campaign and I didn’t mean to click on that. Here’s your YouTube channel, and here is an AdWords account.

All of your marketing and stuff, you should be running through the AdWords platform. I don’t really like to go out to other platforms. Like, I’ve seen some other YouTube platforms that just aren’t that great. They’re just tying into the API. Okay, so jump over here and on the left hand side you’re going to see a video campaign. I just created this one, so you can see we’ve been running it for a few days and costs, we’ve spent about $70 on it. This is going after my competitors, so the nice thing is on video ads, you’re able to identify the very videos you want to go after. Let’s assume that you’re in the insurance business. Insurance. I had a guy call me on this today. First thing you do is identify videos that are in the insurance, and then you just click on them.

Speaker 2: So how often …
Jace Vernon: Okay, and you look for a little yellow tag.
Speaker 3: All right. We’re …
Jace Vernon: Sometimes there’s keywords, they have them, sometimes they don’t. I’ll show you. Oh, right there.

Jace Vernon: See how this thing went yellow? Well, there’s two ways. There’s an ad that’s playing in front of that. Obviously if there’s an ad there you know immediately that you can put your insurance video in front of this insurance video and piggyback off their ranking. You’ll see also that what YouTube does is they put your ad right here. “Visit advertiser site.” You not only have the video playing here, it’s popped over here. Right now what you do is take this URL down, bring up text, whatever you want, and you just keep it going. You just record, or you just take down the URL of the videos you can play in front of. That one, no. That one, no. I’m trying to find.

Speaker 5: Good morning, guys.
Jace Vernon: You’ll want to do a mixture of different keywords. Obviously I’m just going after a broad keyword, “insurance.”
Speaker 6: Let’s go to Kelly in Missouri. You are on [crosstalk 00:05:46].
Jace Vernon: What I’m looking for is a little tiny yellow tag. Especially if you find a direct competitor that’s allowing ads on their videos, it’s actually kind of funny. I’ve got a lot of leads from that.
Speaker 7:
Jace Vernon: Right there. There’s your next one. The psychology to selling life insurance. Great. There’s an ad, you can run an ad right there. This is IBM, and you’ll notice that these are not really relevant but yours is going to be relevant. You don’t get charged a view until somebody has watched past 30 seconds. If I skip this ad.
Speaker 7: [inaudible 00:06:25] aware of what’s happening right now? We’re facing [inaudible 00:06:27].
Jace Vernon: I skip it, they did not get charged. Got it? Their ad stays up here. That ad’s going to sit there throughout the videos, so I hope you can see the value. That’s one way. You can go through an identify the very videos you want to play on. You take that, come down here, and paste that URL, and just keep going. I like to do a mixture of 10 different keywords, go down a couple pages. Now, there’s an easier way to do this but sometimes it’s not always that great. Let’s go into this campaign, I’m going to show you. Under video targeting, you just go over here to placements. Here’s your options. You can target them by demographics, you can target them by interest, remarketing. Remarketing tags, I love those, placement.

I’m not running any placements here but you can just go here and pick your … Search for placement. Insurance, insurance. I’ll just match it. You have YouTube channels or YouTube videos and I like to add both. It says I’m missing something. Add manually, obviously the URLs that we have, I want to add manually. Search for insurance, and it’s going to give you all these channels. It’s also going to give you these videos. These are all videos on insurance, but here’s the problem. Oh, that’s actually a probably good one. Some of them do not allow ads. Even though YouTube is telling you you can market on them, that is not always the case. Well, more often than not it’s not the case, okay?

It goes back to you want to hand search to be safe, and then all you do is add them over and then you save that and it’ll put those placements there. Got it? That’s a simple way. Your other options are you have remarketing, obviously you can upload your own lists. You can see I just barely uploaded a LinkedIn list. You can do your whole contact list. Topics, if you want to add topics, Google gives you a lot of topics and then there’s something called “in market.” You have infinity audiences, that’s for bigger reach. If you want to do return on investment, well Google is keeping track of all your searches, so they know that someone’s looking for SEO and SEM services, so you can click here and you can go after those people that are looking for those services or have those interests.

