The How and Why Behind Perfect Landing Pages.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the big need for Landing Pages. A well designed landing page will increase your conversion rates which will lower your cost per lead. You should never start a marketing campaign without a couple of landing pages in place.

Ydraw, our other company, has basically created the home pages to be nothing but a big landing page. We get the best conversion rate by sending people directly to the home page.


Marketing on Instagram?  You betcha!  #workflow

Marketing on Instagram? You betcha! #workflow

Use Instagram to your marketing benefit, without annoying your followers.

Instagram, we’ve all heard of it. Most of us probably use it. But we probably use it for personal use. We post pictures of our food and our workouts, and our cats and children, and our cats and our food…did I mention food and cats? You get the point.

But Instagram is a terrific platform for marketing. They don’t yet allow you to purchase ad space, but they are owned by Facebook…so, let’s all enjoy the time without ads while we can. There’s something great about not having ads on Instagram. It allows us to be more personal with our followers and our potential customers.


Generate Leads With YouTube -The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to generate leads with YouTube Marketing? We are going to help!

It’s no surprise that we are HUGE fans of YouTube marketing here at Marketing Hy.  Ydraw, our parent company, began with one simple YouTube Video. It’s now on the Inc. 5000 list.

Before you jump into YouTube ads, make sure you know and understand the budget wasters. We have ran a lot of ads and have found tips and tricks that will help you generate leads. We’re the EXPERTS of how to generate leads using YouTube advertising.

Instead of hoarding this golden information all to ourselves, we thought, our readers could put it to use.   (more…)

How Retargeting Can Be Used to Nurture Leads

Breathe in….and now breathe out.

It is going to be ok…no, really, it will. Although he or she did not buy from you today, there’s still hope.

They will be back as long as you bring them back.

My sales team recently informed me that they get discouraged when we don’t close the deal on the first touch. Yes, that may be true, but how many touches does it take to convert a warm lead into a raving fan/customer?


Best Marketing Websites 2014. Marketing Websites That I Use Daily

Best Marketing Websites 2014. Marketing Websites That I Use Daily

5 best marketing website in 2014

It’s time I reveal the best marketing websites that I use daily. These are some top secret sites so use them and abuse them. The best marketing websites of 2014 will help you grow your business, increase your website traffic, get leads, and improve your online marketing campaigns.

In order to make my list, you have to give out something of value, meaning you can take the information provided and apply it immediately to your business.

1. Facebook Marketing Expert Jon Loomer

It is pretty hard to beat this guy when it comes to Facebook Marketing. Jon Loomer spends most of his days researching the latest and greatest trends in Facebook. I encourage you to use his ideas and apply it to your Facebook marketing campaigns. If you are reading this Jon, we appreciate your knowledge.

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