How Do I Create A Unique Selling Proposition And Why You Need A USP

How Do I Create A Unique Selling Proposition And Why You Need A USP

Why Do you need a Unique Selling Proposition? (call it a slogan if you would like)

Years ago I attended a GKIC conference in Texas. At the time, I was young and it was a bit of a sacrifice to get there, but I made the trip and ended up learning all about Unique Selling Propositions. Something that would prove to be extremely valuable to my businesses. We have also been able to apply the lessons to our client’s businesses.

A USP answers the following question in 5 seconds. (more…)

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts That You Should Listen To

I Love Podcasts and I have been listening to some of the top Marketing Podcasts over the past 12 months. It’s kind of crazy that we can learn from the best minds in our industry all for free.

I am always preaching that people should skip college, listen to Podcast and watch YouTube Videos. You will learn more. It’s a great habit to get into especially if you are running a business. Podcasts can keep you focused and inspire you to keep moving. Plus it’s fun listening and learning about the struggles, challenges, triumphs, and successes that others are going through.

So here are…

The Top 10 Marketing Podcasts that are worth your time.

They’re in no particular order.

1. The Top by Nathan Latka (The Top Entrepreneurs in Money, Marketing, Business, and Life).

This podcast is awesome because Nathan doesn’t mess around. In business, there can be lot of fluff. People tend to beat around the bush but Nathan keeps them in line.

If you want to listen to all different types of Entrepreneurs in all different stages of their businesses, then The Top Podcast is for you.

Kudos to Nathan Latka for being consistent and providing us with great information.

2. Art of Paid Traffic by Rick Mulready

The Art of Paid Traffic is jam-packed with great information on Facebook ads, Video ads, and other traffic avenues.

Last week on episode 92, I was able to apply the podcast to my business. The episode was all about how to increase your Facebook Video Ad Results.

3. Perpetual Traffic by Digital Marketer

Perpetual Traffic is a weekly podcast produced by Digital Marketer and hosted by Keith Krance, Ralph Burns (Dominate Web Media), & Molly Pittman (Digital Marketer).

Obviously Digital Marketer has spent Millions on Facebook advertising so they know their stuff. They provide some great value and are well worth your time.

4. Growth Everywhere by Eric Siu

Growth Everywhere is a lot like The Top. Eric interviews all types of Entrepreneurs. They give you a lot of little tips you can apply to your business. I also like the fact that Eric interviews people who are just starting out.

5. Conversion Cast by Tim Paige

I am just getting into this Podcast. Basically, Conversion Cast is the only podcast that gets to the heart of the metrics. At least that’s what the description says.

I will be the judge once I listen to a few more episodes, but so far so good. They are short and sweet.

6. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek. Many of you already know who Tim Ferriss is.

Tim is one of the only guy that can keep you entertained for 3 hours on one Episode.

Thanks Tim

7. Social Media Marketing by Michael Steizner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is hit-or-miss for me. They have some good content, but I have to pick and choose what I want to listen to. They hit almost every social media avenue, so it’s a great start if you are looking to get an overall view of all things Social Media.

8. SaaStr by Jason Lemkin and Harry Stebbings

If you are running a SaaS business you have to listen to this Podcast. Jason Lemkin is all about getting you from $0 to 100m Annual Recurring Revenue. (ARR) It is jammed packed with ideas and great interviews.

If you have no idea what SaaS stands for, get in line. I probably heard this term for 2 years before I even knew what the word meant. SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Now doesn’t that feel better?

9. StartUp by Gimlet

I actually ran into this Podcast while listening to music. Their commercials kept interrupting me so, I decided I would check it out.

Startup is the real story behind creating a business. Their format is amazing and very entertaining. The Gimlet staffs are storytellers and the production of each episode takes a lot of work.

You will know what I mean when you listen to an episode or two.

10. Video Marketing 2.0 by Joel Goobich and Brendan Carty

I live and breath Video Marketing so of course I am going to listen to a Podcast that is all about Video Marketing. I am a going to on an episode or two in the coming weeks.

Those are my top 10 marketing podcasts but I also listen to a couple of others that I am going to mention. You might like the honorable mentions better then my top 10.

I love marketing by Joe Polish and Dean Jackson
Anti-Preneur by Ben Settle
Marketing In Your Car by Russell Brunson
Self Made Man by Mike Dillard

The way to get the most out of Podcasts is to actually apply what they’re saying to your business. You’re better served by doing what they say, not just listening.