Business, technology, we did say insurance, so let’s see if we can see find something on. You’ve got auto, mortgage, term, auto, health, home, life, travel. You can pick those and then save them, and then Google will go out there and find those people interested and show them your video. Got it? Great way to get some attention. Now, remember, your video needs to have a call to action at the end. You need to have it uploaded onto YouTube to be able to do things like this, but I hope you know it’s a great way to target your audience. You can go out there and target them by infinity audiences, you can target them by in market which I just told you what they were, you can target them by exact placements, and then also you can do keywords.

Keywords is not an exact science like it is on a normal search, but it is working. You just want to test it out. Go out there, test out your videos, and see which ones convert. Test out different call to actions, links, but don’t quit after your first try. Don’t go out there and say, “Okay, I tried it. Didn’t work.” I’ve been able to get 13 cent conversions from YouTube which is excellent, and when I say conversion, it’s not an actual purchase. It’s where they leave their email address or they give me a call, something like that. If you have questions, visit us over at That’s Marketing, If you need a video, go to We’d be happy to help you, and that is it. See ya.

How to marketing your product or service on YouTube

Simple Video Marketing Strategies Guide – Video Marketing Strategy

Simple Video Marketing Strategies Guide – Video Marketing Strategy

There are so many different Video Marketing Strategies that you can be using for your business. This blog post will show you a simple Video Marketing Strategy where we use Google Analytics, Google Adwords and YouTube. We are going to show you how to build a remarketing list from your Google Analytics account. The list will be pulled from your Adwords account.

The nice thing about this strategy is you can spend $5 dollars a day on it. If you pay 12 cents per view that will give you 42 views a day. That means 42 people are watching your message. It’s a great way to start.

Watch the video and see exactly how it’s done.

Here is the simple video Transcript forgive the errors

Hey, what’s up everyone? Today we’re going to go over a unique video marketing strategy. You’re going to need a couple of things to get started: AdWords account, an Analytics account and a YouTube video. So, let’s get started.

First off, what you’re going to do you’re going to- you want to be over here in your Analytics account. Okay, so the whole strategy is we’re going to design a campaign that is going to work off of our AdWords; it’s going to use Analytics account, plus our YouTube channel. And the whole idea is we’re going to pull in people from our PPC campaign, okay, people who have clicked on our Ads, or who have looked at something from our ads. So, if they had clicked on our ad, obviously we want to target them with a remarketing campaign. So, we’re going to set up a campaign that goes exactly with the exact AdWords campaign, and I hope that makes sense. So basically- I’ll make sense as I walk you through this. So, basically what you’re going to need is an AdWords account, an Analytics account and a YouTube video. Got it?



So, I’m on my Analytics account right now. I’m going to do this for our company just so you can see exactly how it works. I was going to do it for a local chiropractor, but I’m not sure if he wants his stuff showing on YouTube. So we’ll just do it for our.

So first thing you want to do is jump over into your Analytics account. Once you are there you’re going to want to build out an audience. So, go to Admin; most of the time you’re going to be here on Home. What you’re going to do is click on Admin. Go down to your audience definitions and audiences. And for this to work, you have to make sure you have your analytics and everything linked up. Make sure your AdWords account is linked up to your Analytics. Okay. So, I’m going to go All Website Data here. This is the destination account, which is the AdWords account and then I’m going to go create new. Then, jump over here to my traffic source and click on one of my campaigns. Okay. Remember this is a video marketing strategy that’s just going to go after people who get to my site or look at my ads from a video campaign. Now, I just set this up, so I hope I have enough people on it.

