How To Find The Right YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

How To Find The Right YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

Today we are going to talk about YouTube Video Ads and one of the hardest parts.

I am about to show you how to find YouTube videos and channels where you can run your YouTube video ads.

You know those little commercials that most of you skip? These are call inStream video adverts, and these are your golden ticket.

They work and I am going to show you a few tips and tricks, one of those being how to get FREE clicks on your YouTube advertising.

Yes, really.

First lets chat about Google and YouTube advertising. There are a couple of things you need to know.

Remember that with YouTube, our benefit as advertisers is because the viewer has already done the hard work of typing in their search term, finding the video, and then deciding to click on the video to obviously watch it: They have explicitly demonstrated that they are interested in that topic.

Thats we’re going to show our ad.

Where should you run Ads?

Everyone seems to be on the Facebook gravy train right now. That is were all the rage is. I myself like Facebook but I do not see the same returns that I am getting on YouTube. I would totally forget about Twitter and Linkedin they are the worst.

I have tested their ads multiple times and it is very costly.

YouTube, on the other hand, is amazing and gives us the opportunity to place our ads in front of the perfect target audience. So if I were you

I would be using Facebook and YouTube.

All Good So Far?

YouTube gives you the ability to spend very little and still get in front of a laser-targeted audience.

Plus, you are not just running the same old image ad. You have the ability to tell your message with a 30, 60, 90 second or longer commercial.

Where else can you get that kind of publicity?

Let me bring you up to speed on Google and YouTube advertising. I won’t bore you to death, but it’s important you get a few details under your belt.


As most of you know Marketers tend to ruin everything. Well the crazy thing about YouTube is that seasoned hardcore internet marketers have little or no idea how awesome YouTube ads really are!

This is changing quickly.

I am starting to see more and more courses, products and “gurus” pushing out YouTube ads.

About a year ago YouTube allowed you to link out of your YouTube videos to your website or a specific Landing Page. This changed the game. I like to tell people that they need to treat YouTube as an extension of their website. Everyone is starting to get the picture.

Over time, more and more people will start running ads.

Why does this matter? Because your costs are going to slowly increase. So you better get moving.

Youtube Advertising 101

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. Nothing beats YouTube as far as education and attention. When people are looking for reviews or information – video will hold their attention and can educate them on the product or service features and benefits.

The first step is to create a video that will capture their attention. I am not going to go into that here, but you can read some of our other articles about creating an amazing video. Here is a good example.

The second step is Finding YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

Warning…This is very time consuming and can drive you bonkers. (necessary evil)

  1. Go to YouTube search the keyphrases that apply to your business. “weight loss” “video marketing” “personal injury” etc
  2. A list of videos is going to pop up which now become potential candidates.
  3. Create a blank spreads sheet with the keywords along the top
  4. Now click on every video and see if they allow ads. *a video ad will play before the video or a yellow dot can be found on the play line. This indicates ads will play at those points.*
  5. If the video allows ads, copy and past the URL into the spread sheet
  6. Rinse and Repeat
  7. Find up to 500 videos. (YouTube limits you to 500 per target group)
  8. Place the URL into your placement target group on the adwords campaign.

When I first started YouTube advertising I did this manually. I would hire people and this is what they did all day long.

You can only advertise on YouTube videos where the Channel Owner has elected to monetize their videos, and selected which of those videos they want to earn money on.”

It’s a pain in the butt and very time consuming. This has to be one of the biggest barriers to entry for YouTube advertising. You would think that Google would come up with a better solution, but that has not been the case. Google wont’ tell you exactly what videos you are allowed to play on. They want you to put in the 60 hours of manual labor.

Is it worth it? Yes…

Now, for the good news!

I have software that will do this all for me. It is exclusive, but we do allow our clients to submit us their keywords and we will do all the work for them. We do charge a small fee. If you are interested, you just need to shoot me an email.

If you have questions about YouTube Ads or you are interested in our services, let us know. We basically create and run amazing Video marketing campaigns for companies who are looking for leads, branding and more customers.




How To Set Up Your YouTube Channel For Conversions

How To Set Up Your YouTube Channel For Conversions

One of the primary reasons marketers run YouTube Pre Roll Ads is for conversions. They are trying to sell a product, service, or build a list that they can market to.


We have found that most businesses don’t even take the time to set up their YouTube channel. We’re going to show you how to setup a youtube channel correctly before we go into YouTube Ads. 

At the bottom of this blog you will find a simple video Tutorial that will get you started. That’s your first step!

YouTube Ads, of course, aren’t perfect. It takes some work, and many advertisers are disappointed when they run campaigns that don’t yield the expected results.