I like to listen to an episode, take action notes, and then apply those notes.

Good luck I hope you enjoy my Top 10 Marketing Podcasts now go listen and apply.

Gmail Video Ad Tutorial. Here’s How To Create Them!

Gmail Video Ad Tutorial. Here’s How To Create Them!

Gmail Video Ads are here! Are you using them?

Before we jump into the Gmail video ad explanation and tutorial, I wanted to show all of you what I did this week. I dunked on Shaq.

Here is the proof.

It’s not everyday you get the chance to dunk on the big guy. I took it. 🙂

Now back to Gmail Video Ads.

Many of you know that I love Gmail ads. I have spent thousand of dollars testing them. So far, the ROI has been exceptional.

I highly recommend using Gmail Ads if you are not. You can check out a Gmail tutorial here to learn how to set up your first Gmail campaign.

Yesterday I was creating some ads and I found this, a video ad option.


This is perfect! You can deliver your full message right within gmail. The audience clicks on the play button and the video pops up.

A lot of times visitors do not like to leave their Gmail account. With a Gmail video ad, they do not have to. They watch your message and then decide if they are interested in your product or service.

Before we jump into the tutorial you need to make sure you have a couple of things in place.

  1. A great video.
  2. Your video has to be uploaded to YouTube.

Without those two step you do not even have the option to run video ads.

Here is how to create a Gmail Video Ad

1. Open up an Adwords account (If you would like $100 dollars in Google ads, let me know. I can send you a code created by my partner account. You do have to spend $25 to get the $100.)
2. Create a new display campaign
3. Create the actual Gmail ad
4. Choose the right audience
5. Let it run

I find it a lot easier to shoot a simple video. Watch the video and I will show you exactly how to set up the campaign.

Here is the transcript for the Video. Forgive the typos and spellings. A computer does this…

Jace Vernon: Good morning, everyone. It is Jace with Yinc Marketing and Ydraw. I am here to bring you a video on Gmail video ads. So, the other day I was on my Gmail and I saw a promotional ad, clicked on it and there popped up a video ad, where you just click, watch the video.

So, once I saw that, I love video ads. I love the whole thing about Gmail ads. It’s kind of the perfect mix for me. I jumped over there, started creating, and I wanted to get you guys out a video to show you guys how to create Gmail video ads. That way, come Tuesday (it is the 4th of July today, so Happy 4th of July for those in the US)…

So, I wanted to get this out today, so tomorrow – come Tuesday – you guys are able to jump on it and start implementing it. Got it?

So, we’re going to jump right in. I’m going to try to do this here within five minutes. So, first thing you’re going to do is create a new campaign. Go down to Display. This is going to be our Gmail video ad. Got it? I’m not going to worry about a lot of the copywriting. Not the copywriting like the copy. Normally I’d spend some time creating the best copy I could, but I’m not doing that right now, because I want to get this out. That’s something that you need to study.

So, enhanced CPC – you can leave that. It’s not; there’s no location, there’s no call ad. You don’t need to worry about that. I do like to go down here and change this to rotate indefinitely, because I like to do my own AB testing first. I’ll upload multiple ads. I will see which one’s getting a higher conversion, higher click-through rates, then I will pick. I don’t allow Google to do it, because I just don’t feel like they’re doing a good job. Two viewable impressions – you can do as many as you want there. I like to do 2, and then I hit Save.

Then it jumps over to this portion. I like to click this off – targeting options like Adwords automatically finding new customers. No, I don’t want to do that due to the fact that I’m going to be choosing my keywords. I just don’t like Google trying to go out there, because I felt like I wasted my budget sometimes. You may feel differently on that, but that’s just what I found. Enhanced CPC bid – we’re going to go 10 cents per click.

We need to now do our targeting method. We’re not going to worry about that right now. So, I’ll just go Save. Great. I skipped that. Okay.

So, it now brings you to here. You are now ready to do a few things. First, thing you need to do is go in and add your actual targeting. You have to go to placements, so you click over on the display network tab; then you click on displacements just to see that there’s nothing there and then we are going to add in… Just teasing. Just teasing, just teasing. We have to go add our ad first. So, first thing we’re going to do is create an ad group. We were just here. I skipped it and I shouldn’t have. So, we’re going to do targeting method. You have to go to placement.