So, anyone who’s looking or gets to my site from my campaign that’s called YouTube video Ads, I am going to do that one. Okay. So, once again, Audience Builder. Go down to Traffic Source, and then you can pick a specific campaign that you have over on your AdWords account. So, if you jump on my AdWords account, here is a search campaign called YouTube video Ads. I’m going to target those guys specifically with this video. Okay. Audience name is YouTube video Ads, and this is very targeted. Got it? So, perfect. Now that audience is up. You can see who’s part of it the last seven days, membership duration- 30. It probably be smart to go over and also cookie that landing page; so if you’re driving that, with that specific campaign. So, if this AdWords campaign is driving them to a specific landing page it’ll be smart to also create an audience for that exact landing page. Okay, so you kind of hit them both.

Now, once we have the audience build, now it’s time to create the video campaign. So, you’re going to go over here to your AdWords account. Go down here to video. We’re just going to call this Video Marketing Strategy. So, probably I’ll have to go back and make some adjustments. Individual budget, so, we’re going to put $10. Actually, let’s say if you have a video marketing budget of $5; we’re going to put that right there.

Got it? I only want to go after the search. I don’t really like to do video partners on display. Most of my audience’s in United States and I’m going to actually start adding New Zealand. Now, you don’t really need to choose an audience if you don’t want to, because you’ve already defined the audience with your list. Okay, if you like, I just want to make sure that people from India and those places aren’t. I’m not buying ads from them. They’re just not my buyers. Okay, so reality is I don’t really need to do this with a remarketing campaign, but I’m going to anyway, just so you know. Okay.

Start delivery; I’m going to limit my impressions on this to five impressions, five views. Let’s go three. Okay. I like to rotate my ads evenly, especially if I have two ads, but it really doesn’t matter, because I’m only going to have one ad. I’m just letting you guys know when you create your own campaign to have that.

Okay. So, obviously they’re coming to my site for YouTube reasons. They’re looking to advertise on YouTube. Okay, but my keywords are all based on YouTube marketing, YouTube advertising. So, I got a video here that talks about running ads on your competitors’ videos. I’m going to put that in here. Okay. We’re going to do in stream. I’m going to take them back to my site. Video 1. We’re going to go $0.9 a view. I’m going to narrow that nine cents if you a min narrow that right there. Okay.

So, my audience, obviously any age, any gender, any interest, because I already have defined the audience that I want to go after. My remarketing is under AdWords Remarketing list. Anyone, right here, YouTube video ads; obviously I need to grow that. It is tracking them; I just have to get it a lot bigger. Done, and done.

Now, this is an in stream ad. It is not an in-display ad. I might want to go back and create an in display ad. So, I would just duplicate the same campaign and go run an in stream ad. Okay?

So, that’s it. Simple video marketing strategy that you guys can do. Let’s kind of go over it real quick again. First thing you’re going to do is jump onto your Google analytics. You’re going to define an audience. The audience I defined came from my AdWords account. So, video marketing strategy- nope. Video marketing- YouTube video ads. So, this is the campaign. I designed a specific audience based off of this campaign. So, anyone who comes to my website because of this campaign right here, I’m now going to remarket them and create another campaign, which is right here, Video Marketing Strategy Tutorial. Okay. This campaign is targeting these guys. Okay. A simple remarketing campaign and you create that like I showed you; going up here to campaigns, down video campaign. Make sure you have the YouTube video that you want that matches up with what that audience is looking for. Got it?

So, of you have any questions, let us know. You can always check out our other videos, subscribe to our channel if you like. We’re always putting out tutorial videos to do with video marketing. Okay. And, that is it. Enjoy!

You may want to check out some of our other video marketing tutorials.

Thanks for reading or watching our video on Video Marketing Strategies. If you have any questions, let us know.

YouTube Launches A New Video App To Help Small Businesses Create Videos

YouTube Launches A New Video App To Help Small Businesses Create Videos

YouTube is finally creating resources for Small Businesses so that they can shoot video and then advertise them. Introducing the YouTube Director App.

That world of YouTube advertising just got better.

