5 Video Marketing Campaigns The Best Business Are Running To Grow Their Business

5 Video Marketing Campaigns The Best Business Are Running To Grow Their Business

The 5 Video Marketing Campaigns.

I just finished speaking at a video marketing event in Florida and as I am flying home I want to introduce you to the 5 video marketing campaigns you should be running. Let me explain why I decided to write this.

During the event, my slides did not work, so I had to shoot from the hip and change up my presentation. I improvised. It ended up working because I pulled in some audience participation. I was stunned with their responses. I quickly learned that video marketing is STILL not being used.

Here is the first question I asked…

How many of you are running YouTube ads?

1 person in the whole audience raised their hand.

This was surprising because the audience was full of digital marketers and they are supposed to keep up on the latest and greatest.

Some of them actually own agencies.


Next question.

How many of you are running Gmail video ads?

Nada, zero, zip, zilch. The crowd was silent.

Gmail Video Ads started to get popular back in 2015 and nobody was doing it.

I was stunned and a little baffled on what I was seeing


Third question.

How many of you actually know anything about digital marketing?


They knew where I was coming from. They could see my disappointment and I had to give them a hard time.

We spent the next 30 minutes diving into different types of marketing campaigns they could get started on right away. That’s what inspired me to create “5 Video Marketing Campaigns You Need to Be Running.”

Here they are!

1. YouTube Video Campaign. Both In-stream and In-display.
2. Gmail Video Campaign.
3. YouTube Remarketing Campaign.
4. Facebook Video Campaign.
5. Facebook Remarketing Campaign.

I am going to walk you through these 5 campaigns with video, so let’s get started.

If you have any questions on how to implement these video marketing strategies, let us know. We would be happy to help

Video Transcript.

We’re going to go over the five video marketing campaigns that I think every business should be running. This is part of a blog sequence where I discuss a little bit about where this came from. Here are five things that all businesses should be running. Not things, video marketing campaigns. The first thing is a YouTube video campaign, both in stream and in display. I’m going to show you what those are in a second. I think all businesses should be running a Gmail video campaign and YouTube remarketing campaign, a Facebook video campaign, and obviously a Facebook remarketing campaign.

If I bring over a browser, I jump over here to YouTube. It’s always good if you’re any type of business. Most businesses have competitors, so let’s say you’re in the pest control. Pest control. If you type in “pest control company,” a lot of times what you can do is you can play your video in front of your competitors’ videos. Some competitors don’t allow for videos, some do. What I like to do is I like to go down and find the videos that will allow you to play on them, and anything to do with pest control, we’re going to want to run your video on those videos. Simple thing to do. It costs maybe 8-12 cents a view, and they have to watch out past 30 seconds for it to be counted as a view.

If you have questions on that, there’s a ton other videos in our channel that you can look at to learn more about YouTube ads. You want to run in stream ads. Those are the ads that play in front of a video, and then you want to run in display ads. If you type in “cars,” type in … Knowing our luck, I’m not … Right up here, this one, High T Black Limited Offer, that is a display ad. That’s the first campaign that companies should be running.

The next one are Gmail video ads. Same concept. It’s just a way for you to get in front of your target audience. Jump over here to Gmail account. Right here under promotions are these Gmail ads. Right here, “Apply for a credit card.” Now, Gmail will take a look at what’s happening within your Gmail accounts, and they will serve you up an ad. They’re getting very good at this, at targeting things to what you like now. There’s always growing pains, but day by day they’re improving. Very smart to do, very few companies are doing this right now, and I don’t know why. My click-through rates, my conversion rates are extremely high on Gmail video ads.

Very simple to do. You set it up same place you set up your YouTube ads. It’s right there in the AdWords back office. We have other videos that if you want to take a look at, you can go check those out, that teach you how to set up Gmail video ads. Real quick, this is an image ad, you can actually stick your video right here, and they can watch it right within their Gmail. Another one, YouTube remarketing campaign, so how this works is let’s say you go to my YouTube channel. Well, this video right now. You’re watching this video, well what’s happening while you’re watching this video, you are getting a cookie or YouTube is keeping track of all the videos you’re watching. Now, I am building a list according to anyone who watches me videos, that way I can turn around and remarket to them, I can run them other types of videos.

Simple thing, very cost effective, very easy to do, so the third one is YouTube remarketing campaigns. Next is Facebook video campaigns and Facebook remarketing campaigns. Just like in Google, on Facebook you need to be cookieing your audience, you need to be tracking your audience, seeing how they interact with your webpage so that you can run them a remarketing campaign and we found that Facebook actually … Well, let’s just bring up a Facebook feed. If you can do Facebook video campaigns, it’s very effective. if I just scroll down through my feed, here’s one, this is [Doma 00:04:42], that’s an ad there. Gary Vaynerchuk, just fly down through here, let’s look at some ads. Here’s an ad where you can do a video ad right here where they can watch your video.

