How YouTube Autosuggest and Google Autocomplete Can Work In Your Favor

How YouTube Autosuggest and Google Autocomplete Can Work In Your Favor

“Does Autocomplete give you results?”

“Does it work for YouTube?”

“How long does it take and why do people charge so much?”

These are just a few of the questions I get asked about Autocomplete. It is kind of a new thing, and people really aren’t sure what to use it for. They are a bit skeptical and don’t want to just jump without getting some assurances.

It’s good to be skeptical, especially when it comes to Google and the latest SEO tactics.

So let’s chat about Google and YouTube Autocomplete…here’s the facts.

I first ran into Google autocomplete years ago when I noticed some negative reviews about a person. When you typed their name into Google you would see something like the following:

John Doe fraud
John Doe scam
John Doe business

Autocomplete can work in your favor, or it can work against you, but the nice thing is you can change it.

In time you can change the results to say:

John Doe business
John Doe reviews
John Doe insurance

This is just one benefit. If you have negative reviews on Google Autosuggest (also called autocomplete) it can be changed or adjusted with more favorable terms.

If you are trying to make a name for yourself, or if you are trying to run a nice business, you do not want negative results popping up in autosuggest. It’s bad news.

Google Autocomplete can also be manipulated in your favor. Meaning we can drive traffic using keywords.

Let me explain.

Here is something we did we YouTube Autosuggest. (if you haven’t noticed already, I am using autosuggest and autocomplete interchangeably. They are the same thing. I want to rank for both keywords so I am using both of them in this article. A different lesson for a different day.)

I wanted Google and YouTube to bring up my company name for the following keywords:

1. Whiteboard Video
2. Explainer Videos
3. Whiteboard Animation

Here are the results. (make sure you are searching in incognito mode)

Google autosuggest for Whiteboard Animation

Google autosuggest for Whiteboard Animation

YouTube autocomplete for Whiteboard Videos

YouTube autocomplete for Whiteboard Videos

YouTube autocomplete for Explainer videos

YouTube autocomplete for Explainer videos

As you start to type in the word explainer video, Ydraw gets suggested as one of the top picks. Ydraw is in the video business, so YouTube has worked amazingly well. You can check them out at

Obviously you will want to have a good video on YouTube.

I repeat…

If you want to dominate the YouTube Autocomplete, you have to make sure you have a YouTube Channel and some compelling videos for people to watch.

The Benefits…

Since video continues to grow year over year you should really think about a video marketing strategy.

Do you have an explainer video? If not…Get one!

Because the YouTube autosuggestion strategy could be a great way to get viewers.

Let’s assume you are in the financial industry and somebody is looking for investment advice. When they type in “Investment advice” they see your company’s name or your personal name pop up in the top spot.

“Investment advice John Doe”

You will get traffic, which mean more leads, which means more business and money.

As you can see, this is for YouTube. You can do the same thing for Google search, but it takes double or triple the effort.

Word of warning…

Google changes all the time. This is not a “one and done” type of strategy. You need to be persistent and consistent to make happen.

We do offer this type of service for all types of companies. Yinc saw the opportunity and had a machine/software created. We also have a network in place that conducts searches for us manually.

You can do this yourself if you and a group of people can dedicate a couple of minutes a day to conducting searches.

The more competitive the keyword, the harder the results.

Here is how to to it.

1. Open up a new browser in YouTube

2. Search for the keyword you want to compete for

3. Add your company onto the end of the keyword

   Keyword + Company Name

    “Explainer Video Ydraw”

4. Click on your video

5. Watch your video to the very end

6. Scale it and get others to do the same thing

Happy Searching!

Contact us if you are interested in the Google and YouTube Autocomplete strategy.

Yinc Marketing


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Alot of times people we find they are too busy or they just do not have the technical skills to implement our strategies. If you can not implement this strategy, we would love to do it for you. Everything we do is based off of ROI and will help your business. Sign Up and we will get you started right away. We will manager your Video Ads Campaigns, Email Campaigns and Autocomplete Services. They Work and we use them. Sign Up and see if we are a good fit. We may not be…but it’s worth seeing. This could change your business.


How YouTube Autosuggest and Google Autocomplete Can Work In Your Favor. It’s all about getting results by manipulating the Google Autosuggest.

