How To Run YouTube Ads On Your Competitors Videos

How To Run YouTube Ads On Your Competitors Videos

This simple video is going to show you how you can run YouTube ads on your competitors videos. You will need a video, adwords account and a small budget..:)


Here is the transcript for those who like reading.. Please forgive typos or spelling errors. It is a program that does it for us.

Enjoy your YouTube Marketing Education.

[Start of video YouTube Video Ads. Running Ads On Your Competitors Videos]
[Beginning of recorded material]

Jace: Of air. Okay, we are live.
Hey, guys, Jace over here, at Yinc Marketing. We’re going to throw together a quick video on how you can run YouTube video ads on your competitor videos. I got Wes Bledsoe here. Wes?

Wes: Hey guys.

Jace: I wonder why… Wes did that just switch over to your face when we did that?

Wes: No.

Jace: It didn’t?

Wes: Well, I’m not…

Jace: Did that just switch?

Wes: No. Are you presenting to everyone?

Jace: I need to know. There we go. Okay, sorry guys we are… Well, we’re not [00:36] Google Hangouts. It’s just when you shoot these things live, you never know what’s going to happen. So, Wes what can you see right now? Can you see my screen?

Wes: Yes.

Jace: Okay. So, I’m going to go through this. Wes, if I miss anything, you just need to update it. What you want this to be like a 9-10 minute video. So, if any of you guys are not running video ads you should be. And today I want to show you a simple trick on how you can run video ads, right in front of your competitors’ videos. Now, so Google AdWords had a bunch of changes that they made this last week. It used to have a video campaign. Mind still like this, I haven’t updated my AdWords account, but some of you are going to have that video campaign tab down at the bottom. It’s just going to be part of your normal campaigns. Okay, here it is. Once we’d upgraded to that, but I’m not going to. Okay, so there’s a couple of things you need to know about YouTube video ads. So, you have a keyword placement. You have keywords. You have target, as far as demographics. You have placements where you can choose the exact videos that you want to play on. I mean, that’s the one we’re going to be talking about today. It’s called placements. So, the first thing you need to do is come down here and start a new campaign. Let’s call this, placement campaign. And if you don’t, if you’re already confused and you haven’t made it this far into your campaign, you better go Google how to run an AdWords campaign.

Wes: Yes.

Jace: So, I do move pretty fast, so pay attention, but you can always stop rewind the video. So, we’re going to go placement, what’s today, September 8th?

Wes: It’s a 9th.

Jace: Though, obviously you need to have a video. If you don’t have a video, call Ydraw. We’ll get you a whiteboard video. Now we’re going to go budget $10 a day. On your networks down here you have a YouTube search for YouTube videos. Obviously, you don’t want to do search. Say, if I click here and I go to YouTube, let me show you the difference. This is your search. So, if I go Ydraw, then see I’m running ad. See I practice what I preach, people. Right there, so that’s our ad. If you type Ydraw, this is the search. Okay and that simple ad right there. If I’m typing lawyers, I always like watching lawyers once. Nobody’s running an ad and they should be. Okay, there’s some. So, we got to stop you. I just want to do a little note here. This guy right here, I think it’s David Altman. Watch this. You click on his video, and I think he’s the one… He might have changed it, but he was actually running, allowing people to run ads in front of the ad he was running. So, this guy. Okay, perfect example. This guy right here is trying to rank, and this is kind of an offshoot. Just want to warn you. Legal IT solutions, mind SHIFT, he is paying money right now to run this ad. So, right when I clicked on that cost of money, well here’s the crazy thing is you click on his ad, I did it again. He is running adds, you can see he’s running ads by this yellow bar right here. So, this guy is paying money to run video ads, and he’s allowing other lawyers to run video ads in front of his ad. Okay, so it’s kind of crazy. Right, right there. This video, this banner ad, if I want to I could go run a banner ad right there, and then also you have an inched stream which pops up before. So, just a word of caution, if you have a YouTube channel, don’t allow people to run ads on it. To back to our campaign, $10 a day is our budget. I am only going to run on YouTube videos. Okay? I don’t want to run on the display network, nor do I want to run in search, due to the fact that I want to do what is called in-stream ads, which I’ll show you here in a second. I only want to run in the United States, and I am going to find a Yinc video. Rank your video with video marketing. Okay, there is one of our videos. Okay, you have your choice of in-stream. Okay, let me show you the difference. Over her on the left hand side, right here where my mouse is, so you have search results. I eliminated that when I unclicked before. So, the only thing I’m going to run on is I can run on it as a YouTube overlay, or I can run on YouTube related videos. So, we’re going to pull off in display. Now, what that left, like in display. Now, what that left, let me show you. Once again, in display is this area up here in YouTube. So I jumped back over to YouTube. You have in display over on this side. I don’t want to do that, nor do I want to be on this banner ads right here. So, I’m going to click off in display, just because I want to be very targeted, and I am only going to go for placements. So, display URL, I’m going to put in our website. Bonus mobile adjustments, I don’t want my kids clicking, like they do all the time. So, I’m going to decrease that by 50%, and I would suggest that especially if you’re starting out. Okay, we’re going to go here to placement. Wes, if I forgot anything…

Wes: No, so far so good.