When I create blogs I worry that some of you may assume it’s easy. I’m guilty of wanting a quick fix and I am always searching for a system that will bring me riches without any effort even though I know it does not exist.

While not magical, YouTube Pre Roll Ads are powerful. They provide a way for you to deliver a customized message in front of your target audience.

Check out the YouTube Marketing Infographic



Google doesn’t force users to convert. That falls on us!

One of my clients asked me, “Why didn’t his video campaign lead to conversions?” My answer is, I’m not really sure (I know what a terrible answer).

It could be so many different things. Including a very crappy product. A bad product is like being stupid. There is just no way to over come it…unless you’re ugly. Stupid and Ugly is the worse combination of all. It’s almost impossible to fix. Lol

Consider this your little warning. When you venture down the YouTube advertising road I want to make sure you know what to expect. My hope is that I can shorten your learning cycle and get you producing profits ASAP.

My last post covered the necessity to create an awesome video, one that will grab their attention. Today we are going to discuss the necessity to create a stellar YouTube channel.

Here’s what you will need to do.

1. Create a cover photo, icon image, Website link and Social Media
2. Link It up to your Website, Adwords, and Analytics.

Below is a great example of how your YouTube channel should look. You can tell immediately tell you are dealing with a Dentist. It’s clean, fun, and creative. They even have their slogan/value proposition.

How A YouTube Channel Should Look

Here are your sizes

Cover Photo: full size 2560 X 1440 px image

Your safe area is 1546 X 423 px.

Icon Photo: the little square image is 98 x 98 but Youtube recommends you upload a 800 x 800 px image for highest quality.
After you have created your images you can just hover you mouse over the image and two pencils will appear. Click on them to upload your images.

Next, Link up your Website and social media.

Adding your website and social media Icons is extremely easy. You will see a little pencil in the upper right hand corner. Just click on it and “edit link.”

Editing your YouTube Links

STEP TWO: Linking Up Your Website, Adwords and Analytics.

This can all be found in one place. First you will want go to your creator studio. Click on the channel and go down to the advanced tab.

linking up Adwords, Analytics and your Website on YouTube

Just start linking them up. Some of you will struggle with this because it requires that you put a code on your site. Google wants to verify that you own your site before they can link it.

Linking up your Adwords Website on Youtube 2

The reason you want to link up your website is so that you can drive traffic from your YouTube videos to landing pages. This is key!

YouTube Advertising With Confidence!

We will continue to dive into successfully converting with YouTube ads. So far we have covered two steps.

1. Video
2. Youtube channel

Advertisers trying to sell on YouTube tend to struggle with the following:

• Reaching the right targeting audience
• Finding the right videos to play on
• Getting long-term, positive ROI

In the coming days we will cover the following

• How to locate your targeting audience
• How to get a Positive ROI
• How to Restrict Google from wasting your budget
• Tips and Tricks that will save your Campaign

At the end of the day I want you all to be able to run successful YouTube campaigns. Not everyone is going to succeed! But it’s not because YouTube ads don’t work.

One quick note. All YouTube ads are ran through Google Ads Words, now known as Google ads. It’s the same platform as Search Ads. It’s important that you linkup your YouTube Channel with Analytics and Google ADs.  

Why Jimmy Fallon is Winning with Video

He’s winning YouTube.

Jimmy Fallon recently took over the Tonight Show. Now I don’t actually mean super recently, but he’s definitely only a few years into the talk show biz. But what’s great is that he was given the show and has brought it back to its former glory. I give his days on Saturday Night Live the credit. They know how to write catchy short videos that are perfect for YouTube, think The Lonely Island.

This has allowed him to create some great video segments for his show which then go viral on the internet. One of the best bits that he has created are the lip synching competitions. These are great to watch, you don’t even have to see the actual show to appreciate these. Just check out his YouTube channel and you’ll spend hours on there watching celebrities fake sing to popular songs, and they just get crazier and crazier as they go.

My favorite is Emma Stone or Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If you haven’t seen them before, here you go.

These have become so popular that Spike even gave him a spin off TV show. It just premiered about a week ago and has some pretty amazing clips from it already. It’s hosted by LL Cool J.

He’s also started to have celebrities do other singers impressions. See Christina Aguilera do Britney Spears or Ariana Grande do a pretty good Celine Dion impression.

He created the “Ew” video which people can’t stop quoting. And he even started hashtag wars. We all know people loved to hashtag everything they do in their daily lives but Jimmy Fallon took advantage of this and now it’s hilarious to say ironic hashtags in real life. They don’t even posted it on social media but verbally say, “hashtag workflow,” or whatever else they feel like hashtagging.