Holding Your Audience’s Attention

Holding Your Audience’s Attention

Attention is one of the biggest problems we have as a society today.  But a great video will fully captivate your audience’s attention.

How often is your attention given fully to just one thing? When was the last time you wrote an email or read a book and didn’t have music or the television playing in the background? When you sit in front of the television, do you just sit and watch, or do you check your phone or play on your laptop, maybe both? It’s probably most of the time.

It’s rare that one thing holds our full attention, it’s usually always divided. Think about the last time something actually did hold your full attention. Wasn’t it something really amazing? Usually when something enraptures our attention, we want to know more.

So, how do we get our viewers full attention? You give them something amazing. A whiteboard animation video does just that. When did you first see a whiteboard animation video? Have you? If not, I’m not sure how you made it to this blog…but check them out on our YouTube. They are pretty cool if I do say so myself.

I remember the first time I saw a whiteboard animation. It was an explanation about Schrödinger’s Cat. It was incredibly basic and they used stick figures. But I remember thinking how nice it was to have something like a paradox explained visually. It was much easier to comprehend. My attention was grasped, and held.

Now, the first time I found quality whiteboard videos was even better. I remember finding Ydraw and just sitting on YouTube for probably an hour watching all of their content. I’m not sure if it was the artist in me, the film student, or just the fact that these are such a genius way to market things, but they definitely had my full attention.

I wasn’t even in the market for a whiteboard video and I found myself on their website, reading the blog, finding competitors, and pricing things out.hold-audience-attention

Just last week I was talking to one of my friends about what I do and about whiteboard animation videos. I pulled one of them up to show him, and we continued to have our conversation as he watched. About 30 seconds later someone asked him a question and he didn’t answer them. I realized I had basically been talking to myself ever since I turned on that video. He had to apologize to the other person, saying that he was so into the video he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.

So, give your audience something great. Give them an amazing image that they are drawn to. Give them a great script that explains your product or company. Leave them wanting to know more and then give them somewhere to find more! Create quality content so each time they click somewhere new, they find new great information. Give the people what they want.

This is how you can gain an audiences attention. Show them something refreshing and new. With a video scribing video, you can do that. Ydraw is the best in the business with great pricing. Give them a clean, creative whiteboard animation video, or an interactive 2D or 3D video. Give them something that makes them seek out more, and what’s an easier way than with an interactive video?

Great Marketing Advice I Learned from The Death of Scott

Great Marketing Advice I Learned from The Death of Scott

Marketing Advice

Two men set out on a mission. It was a mission of discovery, adventure, and misfortune. 1400 miles in total.

One had all the resources at his fingertips and the other did not. One man was well funded and had all the training and talent necessary to win the prize and the other did not.

A David and Goliath story.

The goal…The South Pole

Scott had all the resources necessary to succeed and bring home the prize, but it was Amundson who would arrive at the South Pole and live to tell about it.

It all came down to decisions.

Scott made bad ones Amundson made great ones.

Make no mistake about it: Scott and his men had heart and hardihood in spades. But Amundsen was the superior tactician.

Here is a great example…

A day when Scott should have been in a mad dash to get to the next station he decided to stop and collect rocks. This was after they were already starving and frost bitten.

He took horses and skis instead of dogs

He didn’t plan and prepare

He took one navigator compared to Amundson’s four.

His depot stations were too few, too little, and too far apart.

It was a disaster, which would eventually cost all of them their lives.

They froze…

Amundsen's route had never before been taken, but it put his starting point 60 miles closer to the Pole than Scott's.

Amundsen’s route had never before been taken, but it put his starting point 60 miles closer to the Pole than Scott’s.

Amundson, on the other hand, did the exact opposite.

He planned for emergencies.

Instead of one depot station he would set up multiple.

They had so much food on the trip back they were eating all they could to lighten the load. They were even feeding the dogs delicious chocolate. (don’t do this at home, your dog might leave you some presents)

His men reached the pole 30 days before Scott and were back home about the time Scott was dying.

You might be asking how does this apply to marketing, especially video marketing?

Let me elaborate.

There are two companies that have similar products. They are both looking for success, but one makes millions while the other shuts it’s doors.

It all comes down to decisions and preparation.

Are you going to spend the time and prepare for success? (due diligence)

Are you going to make sure your video and marketing efforts are really producing results? (measure results)

Do you have different lead sources? (preparation)

Who are your marketing partners do they know what they are doing?