YouTube wants to turn video ads on its platform into a DIY possibility for small – and medium – sized businesses. This is a good thing. I just can’t wait for the day when they allow video ads on the main search engine. This is a prediction of mine and let’s cross our fingers that it comes true.

Just Today, Google is launching three ways for SMBs to create video ads for YouTube that are—at least for the most part—free. With a new app called YouTube Director, the video juggernaut is helping businesses with little or no marketing budget create commercials on their own. Check out their video here.

What does this mean for us?

A lot…

I have noticed YouTube and Google putting a lot of attention on Video Advertising. Running YouTube video ads is still a mystery and take a lot of work to get the right ROI. We love YouTube ads, but have seen too many small businesses blow their budget because of lack of transparency on YouTube’s side.

The advertising platform is not as friendly as the adwords search platform. I will talk more about this later.

On to the app.

Well if you have an apple device, don’t ask me why they didn’t do it for android first, you can download the YouTube director app and start to shoot video.

YouTube Director App Final Step YouTube Director App is finally here YouTube Director App Image 1

The app includes a number of templates, music and editing tools and is free to use.

Here is an example of a video shot with the new YouTube Director App. This is a simple video but it is very effective.

According to Diya Jolly, Google’s director of product management, the biggest struggle smaller businesses face on YouTube is the lack of quality of their videos.

“The reason we did this is because we believe, obviously, that video is becoming a more and more important medium on the internet,” Jolly said in an interview. “And today what we see is we have a lot of big brands being able to advertise on video because they have the resources for a video campaign, and while we have SMBs, we see that the quality of the video isn’t as high.”

Here is some simple advice on using the YouTube Director App.

  1. Create a script before you start to shoot.
  2. Map out your ideas
  3. Practice in front of the camera
  4. Smile…You may feel a little cheesy but smiling goes a long way

I am serious about the smiling thing.

Over the coming weeks I am going to shoot a couple of videos using the YouTube Director App. I will then post those videos and teach you all how to run YouTube ads the right way.

Is YouTube Advertising Really That Good? A YouTube Guide

Is YouTube Advertising Really That Good? A YouTube Guide

At Yinc we still have a hard time convincing people run YouTube ads. They always want to know if YouTube advertising really works and will add to the bottom line.

Since YouTube started back in 2005 it has grown to be the number one place for people to share videos. It is also considered to be the second biggest search engine. Now here is a scary number…

According to Youtube, product review videos are up 40 percent last year alone. I met a guy last week who creates product review videos for a living. When something new comes out, he does a simple review and ranks his video. YouTube pays him a nice check ever month. It is a nice little revenue stream.

With that said…

YouTube, with all its capabilities, has become a nice platform to run ads. With TrueView and Google Shopping Ads, businesses are just beginning to experience the full benefits of YouTube Advertising

So I ask…Are you running YouTube Trueview ads?

How YouTube Advertising Works

Viewers, come to YouTube to be entertained, learn, and join an interactive community. They also provide the eyeballs required to help creators, advertisers, and YouTube make money.

Creators, come to YouTube to express themselves, share their creativity, and potentially make some money from it -if they can. As a creator, you can keep making great videos so viewers come back for more and make visiting your channel a habit.

Advertisers, look at YouTube as way to reach and target audiences. If your audience is really engaged, and if they’re a demographic that brands really want to reach, advertisers may be willing to pay to run ads on channels creators make.

Running YouTube Truview Ads

Click Here To Download A YouTube Advertising PDF Guide

Different YouTube Advertising Formats

Lets go over the 6 different Ads you are able to run with YouTube.

Topping the list are simple Display Ads (I don’t like these)

YouTube display-ads1-300x141

Where they appear: Display ads appear to the right of the featured video and above the video suggestion list. For larger video players, this ad may also show up below the player. Display ads (or sometimes refered to as banners) may run across all areas of YouTube, except on the homepage.