You can give them a message, once again very cheap. Now, the only problem … The big difference between Facebook and Google is the fact that if you start to watch a video, three seconds in, Facebook counts that as a view. Bad idea, but hey, we’ll live with it. Now, Google on the other hand, they aren’t going to count a view unless they watched 30 seconds. Still, very effective. You can do Facebook remarketing also if people have watched your videos. You can then turn around and remarket to them within Facebook. Let’s see if we can see one more sponsored ad. Okay. Real quick, here’s one. You click on this, it’s not an actual video, but here’s another ad, and this is just getting served up according to their interest, according to the audience they chose. Go it.

Very simple. Once again, just to repeat, these are five video campaigns that every business should be running. You’ve got a YouTube video campaign, both in stream and in display, Gmail video campaigns, YouTube remarketing campaign, Facebook video campaign, and Facebook remarketing campaign. Doesn’t need to be expensive. You can spend $5 a day on Gmail ads and get some pretty good results, $5 on YouTube, get some good views. Costs should be around 10 cents. Same with Facebook, Facebook remarketing, you don’t have to spend a lot. Now, the more you can spend, the better, so it’s always a good thing.

If you have questions, you can always look us up, check out our other videos, go to MarketingHy.com, that’s H-y.com, and if you have any questions you can always email me, jace@marketinghy.com, and that is it. Have a good day, hope to see you implement these. Talk to you later.

How To Export Your Linkedin Contacts To Google And Facebook Custom Audiences

How To Export Your Linkedin Contacts To Google And Facebook Custom Audiences

I did a presentation the other day for SLCSEM.com on video marketing. One of the tip I like to teach is how you can run video ads to your Linkedin contacts. One of the members asked if I would show him how to export his Linkedin contacts and upload them into Facebook and Google custom audiences.

So here is a video on how you can export your Linkedin contacts to Google and Facebook custom audiences.

The video transcript. Forgive bad grammar and spelling errors this is done by a computer.

Jace Vernon: In this video we’re going to discuss how you guys can export your LinkedIn contacts into your Google Adwords custom email addresses, and also into your Facebook custom email. So, it’s just a way for you guys to take everyone you contacted or people who you’re trying to get a hold of in LinkedIn. You can take all of those contacts export them into Google and Facebook, and then you’re able to run video ads; you are able to run different kind of advertisements to them.

So, example, I use this to contact some executives and CEOs of a certain companies. Let’s assume that you want to get a hold of the CFO of the business. Well, a lot of times they’re hard to track. If you know that they need your product or service a good way to do it is to become friends with them on LinkedIn, or become friends with a bunch of people in their business on LinkedIn and then go after them that way. Create an advertisement or a video exactly for that business, and then export your LinkedIn contacts and then start running them ad.

Okay. So, I’m going to show you how you can do this. First thing you’re going to do is get your LinkedIn contacts. Go over here to LinkedIn. Click on My network. Go to Connections. And here are the connections I have. So I have to 6768 connections. Then go in here and say happy birthday to any of them. Click on this icon over here, the Settings icon and then put Export linking connections. We’re going to do it in a simple Microsoft Outlook export. Got it?

Okay. There is going to be a lot of information that you do not need on this and that kind a messes you up. So, I will go in here and I will delete everything I have, except for the email address. Now sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You may not need to do this but I just do it to be safe. Okay. So, now I have a list of all of my LinkedIn contacts right here. I may go up here and save this list. Okay, now I have my list. It’s all nice and safe. First thing you’re going to do is jump over into your Google Adwords account. Go down to the left-hand side; I’m going to scroll down so you guys can see this a little better. Left-hand side, you see a Shared library; click on Shared library and then here are your audiences. Click on View the audiences. Click on remarketing lists and custom emails, and put LinkedIn contacts. There we go. We’re going to No expiration on this. Another cool thing you can do with your LinkedIn contacts are you can build audience, similar audiences. So, once you get that audience out there, you can do a similar one. Got it? So, uploaded in, and of the 6562 email addresses 99.98% are good. And you’ll see that it will take them a bit to start building, but now you’re able to advertise on search; you’re able to advertise on YouTube, display on Gmail only.

Okay, So, I talk to you guys about Gmail ads. If you want, you can go check out my other Gmail video at How to run Gmail video Ads or just Gmail sponsored Ads. So, those are all my other tutorials, but you’re able to market to this list through Gmail. So, once there we won’t into have us created all the ads, but that’s how you get your list into Google.