Okay. Use a different targeting method. Down here multiple placements, Now, what I did I just opened up that now allows us to be on the Gmail network. Okay, we’re going to skip ad creation. We do not want the ad creation right this second, because we’re going to go in here, and go to ad gallery and we’re going to do an actual Gmail ad. Okay, so you’re not going to do a text ad. You’re going to do an actual Gmail ad. Now you have the Gmail image template, you have the Gmail single promotion template, Gmail multiple template and Gmail catalogue. Okay, right here this one Gmail single promotion template, this is where you’re going to find the option to be able to put it in your video. So, we’re going to go to Ydraw. Image – make sure you put in a good image here. I’m going to throw in, like something like this is usually pretty good just because it grabs your attention.

Now, let me change that. So, I don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this. You need to actually spend some time on creating these headlines. The whole idea is to get a high click through rate. So, do some testing, create these headlines, use your search, search campaigns to find out what’s really converting for you. And use kind of that same wording. So, I’m just going to throw in some stuff.

Okay. Now, here is where you are going to create your video ad. This gives you the option. You’re going to select the video. So click on this one over here, type it in – it will find it, and then you are able to pop in your video. Now, the nice thing about this is when they’re in your Gmail; a lot of people when they’re in Gmail, they don’t want to go outside of Gmail. Okay. So, with a video ad you’re able to deliver your message right there within Gmail.

So, if they’re interested in your product, they click on this watch your video, and then they’ll decide if they want to leave and go out to your website. So, it’s a good thing to weed out customers or interested customers, because they’re not going to go to your website if they watch your video. Another thing you want to be careful with is if your video is terrible or it’s not good at conversions, or it’s boring, anything, that actually can look bad on your business. So, make sure you have a pretty good video there. Got it?

Headline… Okay.

So, there is our ad. Like I said, spend some time creating it and you can see this is what pops up when you click on the promotions tab, so let me… I’m over on my Gmail. I just clicked over so here is the copy. You can click on this, and this is the actual ad within Gmail. Now, how does Gmail decide what to stick there, so what ad pops up here? They are reading your emails. They know what your likes, interest and all that are, so they will try to match up an ad according to your likes, and interests and topics, and everything. Got it?

So, that’s where your ad is going to show up. So, they’ll click on it and then right there you’ll going to have a play button. They can watch your video and it just opens up right here on their Gmail. Got it?

So, once you’ve gone that far, you then click Save and your video ad is running right now. It is running on the whole entire network. Okay. You are not targeted, so don’t leave it like that; you’re going to lose a lot of money. You need to now go in there and put in your display keywords. So, whether you’re in the video business or orthodontist, I mean whatever you’re doing, you need to put in your display keywords.

Now, I recommend choosing one target group and then doing another ad. So, don’t do a bunch of different topics mixed with keywords, mixed with remarketing, any of those types of things. Yet something I like about Gmail is you’re able to go in here and click on interest and remarketing, you can upload custom email list. So, like I have a list of 20,000 sitting in Infusionsoft. So, I can go grab that list, upload it in here, and do Gmail ads to my list. And then also Google will create a similar audience according to my list. I can market to them. So there you have a lot of options within this display network. Got it?
And I have some other video you can go watch- How to Actually Target Gmail Ads.

Now, last thing. I want to give you guys a little secret that I have been testing. Let me bring up an ad. I saw somebody do this and just caught my eye. Here is a Gmail ad I’m running; I’m just bringing it over to you right now, from my own business. So, I wrote up a simple page document, a Word Document. Then, I screenshot this simple image. So, it’s almost like I get all this wording. Well, you don’t have the ability to put all this wording in when you’re doing Gmail ads. So, this is kind of like a short form sales letter and you can go over here to the display network, right here where you do ads. You can upload a Gmail ad and do it with the image. So right here is the Gmail image template. What I do; sorry, this is kind of off. I just want to show you guys real quickly how to do this. same thing, you’re going to get really good headline subject descriptions, but look, now I have an image in there that they can read and they can click here. so, it’s a way to get a lot more wording, but that is what the ad looks like.

Got it? So, good luck. If you have any questions left, let me know. You can email me Go check out our other videos. You can go to our website, or if you’re needing a video, you can always go to Questions, like I said, I’m available.

Good luck. Get out there. Build your Gmail video ads and we can chat later. See you.



A Simple Guide That Will PROTECT Dentists And Orthodontists From Getting Ripped Off.

You’re Getting Bombarded!

We get it…We know you’re bombard daily with people trying to earn your online business. Doctors, Dentist, and Orthodontist are the perfect target.