How They Generate Revenue: If a view is interested in your product or service and they see your Display, you should get a click.  I personally do not use these types of ads. I have not found them to be that effective. Just be careful when you run any type of display ads. Google has no mercy when it comes to taking your money.

This brings me to our second style of display ads.

Second On Our List Are Overlay Ads (I don’t like these)

YouTube Advertising overlay-ads2

Location:  Because Overlay ads are a transparent advertisement that appears on the lower 20% portion of your video, retailers should avoid having key information in the lower portion of their video where the overlap (indicated by the red box above) could occur.

This ad type only appears on desktop and laptop computers. Viewers can also exit the ad at any time.

How They generate revenue: I highly recommend that you do not run these ads. They get so many false clicks and I believe they are the most annoying. When I watch my kids on YouTube, they seem to accidently click on these ads all the time. They operate the same as the Display ads above. Further down I will explain the key to getting leads on YouTube. I just wanted to cover your different options first.

So you know, they operate the same as the Display ads above. Further down I will explain the key to getting leads on YouTube.

Your YouTube Midroll Ads (I don’t run these)

YouTube Trueview midroll-ads

Location: Midroll ads are currently available for videos over 15 minutes. These ads are spaced within the video – similar to the way TV commercials roll out during a program. Viewers must watch the ads before they can continue to view the rest of the YouTube video. Advertisers can insert ad breaks at natural pauses throughout the YouTube video for the better, more streamlined viewing experience. These ads only appear on desktop, laptops and mobile devices.

YouTube Sponsored Cards (I like these)

Youtube sponsored-cards

Location: Introduced in 2015, Sponsored Cards display content that is relevant to the YouTube video, such as products featured in the video. Viewers see a teaser for the card for a few seconds, then they can also click the icon in the top right corner of the video to browse the cards. This is available on desktop and mobile devices.

Non-skippable Video Ads & Long Non-Skippable Video Ads (kind of like these)

Full Size YouTube ads nonskippable

Location:  Non-skippable video ads must be watched before a YouTube video can be viewed. Long non-skippable video ads may be up to 30 seconds. These types of ads can appear before, during, or after the main video.

How We Generate Revenue: Advertisers are able to run on certain videos. When a viewer watches the ad the advertisers have to pay and the creator gets paid. If your landing page is set up correctly and your videos are engaging, you will be able to capture leads.


Every time your ad pops up, you are going to have to pay. It doesn’t matter who is watching. Companies with outrageous marketing budgets (geico, state farm etc) like to run these ads. They have money to blow.

YouTube TrueView Instream Skippable Video Ads (I Love These)

Most common YouTube ad skippable-ads

Location: TrueView skippable video ads allow viewers to skip ads after 5 seconds if they choose. The ads can be inserted before, during, or after the main video.

How We Generate Revenue: Instream ads are what I love running. They give the viewer the option to watch your ad or skip it. We do not want to pay for people who are not interested in our product or service. Once the viewer watches 30 seconds of your video, the creator is paid and the advertisers are charged.

I will explain more about Instream Skippable Video ads below. But for now, know these are the best type of ads. They seem to generate the most leads.

If you are a Video creator looking to generate revenue from your videos. Here is a screen shot of your different options. This looks a little different for advertisers.

Different advertising options youtube-options

Now for the Fun Part of YouTube Advertising

YouTube TrueView Ad Tutorial

I began running YouTube video ads a couple of years ago. We have spent thousands of dollars on generating leads from YouTube. It works and I get some of my cheapest conversion from their platform.

The only bad thing is YouTube is not that scalable. You’re limited to the number of views a certain video gets. But that doesn’t mean you should not be using it.

With TrueView ads you are able to:

  • Target your audience by demographic, interest, topic, etc
  • Retarget those who have seen your other videos
  • Pick the exact video you want your ads to run on
  • Play your video in front of your competitors.
  • Track conversion
  • Get cheap views

Here is a simple screen-shot of a current campaign we are running.