I continually consult with business owners and find that some are prepared but unfortunately most aren’t.

The majority never makes it back from the South Pole.

It’s the perfect time of year to go back over your marketing efforts.

I did…

When Marketing You Make Your Own Luck

Here is what I found

  1.  Facebook ads are still working great, but you have to make sure the target audience is dialed in.
  2.  YouTube is still our poster child. We love video ads and video marketing.
  3.  2015 is going to be a big year for video marketing. Platforms are only getting better and Google is always improving the target audience options. I will we harping on this throughout the year so expect to see a lot more in terms of video marketing. It works
  4. PPC ads – Adwords are still working, but can get very expensive.
  5. Bing and Yahoo Ads are gaining market share so make sure you are using them
  6. We stopped running Twitter and Linkedin ads. They still need to improve conversions and results. I might look to test them in a couple of months
  7. Video SEO – organic search marketing is awesome
  8. Google and YouTube autocomplete is going to be a big part of our strategy for 2015. We have created machines.
  9. Email marketing is a must. The money is in the list
  10. Customer retention and customer service is also a must. Look for ways to improve it.

“I may say that this is the greatest factor—the way in which the expedition is equipped—the way in which every difficulty is foreseen, and precautions taken for meeting or avoiding it. Victory awaits him who has everything in order — luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.” -Roald Amundsen

That should cut it.

We want to be your strategic partner and see how quickly we can get to the pole and back.

Jace Vernon
(your video marketing consultant)

PS. Hey guys I think it has been a month since I have written a blog, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do better in 2015. We have some great guides and advice coming.

I’m serious we have some amazing stuff coming so keep a look out.

Great Marketing Advice I Learned from The Death of Scott


6 Ways to be More Productive in the New Year

6 Ways to be More Productive in the New Year

Be more productive this year and take that “Queen B” title…or King…

I mean, I don’t even like Beyonce, but the girl is on top of things.

1. Zero Your Inbox

Emails come in all day and all night long. Emails don’t take evenings or weekends off. In the New Year check your emails when they role in but only to make sure they aren’t urgent. Once you’ve read them and realized they aren’t, keep them in your inbox until you are in the office, then handle whatever they are concerning. Once you’ve taken care of the task within the email, file the email away into a folder. Leaving you with a clean and clear inbox. Using your email as a to-do list will allow you to be more productive this new year.

2. Take the Nights Off

Like I said earlier, make sure your emails aren’t urgent and then let them sit for the night. You can actually become more productive when you force yourself to get your work done in the office. When you allow yourself to work at home you tend to be distracted and take longer to accomplish tasks. This causes you to spend less time with your family or resting which then can cause distractions at the office.

3. Use Your Phone

We live in a world of texting and emails. Start using your phone for what it was made for, pick it up and call your clients. You can get your point across more accurately and articulately when you make a phone call. You might think sending a quick email will be faster, but certain things aren’t the easiest to convey over text and that can lead to confusion between you and your client, which can lead to more emails and an inevitable phone call anyway.

4. Work Offline

Turn off your Wi-Fi. Of course some things you will need the Internet for, but if you’re editing photos or writing blogs or a novel or doing anything that you don’t need the Internet for, turn it off. Better yet, work on a computer that doesn’t connect to the Internet. This will allow you less distractions and more focus on your work, making you more productive.

5. Time Management

There are a million books on time management, I suggest reading some. Chris Hardwick, one of the busiest men in entertainment, once talked about how he learned time management on his podcast, The Nerdist. He read a ton of books and has an assistant, but the short version is to set a timer and time how long it takes you to do tasks. Then the next time you do the same task, try to beat that original time. Make sure you don’t get distracted by other things. You will want to time yourself doing only the task you have set, not anything else and no other distractions.

6. Checklists

Start each morning with a meeting with yourself. Create your to-do list with your priority tasks first, and the rest lower on the list. You never know what you’ll receive throughout the day that needs to be done immediately and will take most of your day away, so get your priorities right and done first. This will allow you to accomplish things quickly and wont push you into working after hours to accomplish those priority tasks you neglected.


For Lead Gen, Business Marketing Or Advertising…You Need This!

For Lead Gen, Business Marketing Or Advertising…You Need This!

As many of you know I have 6 wonderful kids that keep me pretty busy.