Now, let’s jump over to Facebook. Go to your Ads Account. It will go… Okay, you’re just going to go up here to audiences. Click on Saved audience. I’m teasing, I’m teasing, sorry. It’s a Custom audience. You’re just going to use custom file. Choose a file. Import from Mailchimp; obviously we’re going to choose a file that we want. Click here. Upload that same file that you just uploaded. Now this one, you can put phone number, date, first name, last name, zip code, all those other things, but I’m just going to use the email addresses for now. Then click next. So, it uploaded 6519 rows. There, my audience is created. Done. So, it’s not ready yet. It actually takes Facebook a little bit to update that audience, but same thing here, you can upload this audience then do a similar audience, or a look alike audience, and you’re able to run ads to them.

Okay. So, that is it. Pretty simple. If you have any questions let us know go to ydraw.com or marketinghy.com. We have a ton of other video tutorials if you want to check them out on Gmail ads, on video ads. Mainly we like to focus a lot on the different video ads out there. We think it’s a huge opportunity. Shoot us a comment. If you have a certain video that you’d like to see a shoot, record,    or show you how to do something let us know. We’re all about helping businesses grow, capturing leads, those types of things.

Okay. Signing off.

How you can export your Linkedin contacts to Google and Facebook custom audiences.


Gmail Video Ad Tutorial. Here’s How To Create Them!

Gmail Video Ad Tutorial. Here’s How To Create Them!

Gmail Video Ads are here! Are you using them?

Before we jump into the Gmail video ad explanation and tutorial, I wanted to show all of you what I did this week. I dunked on Shaq.

Here is the proof.

It’s not everyday you get the chance to dunk on the big guy. I took it. 🙂

Now back to Gmail Video Ads.

Many of you know that I love Gmail ads. I have spent thousand of dollars testing them. So far, the ROI has been exceptional.

I highly recommend using Gmail Ads if you are not. You can check out a Gmail tutorial here to learn how to set up your first Gmail campaign.

Yesterday I was creating some ads and I found this, a video ad option.


This is perfect! You can deliver your full message right within gmail. The audience clicks on the play button and the video pops up.

A lot of times visitors do not like to leave their Gmail account. With a Gmail video ad, they do not have to. They watch your message and then decide if they are interested in your product or service.

Before we jump into the tutorial you need to make sure you have a couple of things in place.

  1. A great video.
  2. Your video has to be uploaded to YouTube.

Without those two step you do not even have the option to run video ads.

Here is how to create a Gmail Video Ad

1. Open up an Adwords account (If you would like $100 dollars in Google ads, let me know. I can send you a code created by my partner account. You do have to spend $25 to get the $100.)
2. Create a new display campaign
3. Create the actual Gmail ad
4. Choose the right audience
5. Let it run

I find it a lot easier to shoot a simple video. Watch the video and I will show you exactly how to set up the campaign.

Here is the transcript for the Video. Forgive the typos and spellings. A computer does this…

Jace Vernon: Good morning, everyone. It is Jace with Yinc Marketing and Ydraw. I am here to bring you a video on Gmail video ads. So, the other day I was on my Gmail and I saw a promotional ad, clicked on it and there popped up a video ad, where you just click, watch the video.

So, once I saw that, I love video ads. I love the whole thing about Gmail ads. It’s kind of the perfect mix for me. I jumped over there, started creating, and I wanted to get you guys out a video to show you guys how to create Gmail video ads. That way, come Tuesday (it is the 4th of July today, so Happy 4th of July for those in the US)…

So, I wanted to get this out today, so tomorrow – come Tuesday – you guys are able to jump on it and start implementing it. Got it?

So, we’re going to jump right in. I’m going to try to do this here within five minutes. So, first thing you’re going to do is create a new campaign. Go down to Display. This is going to be our Gmail video ad. Got it? I’m not going to worry about a lot of the copywriting. Not the copywriting like the copy. Normally I’d spend some time creating the best copy I could, but I’m not doing that right now, because I want to get this out. That’s something that you need to study.

So, enhanced CPC – you can leave that. It’s not; there’s no location, there’s no call ad. You don’t need to worry about that. I do like to go down here and change this to rotate indefinitely, because I like to do my own AB testing first. I’ll upload multiple ads. I will see which one’s getting a higher conversion, higher click-through rates, then I will pick. I don’t allow Google to do it, because I just don’t feel like they’re doing a good job. Two viewable impressions – you can do as many as you want there. I like to do 2, and then I hit Save.

Then it jumps over to this portion. I like to click this off – targeting options like Adwords automatically finding new customers. No, I don’t want to do that due to the fact that I’m going to be choosing my keywords. I just don’t like Google trying to go out there, because I felt like I wasted my budget sometimes. You may feel differently on that, but that’s just what I found. Enhanced CPC bid – we’re going to go 10 cents per click.

We need to now do our targeting method. We’re not going to worry about that right now. So, I’ll just go Save. Great. I skipped that. Okay.