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 7.40.11 AM

This will give you an idea of what they look like. The company above has

  • 506,751 impressions
  • 5.77% view rate
  • $0.06 a view

Your TrueView ads have two types of formats

  1. In-stream video ads
  2. In-display video ads

In-Stream Video Ads

trueview-instream Video ads

In-stream ads play before or during the YouTube video. We like to make these skippable. We also recommend that you be extremely selective on the video you choose to run in front of. If you are not careful your budget will be wasted on “Wheels On The Bus Kid Videos.”

Viewers see five seconds of the advertisement and then have the choice to keep watching or skip it. If you can get them to click to your website before the 30 second that is considered to be FREE Traffic. This is one of the reasons you really want a compelling video. The quicker you can grab the viewers attention, qualify them, and get them to take action, the more FREE traffic you will get.

TrueView in-stream ads can run on videos served on YouTube or on a collection of sites and apps in the Google Display Network (GDN). We recommend sticking with YouTube and staying away from the GDN network.
I put together a simple YouTube video that will explain how you will go about finding the right YouTube videos to play your ads in front of.

The second video advertising option for TrueView advertisers is in-display ads.

Trueviews in-display video ads

According to Google, TrueView in-display ads can run across YouTube and Google Display Network. On YouTube they can run on the search and watch pages for both desktop and, as well as the home pages for desktop and YouTube mobile apps.

As seen in the example above, the ad consists of an image thumbnail and up to three lines of text but retailers should note, this is only one of the 6 options retailers can choose from for their in-display format.

When a viewer clicks on the ad they are brought to the YouTube watch or channel page (rather than being able to watch the video within the ad itself).

In-display ads can also appear alongside other YouTube videos, in YouTube search pages, or on websites on the Google Display Network that match your target audience. Advertisers only pay only when a viewer chooses to watch your video by clicking on the ad. YouTube search results:

Here are a couple of ways you can target your audience with YouTube in-display adsYouTube search results:

YouTube search results:

TrueView in-display ads appear on YouTube search results in the related video section. The ad contains a thumbnail, headline, channel name and video view count. The top-ranked ad may also be repeated below the organic search results.


In-display Ads watch page and the home page:

A good way to use In-display ads on the watch page are Retargeting campaigns.


In-display ads on the home page

There are a few other options, but I am not going to go into them here.

If you are really interested in running YouTube ads I suggest you check out all of our Tutorial Videos below. We have seen great results from YouTube ads and highly suggest you try them. To wrap things up I want to give you a couple of YouTube Marketing tips.

  1. Stay away from advertising on kid videos and music videos they will kill your budget. In adwords you will find a place where you can exclude your a certain video/audience.
  2. Start small and scale up.
  3. Put brackets and parenthesis around you keywords words when setting up your in-display ads.
  4. Create an amazing and entertaining video. (this is 50% of your success)
  5. Monitor your results often
  6. Have an objective and a conversion goal set up
  7. Be happy and keep trying until you get it. Don’t give up too soon

Thanks for reading: Is YouTube Advertising Really That Good? A YouTube Guide



A Simple Guide That Will PROTECT Dentists And Orthodontists From Getting Ripped Off.

You’re Getting Bombarded!

We get it…We know you’re bombard daily with people trying to earn your online business. Doctors, Dentist, and Orthodontist are the perfect target.

You have money and can afford to pay online marketing companies a nice chunk of change. Or at least, that is what everyone assumes.

Here is the big tragedy.

Most of you have ended up purchasing a horrible service that will will not get you any results!

It’s not your fault. How are you supposed to know what is working or what isn’t? How are you supposed to know which online marketing company is legit?

Here’s how 95% of online marketing companies work: A pushy salesman presents to you $199 product, you buy it, and you never hear from them again.

This guide is going to help you prevent this from happening. Here are the questions you should ask, and the things you should be doing online.       


When I speak with Dental and Orthodontist Practices, I ask a couple of questions to see if they really are committed to online marketing.

“Do you want to really compete online?”