Two weeks ago Camdyn (2) and Taya (4) discovered Taylor Swift. So I have spent the last 336 hours listening to “Blank Space” and “Shake it off” over and over again.

Normally this would drive a Dad crazy, but I am all for it. I love Taylor Swift and her lyrics are amazing. There is nothing better than cruising around in a Mini Van, stereo blasting, listening to two little girls fumble through the lyrics of a song. That is what I call happiness!

Taylor Swift was the 2nd highest paid Female Musician last year bringing in close to $64 Million. Why is that?

Answer: She has created what I like to call the “Attractive Character”

Think about it. Her songs relate to her audience. Taylor writes or co-writes every song on all of her albums and most come from her personal experiences.

People love Taylor because they see themselves.

“A key line in the song (Blank Space) “Ain’t it funny rumors fly, And I know you heard about me,” gives us a glimpse into what it’s like to be miss Swift, but it’s also very relatable to the average person. Many of us have heard things about others and ourselves that aren’t true. The art of a Taylor Swift song comes from being able to take personal experiences and having them translate into the lives of millions of other people. This is the reason Swift can still sell over a million copies of her album the first week and why all of her concerts sell out. She knows how to connect to people’s emotions.”

The point…

When it comes to building a business, writing emails, creating scripts, or interactive with our audience we need to create an “Attractive Character.”

A character that relates to our customers.

  • Apple = Steve Jobs
  • Oracle = Larry Ellison
  • Disney = Walt Disney

Obviously, when building an attractive character you open yourself up to push back and criticism. That is just the way it is.

You will be tempted to return to your old ways of corporate talk and bore the heck out of your audience. A good indicated of progress could often times come in the form of criticism.


Two weeks ago I sent out an email about my cleaning lady stealing my wife’s camera. It was a great way to introduce our new watercolor videos, but I still get one or two emails where people seem to take offense no matter what I say.

Here’s a response from XXXX XXXX

“No good deed goes unpunished” huh? What a lovely message. Well let me encourage you that I find your email less than a good deed. In fact I found it insulting as the introduction was unnecessary and placed an unbalanced, negative light upon an almost universal spiritual message of giving – whether it is returned and appreciated or not.

So you may be encouraged to find that bad deeds don’t go unpunished either as I have no intention of rewarding such behavior by patronizing your business. How’s that for balance.” XXXX XXXX

Crazy, right? Who is this guy.

I know, I know, I am confused just like the rest of you… Who doesn’t love my emails?

Criticism and push back can be a great indicator that you are heading in the right direction.

Although I get some negative response, they don’t even compare to all the positive ones.

So do not be afraid to go out there and write about you, your experience, your triumphs and failures.

In the coming weeks I will try and do the same, I will share with you guys:

How I lost a million dollars in one day.

How $60,000 cold hard cash show up at my office in a Fedex package (You’re not going to believe where the money came from).

How I gained a net worth of 8 million by age 27 and lost it all by age 28.

How we made $400,000 in one day all because of a simple mistake.

The list goes on. I share these things, in hopes that I can help some business owner improve their business in one-way or another.

I am just like most of you. I am out their searching for my tribe…

We all want to find our tribe.

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. … Tribes need leadership. Sometimes one person leads, sometimes more. People want connection and growth and something new. They want change…you can’t have a tribe without a leader – and you can’t be a leader without a tribe.” Seth Godin

You know how last week I mentioned that I was going to deliver on the 13 online marketing strategies every companies needs, well this one ties into all of them…

When you are creating your email sequence, blogs, videos, etc. You will want to make sure you are relating to people and you do this through creating the “Attractive Character.”

Someone whom people relate to.

Attractive Character = You

Here is simple PDF that will help you create the “Attractive Character.” I got this from Russell Brunson.

Attractive Character PDF

I will leave you with another quote by Seth Godin

“If you’re remarkable, then it’s likely that some people won’t like you. That’s part of the definition of remarkable. Nobody gets unanimous praise — ever.

The best the timid can hope for is to be unnoticed. Criticism comes to those who stand out.

Playing it safe. Following the rules. They seem like the best ways to avoid failure. Alas, that pattern is awfully dangerous. The current marketing “rules” will ultimately lead to failure. In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.”

P.S. I am going to be sending out another email on YouTube Marketing. You are now able to create annotation that will link out to a website.
I will explain in the next email.

Lead Gen, Business Marketing Or Advertising? You Need This!