So what can you learn from Jimmy Fallon? Everything.

Just visit his YouTube channel and search through it. This is how you should be creating your videos. They need to be funny, original, and serve a purpose to your audience. He has also created a video specifically aimed at the YouTube audience to subscribe to his channel.

Make your videos fun. Make them funny. Make them unique. Make them watchable. And make them shareable.

4 Ways to Make this the Year of Video Marketing

4 Ways to Make this the Year of Video Marketing

Why is this year any different from any other year?

It’s not.  This year has been lovingly dubbed “The Year of Video Marketing!” It’s also been called the “Year of the Pixel” and about a million other things. But let’s be real, every year should be the “Year of Video Marketing.” It’s just that people are finally figuring out that even if they don’t think their product or service can really be shown in a video, they really need to put it into one.

And it’s obvious why. YouTube is the second largest search engine, and if you create and upload your video properly, you can get that video to pop up on page one of Google for your keyword. It’s pretty amazing, so why isn’t everyone doing it? Who knows.

Videos stand out on social media, and they are easily shareable. People are always more inclined to click on a short video than they are to click on an article that could be who knows how long. I mean, are you even reading this now? Probably not. Wouldn’t it be better if I was explaining this all in a video and then had a transcript underneath it, giving you both options? The answer is a definitive yes.

Videos can give your audience a quick overview of your product or service without overwhelming them, and most people are visual learners anyway.

People often worry about giving away too much information online. They think if they tell people what they are doing and how they are doing it, then no one is going to need their service. This is just wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, when you put up lots of information about how your product or service works, you give off the impression that you are an expert in that field, and therefore people want your help.

Video Marketing is fantastic because it opens the door for so many options. You can have simple short videos explaining who your company is, videos introducing each member of the team, tutorial videos, explanation videos, and all of these leave the door open to turning them into series, which your audience will begin to expect and come back to learn more information from you.

So what are some awesome ways to use video marketing to capture leads?

Well, the goal of any video should be to capture a lead and get people onto your site.

Redirect Your Audience

Instead of embedding the video on social media and within emails, we recommend creating an awesome image from the video and place a play button over it. When they click the button it will actually drive them to your website. Now if you have the proper pixels in place you’ve just captured an audience member. Plus once they are there, they might click through some of your other pages and posts.

Explainer Videos

People have a lot of questions before they buy anything. An explainer video is the fastest, easiest, and well…best way to let them know who you are, what you do, and why they need your company to make their lives better. Remember, the whole point of any product or service should be to fulfill a need.  And we think explainer videos are some of the best video marketing videos that you can have.  Definitely look into getting one.

Explainer videos should be fun and interesting, while informative. That’s why we love Ydraw whiteboard videos. They are interesting and engaging and fun while still giving you important information.

Set a Schedule

Create videos on a set schedule. Better yet, come up with a plan for a series, and your audience will check in on those days to find the next bit of information that you have for them. Even if you don’t have a series, let you audience know that you will be posting videos once, twice, or thrice a week. Yeah I used thrice, deal with it. You want your audience to know that you are active and around. That you have new ideas and information for them all the time, and also that you’re actually there! This allows your audience to feel like they know you a little bit better and that they are able to get ahold of you if needed.

Call to Action

Everything you do should have a call to action. Even if it’s a simple blog post. You should always be telling your audience what they should do next. To find out more information about we are the bees knees, read this article. Get in contact with us and find out why we are the greatest office to work with. Buy our service because you’ll be making it rain with all the extra income we get you. Ya know stuff like that. Always have a call to action, but make sure it’s not salesy. If there’s one thing I always talk about it’s that you have to be smart with how you word your call to action in certain areas. No one wants to be sold to; it’s awful. So be clever with your CTA.

Speaking of CTAs, have you read our one simple secret for total YouTube domination? Or our 5 video advertisements that weren’t created like ads? I mean this shows you how to use video marketing correctly. Maybe you just want to get in touch with us, and that’s great! We love to talk, so give us a call or email us. Or maybe get a free proposal for our service. How many other blatant salesly CTAs can I add to the end of this post? I’ll end it here.


Some Call It Stalking, We Call It Amazing Marketing – How To Create a Creepy Marketing Campaign.

Some Call It Stalking, We Call It Amazing Marketing – How To Create a Creepy Marketing Campaign.

Instead of telling you what to do, I am going to show you what I did and how you can do it too.

It all began this last week when I attended the Start SLC conference up in Salt Lake City. The Conference was a jewel. In fact, it was so good I plan on going for years to come or at least until they let me be the keynote speaker.