“Are you dedicated to Online Marketing?”

“Do you want to win?”

If the answer is yes…

“Are you going to back your decision with time and money?”

You either beat the competition or you don’t. Because the best place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of google…:)

Nobody visits page 2. So if you decide to play the game, you need to be great at it. A simple $299 service is not going to get you there.

You’re up against guys like this.

The online marketing battle is very competitive and takes a lot of resources. Your website needs to look great, load fast, be mobile friendly, entice users to click, have links, and answer user questions. That is just the beginning. You have YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Content, Analytics, Webmaster Tools, PPC, Email, Links etc.

In the back of this guide, I have provided you with the Ultimate Online marketing Checklist. Go through it and see what you are lacking.

Is online marketing worth it? I’ll let you decide. But know this…Burleson(above) makes about 7 million a year with his practices. 


The lifetime value of a Patient is one of the most important questions you should ask. This will determine your ROI. This will also determine how much you can spend online to obtain a customer.

We know that if a patient has a good experience, statistically speaking they will refer 5 other people. We also know that 18 months after their first visit they will typically return for comprehensive care. 

So how much can you really spend to obtain a customer?

A lot!

Dentists and Orthodontists who understand this concept will not have a problem scaling up their advertising budgets. Everything they spend, will give them a nice ROI.


Social media is one of the best investments you can make for your practice.

We love Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and YouTube ads.

Think about it this way.

Social media has spent billions of dollars to create platforms for advertisers. I can narrow down your target audience to Soccer moms 35 to 40 years within a 10 mile radius of a certain zip code. That’s powerful.

Where else can you put your message in front of your exact target audience in a matter of minutes?

It’s amazing and it is only going to get better. If you are not participating, you will be left in the dust.

Here is a simple Instagram ad we run for our clients. (You can brand this video). It’s simple and very effective. It costs you 4 cents a view.)


Like you, online marketers get paid for their expertise. The good ones, are extremely educated and make a lot of money. They know what works and are results oriented.

If you’re like 99% of Dentists, you have a bunch of different of little web marketing service. A web person, a social media person, a google reviews person, an email person, a content person, etc.

You’re totally comfortable with spending $150 a month for 30 different services. But you can’t bare the thought of cutting a $2500 dollar check to one person who will do it all for you.

Think about it…How much work are you willing to do for a $150 dollars a month? Maybe 20 minutes? That is the amount of time you are going to be allotted.

Do not expect to get results.

In my option, a good Online marketing company will charge you $2500 to $6000 a month depending on what you want done.

**Caution there are a lot of online marketing services that charge huge fees and don’t get results. Just because you pay a lot, doesn’t mean they are giving you a good service. Track their results**


6 Months until you start seeing traction. 1 to 2 years until you start seeing massive results.

This doesn’t mean you will not be getting patients along the way. A lot of times you will see an increase on month 1 but I want to prepare you for the long haul.

A good marketer will win because he outlasts everyone else. It’s hard not to see results right away, but the reward goes to the one who is persistent and patient. So be patient and do not quit too soon.

**A good marketing company will keep you posted every step of the way. You will see a lot of progress. They will track everything and will show you their numbers. Make sure you ask for them.**


This has to be the hardest questions because there are a lot of factors that go into a successful campaign. Here are a couple of things to look for.

  1. Is your website ranking on the first page of Google?
  2. Is your website optimized and user friendly?
  3. Are you getting leads, Patients, and an ROI?
  4. Do you have an Email Marketing Campaign in place?
  5. Is your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, bringing you customers?
  6. Are you having Bi-Monthly marketing meetings?
  7. When you call them, do they pick up the phone? Are they available?
  8. Are they transparent? Do they discuss problems or hide them?
  9. Do patients comment on how effective your advertising is?
  10. Are you making more money?

Online marketing works and will get you massive results if done correctly. Don’t be fooled.

