This is the 3 post in 3 days. I am on a roll. Today we are going to learn…

How to marketing your product or service on YouTube

I get calls all the time from people wanting to know how they can push out their product or service on YouTube. It’s not too complicated especially since you have this video.


1. Create a good product or service
2. Get a video
3. Run YouTube Ads
-Find videos related to your business
-Find your competitors
-Create ads

Here is the video transcript. Forgive the errors it’s done by a computer.

Hey this is Jace with Marketing Hy and today we are going to go over how to market your product or service on YouTube. Throughout the day I’ve gotten a few calls on people calling up. One of them’s an eCommerce product, another one is, well, eCommerce. I mean, it’s a health product. It’s sport cream. Another one called up, they run an insurance company, another one does a lending company, so I’ve been getting all these calls and the first thing they want to know is, “How to market my product or service on YouTube.” I’m going to go over that, so this video we will discuss your product, how to get it on YouTube, the different things you need to do, different things you can watch out for, so we will jump right in. I’m going to try to keep this short. We’ll see.

Number one, anytime anyone goes to market anything, you have to make sure that you have created a good product or service. You cannot market junk, it’s hard. Now, there might be a product or service that no one wants but a particular group of people in this world want, that’s fine. There’s a big difference between rare and a junk product. You just have to make sure your product is good. I get worried when people come to me and they say, “Hey, I have a new product. No one has ever done this” because immediately when I hear something like that I’m like, “Okay, so you have no competitors?” Usually if you have zero competitors in your market, it’s not a good sign. Just make sure you have a good product or a good service, and that is going to be the best step because I’ve seen a lot of companies where they actually have a bad service.

They go out there and they will spend all this money marketing, they start to grow while their service is terrible, and then the whole company collapse. Got it? Once you have that product or service, you need to make sure you get a good message and then get a good video behind it. The video, like I said on an earlier video this week, we discussed different things you can do with your videos or different ways or different companies you can use to actually create your videos. It doesn’t need to be expensive but you need to get a video. Now, what’s a good video? Something that identifies who you are, what you do, why it matters to them, and then tells them how they should take action.

Another formula we use over at Ydraw is a good header, something that grabs their attention, identify the problem, give them a solution and then do a strong call to action. You can do a video in many different ways but it needs to include those types of things. If you’re creating this video on your own, go read about how to create a good script, and there’s a lot of material out there and also we have a lot of material just on Also,, there’s a lot there, too. Got it? Third, run YouTube Ads. Let’s jump over into the YouTube campaign and I didn’t mean to click on that. Here’s your YouTube channel, and here is an AdWords account.

All of your marketing and stuff, you should be running through the AdWords platform. I don’t really like to go out to other platforms. Like, I’ve seen some other YouTube platforms that just aren’t that great. They’re just tying into the API. Okay, so jump over here and on the left hand side you’re going to see a video campaign. I just created this one, so you can see we’ve been running it for a few days and costs, we’ve spent about $70 on it. This is going after my competitors, so the nice thing is on video ads, you’re able to identify the very videos you want to go after. Let’s assume that you’re in the insurance business. Insurance. I had a guy call me on this today. First thing you do is identify videos that are in the insurance, and then you just click on them.

Speaker 2: So how often …
Jace Vernon: Okay, and you look for a little yellow tag.
Speaker 3: All right. We’re …
Jace Vernon: Sometimes there’s keywords, they have them, sometimes they don’t. I’ll show you. Oh, right there.

Jace Vernon: See how this thing went yellow? Well, there’s two ways. There’s an ad that’s playing in front of that. Obviously if there’s an ad there you know immediately that you can put your insurance video in front of this insurance video and piggyback off their ranking. You’ll see also that what YouTube does is they put your ad right here. “Visit advertiser site.” You not only have the video playing here, it’s popped over here. Right now what you do is take this URL down, bring up text, whatever you want, and you just keep it going. You just record, or you just take down the URL of the videos you can play in front of. That one, no. That one, no. I’m trying to find.

Speaker 5: Good morning, guys.
Jace Vernon: You’ll want to do a mixture of different keywords. Obviously I’m just going after a broad keyword, “insurance.”
Speaker 6: Let’s go to Kelly in Missouri. You are on [crosstalk 00:05:46].
Jace Vernon: What I’m looking for is a little tiny yellow tag. Especially if you find a direct competitor that’s allowing ads on their videos, it’s actually kind of funny. I’ve got a lot of leads from that.
Speaker 7:
Jace Vernon: Right there. There’s your next one. The psychology to selling life insurance. Great. There’s an ad, you can run an ad right there. This is IBM, and you’ll notice that these are not really relevant but yours is going to be relevant. You don’t get charged a view until somebody has watched past 30 seconds. If I skip this ad.
Speaker 7: [inaudible 00:06:25] aware of what’s happening right now? We’re facing [inaudible 00:06:27].
Jace Vernon: I skip it, they did not get charged. Got it? Their ad stays up here. That ad’s going to sit there throughout the videos, so I hope you can see the value. That’s one way. You can go through an identify the very videos you want to play on. You take that, come down here, and paste that URL, and just keep going. I like to do a mixture of 10 different keywords, go down a couple pages. Now, there’s an easier way to do this but sometimes it’s not always that great. Let’s go into this campaign, I’m going to show you. Under video targeting, you just go over here to placements. Here’s your options. You can target them by demographics, you can target them by interest, remarketing. Remarketing tags, I love those, placement.

I’m not running any placements here but you can just go here and pick your … Search for placement. Insurance, insurance. I’ll just match it. You have YouTube channels or YouTube videos and I like to add both. It says I’m missing something. Add manually, obviously the URLs that we have, I want to add manually. Search for insurance, and it’s going to give you all these channels. It’s also going to give you these videos. These are all videos on insurance, but here’s the problem. Oh, that’s actually a probably good one. Some of them do not allow ads. Even though YouTube is telling you you can market on them, that is not always the case. Well, more often than not it’s not the case, okay?

It goes back to you want to hand search to be safe, and then all you do is add them over and then you save that and it’ll put those placements there. Got it? That’s a simple way. Your other options are you have remarketing, obviously you can upload your own lists. You can see I just barely uploaded a LinkedIn list. You can do your whole contact list. Topics, if you want to add topics, Google gives you a lot of topics and then there’s something called “in market.” You have infinity audiences, that’s for bigger reach. If you want to do return on investment, well Google is keeping track of all your searches, so they know that someone’s looking for SEO and SEM services, so you can click here and you can go after those people that are looking for those services or have those interests.

Business, technology, we did say insurance, so let’s see if we can see find something on. You’ve got auto, mortgage, term, auto, health, home, life, travel. You can pick those and then save them, and then Google will go out there and find those people interested and show them your video. Got it? Great way to get some attention. Now, remember, your video needs to have a call to action at the end. You need to have it uploaded onto YouTube to be able to do things like this, but I hope you know it’s a great way to target your audience. You can go out there and target them by infinity audiences, you can target them by in market which I just told you what they were, you can target them by exact placements, and then also you can do keywords.

Keywords is not an exact science like it is on a normal search, but it is working. You just want to test it out. Go out there, test out your videos, and see which ones convert. Test out different call to actions, links, but don’t quit after your first try. Don’t go out there and say, “Okay, I tried it. Didn’t work.” I’ve been able to get 13 cent conversions from YouTube which is excellent, and when I say conversion, it’s not an actual purchase. It’s where they leave their email address or they give me a call, something like that. If you have questions, visit us over at That’s Marketing, If you need a video, go to We’d be happy to help you, and that is it. See ya.

How to marketing your product or service on YouTube