I’ll invite you when that happens… 🙂

While sitting in the audience being inspired, I came up with a simple solution to land those big clients.

I have to admit that I am not much of a networker. When they have those networking parties, I will usually go grab a sprite and head back to the hotel.

I know…

It’s bad, but for some reason I never have liked the whole networking thing.


While sitting in the audience listening to a speaker from Domo I came up with a couple of ideas on how to target a specific company or a specific person with a customized ad. I decided to target all the executives.

Why do you want this?

Imagine if you are a finance company looking to land that multi million-dollar client. If you could run a particular ad to that individual, don’t you think that would have an impact on their decision? Meaning you run a custom ad designed to land that one company.

You can also use it to set up a lunch appointment or speak with a company’s executives. It’s just a great way to get attention.

For this to work, you will need the following:

  1. Facebook ads (a Facebook account)
  2. YouTube Channel linked to your website
  3. Landing Page
  4. Adwords Account
  5. Remarketing pixels

Here are the Step To Become An Amazing Marketer A.K.A Stalker:

  1. You get the target’s info
  2. Build a customized ad
  3. The target sees the ad
  4. Goes to the landing page
  5. We cookie his machine
  6. Run him video ads on YouTube banner ads on other sites in the Google network

Stick figure Domo ad1

Step 1: Collect The Targets Info

For this to work you need to get the Target’s email address. You will upload the email address into Facebook. Facebook will then locate the Target’s Facebook Page.

I found the executives of Domo on LinkedIn, became their friends, and then exported my contact list.

You can also get them to like your Facebook page and start running ads to those who like your page.

Not a perfect system, but it worked.

Step 2: Build the Assets

1. Build a Facebook ad, a landing page, and a video.
2. Place a Remarketing pixel on the landing page. You can place a Facebook remarketing pixel and a Google remarketing pixel.
3. Embed the YouTube Video on the landing page. This is will be used for YouTube retargeting.

Step 3: Create The Ad

Jump onto your Facebook account and create the ad. Under custom audiences you we be able to upload the contact list.

Warning! You have to have a minimum of 20 people on this list. Facebook changed its guidelines a while back, but it’s really not a big deal. If your target is a male you can fill the rest of the list with females and select “Only Market to Male.”

Make sense?

I hope so because it’s not an easy task to pull this stuff out of my brain, but I do it anyway all in the name of sharing…☺

I actually uploaded all 2000+ Linkedin contact because I wanted to see if other people would click on the ad out of curiosity.

Like I said…not a perfect system but it works. You might have to have a broader audience, but we are paying such a small amount per click that it won’t matter if you run the ad to thousands of people. That’s what I did.

DOMO needs Ydraw 3

Step 4: Run It

Once the ad has been created it is time to let it fly.

Step 5: Generate a YouTube ad that is customized.

Picture this…

You’re on YouTube and you’re about watch your favorite One Direction Video. I say One Direction because just last night I found out my wife dropped $1300 for the whole family to go see them in concert.

It’s been a rough night…

Since your target has watched the video that was sitting on your landing page, you now can run custom pre-roll ads.

(If you do not know what those are, I will direct you over to another article. YouTube Pre-Roll Ads. )

Once your target clicks on the play he gets a customized YouTube ad that speaks directly to him.

“Hey Don… We need to do business and I would like to take you out to lunch. What day works best for you? Click here to set up a time…I’m waiting Don!”

Creepy? Yes.

Funny? Absolutely!

Effective? Who could turn that down?!

Here is a good example of a YouTube video that is customized.


Quick Recap

1. Find the target and get ahold of his email address
2. Create a landing page and place your retargeting pixels on the page
3. Create an ad that speaks directly to the target
4. Turn on the ads and drive him to your landing page
5. Run a YouTube pre-roll ad that is customized for him


I hope that helps and make sure to let me know if you try this out. There are a lot of people that would like to hear about your successful campaigns.

The Results…

So far I have had a good number of clicks and I have received a phone call from a guy that works with Domo. He tried to sell me on his product…

I have some fine-tuning to do, but I know I will get some results.
Have a great day and I look forward to hearing about your success

Hope you enjoyed

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Alot of times people we find they are too busy or they just do not have the technical skills to implement our strategies. If you can not implement this strategy, we would love to do it for you. Everything we do is based off of ROI and will help your business. Sign Up and we will get you started right away. We will manager your Video Ads Campaigns, Email Campaigns and Autocomplete Services. They Work and we use them. Sign Up and see if we are a good fit. We may not be…but it’s worth seeing. This could change your business.


How To Create a Creepy Marketing Campaign. Some Call It Stalking We Call It Amazing Marketing.