Thanks you for taking the time to reading our Guide. We hope it helps


The Online Marketing Checklist

Website and Setup

  • Website set up and design
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster
  • Google Accounts (youtube pages etc)
  • Google Pages
  • Facebook page
  • Bing Webmaster
  • Google Adwords
  • Bing Adwords
  • Video Ad Campaign Set up
  • Lead Generation System (aweber, mail chimp, infusionsoft)

Month two (Traffic Generation)

  • Video shoot
  • Video Rankings
  • Fiverr Purchase (video ranking only)
  • Start PPC campaigns
  • Testing and optimization of Campaigns
  • Start Testing Facebook Campaign
  • Keyword Research
  • Website SEO (title tags etc)
  • Blog Schedule is set up (3 per week)
  • 100 citations are ordered
  • Order Hoth links ($250 to $350 packages)

Month 3 (email sequence)

  • Blog schedule (3 per week)
  • Create infographic and 1 guide
  • Video Shoot
  • 12 email sequence (
  • Start Retargeting Campagins
  • Slideshare
  • Optimize PPC campaigns

Month 4 (Scaling, adjustments, Monitoring, etc)

  • Buy More Hoth links
  • Create Video 3
  • Create Guides, blogs and infographics according to results


  • Facebook Page Set Up
  • Custom Facebook Cover and Icon (message or great headline)
  • Facebook Ad Set Up
  • Facebook Tracking Pixel on Website
  • Custom Facebook Audience website visitors
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Upload any lists. (CRM, Patients, Email Lists etc)
  • Create 3 Ad (1 has to be Dark Post)
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • 3 custom Facebook Ad Image (1200 x 628)
  • Place conversion pixel

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different images, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot


  • Instagram Page Set Up
  • Custom Instagram Cover and Icon (message or great headline)
  • Instagram Ad Set Up (have to use power editor)
  • Facebook Tracking Pixel on Website
  • Custom Facebook Audience website visitors
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Upload any lists. (CRM, Patients, Email Lists etc)
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Create 3 Instagram Ads
  • 3 custom Instagram Image Ad Image (1080 x 1080)

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different images, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot

o Marketing Package ($1500 a month)

Video Marketing and YouTube

  • YouTube Page Set Up
  • Custom YouTube Cover and Icon (message or great headline. Don’t forget branding)
  • Attach Website to YouTube Channel
  • Link up Analytics and Adwords account to YouTube Channel
  • Upload Video
  • Optimize Video for Keyword (title description tags and fiver gig)
  • Create YouTube Cards, Annotations and Notes on video
  • Create Remarking Audiences in Adwords
  • Place google Analytics pixel on Website and create remarking audiences
  • Create Instream Ad for Placements, Remarketing, Topics and Interests
  • Keywords Research
  • Placements: Search first 5 pages of YouTube for placements
  • Keywords (Display network only)
  • Topics (be very careful on budget with Topics and Interest it can go quick)
  • Interest
  • Remarketing (run video ads to your remarking lists)
  • Place conversion pixel

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different videos, lists, annotations, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot

Email Marketing Campaign

  • Setup up or use the clients CRM system (infusionsoft, mail chimp, Constant contact etc)
  • Place forms on site
  • Create Lists
  • Create emails
  • 1. Introduction email
  • 2. Soap Opera Sequence
  • 3. Seinfeld Email Sequence
  • Automate delivery

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor how well the emails are doing and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different messages
  • Segment lists for better results.

SEO is a 6 month to a Year Process

  • Make sure blog is set up and are SEO friendly
  • Install right plugins
  • Google Webmaster, Analytics, Bing Webmaster are in place
  • Do Keyword research
  • Create 1 2500+ article 1 time per month
  • Create 1 Blog per week. (more if possible
  • Purchase The Hoth Press Release
  • Purchase the Hoth Guest Post
  • Purchase the Hoth Blitz
  • On Page and Off Page linking
  • Social Media is linked up
  • Post all articles on social media

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor how well the articles and how rankings are doing
  • Test and try different keywords