So, it now brings you to here. You are now ready to do a few things. First, thing you need to do is go in and add your actual targeting. You have to go to placements, so you click over on the display network tab; then you click on displacements just to see that there’s nothing there and then we are going to add in… Just teasing. Just teasing, just teasing. We have to go add our ad first. So, first thing we’re going to do is create an ad group. We were just here. I skipped it and I shouldn’t have. So, we’re going to do targeting method. You have to go to placement.

Okay. Use a different targeting method. Down here multiple placements, mail.google.com. Now, what I did I just opened up that now allows us to be on the Gmail network. Okay, we’re going to skip ad creation. We do not want the ad creation right this second, because we’re going to go in here, and go to ad gallery and we’re going to do an actual Gmail ad. Okay, so you’re not going to do a text ad. You’re going to do an actual Gmail ad. Now you have the Gmail image template, you have the Gmail single promotion template, Gmail multiple template and Gmail catalogue. Okay, right here this one Gmail single promotion template, this is where you’re going to find the option to be able to put it in your video. So, we’re going to go to Ydraw. Image – make sure you put in a good image here. I’m going to throw in, like something like this is usually pretty good just because it grabs your attention.

Now, let me change that. So, I don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this. You need to actually spend some time on creating these headlines. The whole idea is to get a high click through rate. So, do some testing, create these headlines, use your search, search campaigns to find out what’s really converting for you. And use kind of that same wording. So, I’m just going to throw in some stuff.

Okay. Now, here is where you are going to create your video ad. This gives you the option. You’re going to select the video. So click on this one over here, type it in – it will find it, and then you are able to pop in your video. Now, the nice thing about this is when they’re in your Gmail; a lot of people when they’re in Gmail, they don’t want to go outside of Gmail. Okay. So, with a video ad you’re able to deliver your message right there within Gmail.

So, if they’re interested in your product, they click on this watch your video, and then they’ll decide if they want to leave and go out to your website. So, it’s a good thing to weed out customers or interested customers, because they’re not going to go to your website if they watch your video. Another thing you want to be careful with is if your video is terrible or it’s not good at conversions, or it’s boring, anything, that actually can look bad on your business. So, make sure you have a pretty good video there. Got it?

Headline… Okay.

So, there is our ad. Like I said, spend some time creating it and you can see this is what pops up when you click on the promotions tab, so let me… I’m over on my Gmail. I just clicked over so here is the copy. You can click on this, and this is the actual ad within Gmail. Now, how does Gmail decide what to stick there, so what ad pops up here? They are reading your emails. They know what your likes, interest and all that are, so they will try to match up an ad according to your likes, and interests and topics, and everything. Got it?

So, that’s where your ad is going to show up. So, they’ll click on it and then right there you’ll going to have a play button. They can watch your video and it just opens up right here on their Gmail. Got it?

So, once you’ve gone that far, you then click Save and your video ad is running right now. It is running on the whole entire network. Okay. You are not targeted, so don’t leave it like that; you’re going to lose a lot of money. You need to now go in there and put in your display keywords. So, whether you’re in the video business or orthodontist, I mean whatever you’re doing, you need to put in your display keywords.

Now, I recommend choosing one target group and then doing another ad. So, don’t do a bunch of different topics mixed with keywords, mixed with remarketing, any of those types of things. Yet something I like about Gmail is you’re able to go in here and click on interest and remarketing, you can upload custom email list. So, like I have a list of 20,000 sitting in Infusionsoft. So, I can go grab that list, upload it in here, and do Gmail ads to my list. And then also Google will create a similar audience according to my list. I can market to them. So there you have a lot of options within this display network. Got it?
And I have some other video you can go watch- How to Actually Target Gmail Ads.

Now, last thing. I want to give you guys a little secret that I have been testing. Let me bring up an ad. I saw somebody do this and just caught my eye. Here is a Gmail ad I’m running; I’m just bringing it over to you right now, from my own business. So, I wrote up a simple page document, a Word Document. Then, I screenshot this simple image. So, it’s almost like I get all this wording. Well, you don’t have the ability to put all this wording in when you’re doing Gmail ads. So, this is kind of like a short form sales letter and you can go over here to the display network, right here where you do ads. You can upload a Gmail ad and do it with the image. So right here is the Gmail image template. What I do; sorry, this is kind of off. I just want to show you guys real quickly how to do this. same thing, you’re going to get really good headline subject descriptions, but look, now I have an image in there that they can read and they can click here. so, it’s a way to get a lot more wording, but that is what the ad looks like.

Got it? So, good luck. If you have any questions left, let me know. You can email me jace@marketinghy.com. Go check out our other videos. You can go to our website marketinghy.com, or if you’re needing a video, you can always go to ydraw.com. Questions, like I said, I’m available.

Good luck. Get out there. Build your Gmail video ads and we can chat later. See you.