You have money and can afford to pay online marketing companies a nice chunk of change. Or at least, that is what everyone assumes.

Here is the big tragedy.

Most of you have ended up purchasing a horrible service that will will not get you any results!

It’s not your fault. How are you supposed to know what is working or what isn’t? How are you supposed to know which online marketing company is legit?

Here’s how 95% of online marketing companies work: A pushy salesman presents to you $199 product, you buy it, and you never hear from them again.

This guide is going to help you prevent this from happening. Here are the questions you should ask, and the things you should be doing online.       


When I speak with Dental and Orthodontist Practices, I ask a couple of questions to see if they really are committed to online marketing.

“Do you want to really compete online?”

“Are you dedicated to Online Marketing?”

“Do you want to win?”

If the answer is yes…

“Are you going to back your decision with time and money?”

You either beat the competition or you don’t. Because the best place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of google…:)

Nobody visits page 2. So if you decide to play the game, you need to be great at it. A simple $299 service is not going to get you there.

You’re up against guys like this.

The online marketing battle is very competitive and takes a lot of resources. Your website needs to look great, load fast, be mobile friendly, entice users to click, have links, and answer user questions. That is just the beginning. You have YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Content, Analytics, Webmaster Tools, PPC, Email, Links etc.

In the back of this guide, I have provided you with the Ultimate Online marketing Checklist. Go through it and see what you are lacking.

Is online marketing worth it? I’ll let you decide. But know this…Burleson(above) makes about 7 million a year with his practices. 


The lifetime value of a Patient is one of the most important questions you should ask. This will determine your ROI. This will also determine how much you can spend online to obtain a customer.

We know that if a patient has a good experience, statistically speaking they will refer 5 other people. We also know that 18 months after their first visit they will typically return for comprehensive care. 

So how much can you really spend to obtain a customer?

A lot!

Dentists and Orthodontists who understand this concept will not have a problem scaling up their advertising budgets. Everything they spend, will give them a nice ROI.


Social media is one of the best investments you can make for your practice.

We love Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and YouTube ads.

Think about it this way.

Social media has spent billions of dollars to create platforms for advertisers. I can narrow down your target audience to Soccer moms 35 to 40 years within a 10 mile radius of a certain zip code. That’s powerful.

Where else can you put your message in front of your exact target audience in a matter of minutes?

It’s amazing and it is only going to get better. If you are not participating, you will be left in the dust.

Here is a simple Instagram ad we run for our clients. (You can brand this video). It’s simple and very effective. It costs you 4 cents a view.)


Like you, online marketers get paid for their expertise. The good ones, are extremely educated and make a lot of money. They know what works and are results oriented.

If you’re like 99% of Dentists, you have a bunch of different of little web marketing service. A web person, a social media person, a google reviews person, an email person, a content person, etc.

You’re totally comfortable with spending $150 a month for 30 different services. But you can’t bare the thought of cutting a $2500 dollar check to one person who will do it all for you.

Think about it…How much work are you willing to do for a $150 dollars a month? Maybe 20 minutes? That is the amount of time you are going to be allotted.

Do not expect to get results.

In my option, a good Online marketing company will charge you $2500 to $6000 a month depending on what you want done.

**Caution there are a lot of online marketing services that charge huge fees and don’t get results. Just because you pay a lot, doesn’t mean they are giving you a good service. Track their results**


6 Months until you start seeing traction. 1 to 2 years until you start seeing massive results.

This doesn’t mean you will not be getting patients along the way. A lot of times you will see an increase on month 1 but I want to prepare you for the long haul.

A good marketer will win because he outlasts everyone else. It’s hard not to see results right away, but the reward goes to the one who is persistent and patient. So be patient and do not quit too soon.

**A good marketing company will keep you posted every step of the way. You will see a lot of progress. They will track everything and will show you their numbers. Make sure you ask for them.**


This has to be the hardest questions because there are a lot of factors that go into a successful campaign. Here are a couple of things to look for.

  1. Is your website ranking on the first page of Google?
  2. Is your website optimized and user friendly?
  3. Are you getting leads, Patients, and an ROI?
  4. Do you have an Email Marketing Campaign in place?
  5. Is your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, bringing you customers?
  6. Are you having Bi-Monthly marketing meetings?
  7. When you call them, do they pick up the phone? Are they available?
  8. Are they transparent? Do they discuss problems or hide them?
  9. Do patients comment on how effective your advertising is?
  10. Are you making more money?

Online marketing works and will get you massive results if done correctly. Don’t be fooled.

Thanks you for taking the time to reading our Guide. We hope it helps


The Online Marketing Checklist

Website and Setup

  • Website set up and design
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster
  • Google Accounts (youtube pages etc)
  • Google Pages
  • Facebook page
  • Bing Webmaster
  • Google Adwords
  • Bing Adwords
  • Video Ad Campaign Set up
  • Lead Generation System (aweber, mail chimp, infusionsoft)

Month two (Traffic Generation)

  • Video shoot
  • Video Rankings
  • Fiverr Purchase (video ranking only)
  • Start PPC campaigns
  • Testing and optimization of Campaigns
  • Start Testing Facebook Campaign
  • Keyword Research
  • Website SEO (title tags etc)
  • Blog Schedule is set up (3 per week)
  • 100 citations are ordered
  • Order Hoth links ($250 to $350 packages)

Month 3 (email sequence)

  • Blog schedule (3 per week)
  • Create infographic and 1 guide
  • Video Shoot
  • 12 email sequence (
  • Start Retargeting Campagins
  • Slideshare
  • Optimize PPC campaigns

Month 4 (Scaling, adjustments, Monitoring, etc)

  • Buy More Hoth links
  • Create Video 3
  • Create Guides, blogs and infographics according to results


  • Facebook Page Set Up
  • Custom Facebook Cover and Icon (message or great headline)
  • Facebook Ad Set Up
  • Facebook Tracking Pixel on Website
  • Custom Facebook Audience website visitors
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Upload any lists. (CRM, Patients, Email Lists etc)
  • Create 3 Ad (1 has to be Dark Post)
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • 3 custom Facebook Ad Image (1200 x 628)
  • Place conversion pixel

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different images, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot


  • Instagram Page Set Up
  • Custom Instagram Cover and Icon (message or great headline)
  • Instagram Ad Set Up (have to use power editor)
  • Facebook Tracking Pixel on Website
  • Custom Facebook Audience website visitors
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Upload any lists. (CRM, Patients, Email Lists etc)
  • Create 3 Different Audiences on top of the website Custom Audience
  • Create 3 Instagram Ads
  • 3 custom Instagram Image Ad Image (1080 x 1080)

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different images, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot

o Marketing Package ($1500 a month)

Video Marketing and YouTube

  • YouTube Page Set Up
  • Custom YouTube Cover and Icon (message or great headline. Don’t forget branding)
  • Attach Website to YouTube Channel
  • Link up Analytics and Adwords account to YouTube Channel
  • Upload Video
  • Optimize Video for Keyword (title description tags and fiver gig)
  • Create YouTube Cards, Annotations and Notes on video
  • Create Remarking Audiences in Adwords
  • Place google Analytics pixel on Website and create remarking audiences
  • Create Instream Ad for Placements, Remarketing, Topics and Interests
  • Keywords Research
  • Placements: Search first 5 pages of YouTube for placements
  • Keywords (Display network only)
  • Topics (be very careful on budget with Topics and Interest it can go quick)
  • Interest
  • Remarketing (run video ads to your remarking lists)
  • Place conversion pixel

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor the ads and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different videos, lists, annotations, messages, and audiences
  • Scale up when you hit the sweet spot

Email Marketing Campaign

  • Setup up or use the clients CRM system (infusionsoft, mail chimp, Constant contact etc)
  • Place forms on site
  • Create Lists
  • Create emails
  • 1. Introduction email
  • 2. Soap Opera Sequence
  • 3. Seinfeld Email Sequence
  • Automate delivery

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor how well the emails are doing and make adjustments as needed
  • Test and try different messages
  • Segment lists for better results.

SEO is a 6 month to a Year Process

  • Make sure blog is set up and are SEO friendly
  • Install right plugins
  • Google Webmaster, Analytics, Bing Webmaster are in place
  • Do Keyword research
  • Create 1 2500+ article 1 time per month
  • Create 1 Blog per week. (more if possible
  • Purchase The Hoth Press Release
  • Purchase the Hoth Guest Post
  • Purchase the Hoth Blitz
  • On Page and Off Page linking
  • Social Media is linked up
  • Post all articles on social media

Monthly  Update, Task, and Monitoring

  • Give the client a weekly update on Clicks and traffic
  • Monitor how well the articles and how rankings are doing
  • Test and try different keywords