Jace: Okay. Your cost per click, let’s go to $0.15 per year. Gender, I love to take out 18 to 24-year-olds, and sometime I take out 25-24 depends on the product or service you’re selling. For my product or service we don’t have a lot of 24-year-olds buying it. So, now this is where it gets interesting. It’s placements. So, leave your demographics, your interest, any interest, because what you want to do is just run on the videos you choose. You first start out here on suggestions. So, online marketing. If you’re a competitor watching this, and you…

Wes: Yes, back off.

Jace: Yes, back off. Turn it off. Okay, YouTube. Okay, so now you can just, choose. Now, this is not the best way to do it all the time, but Google will suggest so. Online marketing- Please help my online store. Let’s click on there and see what it is. Okay, this is an ad, actually in front of it. So, this guy, we’re going to skip that ad, Evan Carmichael. Okay, this would better be good. He doesn’t have a ton of views, but it’s still my target audience could be looking for help- online marketing, help with their online marketing store, so I like that. I’m going to add that video, okay? So, I’m going to be able to run ads just like the one you saw in front of his video. What is online marketing? Let’s click here. That has 2000 views. Whiteboard junk, that’s a fake whiteboard video guys. So, obviously I’m going to run what is online marketing. I’ll probably run an Ydraw video in front of that also, because it’s a whiteboard video. So, you just want to check. So, I’m going to add that, I want to run in front of their video.

Wes: Now, are you typically looking for videos with higher views, or does it not matter, because you’re just being targeted?

Jace: Yes, I mean the higher the view- the better. But, your biggest, like this one is limited. This probably gets one view a day. One or two. So, you’re not going to see a huge result. What you like to see is millions of views, so let me show you how to find also online marketing mistakes. So, you can search interesting keywords. So, let’s start with her. No ad. So, I just start looking down through these common mistakes in online marketing. Great, here is one. It has 17,000 views. Okay, that is not a bad one. So, I will take that URL, because this is talking so. How do you know that it runs ad? You can know it run ad by this yellow marker right here. This yellow mark on the plate timeline shows that. So, let me go over here. I’m going to add that manually. Okay, so you want to spend a ton of time doing this. You can see I only have three. You want 100, you want 200. I think you can only go up to 500, but get 200 links that are very, very qualified videos. Now, once you have it you press done. Save your targeting group. That is it. It is running. Okay? So, obviously I’ve already done this so, I was just to show you guys. Now, after you let it run for a couple of days, you want to go in here to look at your targets. You can see exactly where they were being played. You can see your gender, everything, your demographics, and see if it’s working, not working. Now, something you want to pay attention to is when you do design your videos, make sure they have a call-to-action. Make sure your YouTube channel, like if you go to our YouTube channel. It’s called Yinc. Okay, right here we have a call action; we have our website; we have our Google +; we have our Ydraw’s website; Facebook, those things. And our videos we make sure they have a call-to-actions. Hey, we’re live, right now. That’s us.

Wes: So, one thing to take note of, the reasons placements are so beneficial and so effective on YouTube is when you do a search video it is very, very difficult to stay in certain keyword parameters. YouTube videos put all over the place, but when, you obviously use placement you’re placing yourself in specific, into specific videos. And you’re also benefiting from your competition pushing out their own videos. So, as these people are getting more views, you in addition are getting more views on your ads, and everyone benefits. Well, your competition doesn’t, but you do. So, we’ve seen crazy successful, by using this technique.

Jace: Yes, especially Ydraw. I mean, Ydraw were whiteboard animation company. I can tell you how many whiteboard video companies out there are allowing us to run ads on them. I get calls all the time to say ‘Hey, I was looking at this whiteboard company and saw your ad pop up in front of it.’ So, it’s a way to really nail down your target audience. I mean, you’re playing in front of videos of people searching for your product and service. So, a simple little thing you can do, if you don’t have a big budget who cares. Put $5 a day at it. But, we highly suggest you first get yourself a video and then you start running ads in front of your competitor. And if it’s not your competitors, run ads in front of your target audience. Where would they be searching? What problems would they be searching for? Or solutions, I guess what kind of solutions would they be looking for? Okay. Questions? Wes, any questions?

Wes: For a second a thought you were asking them. No, I think that…

Jace: No, yes I was asking them and you.

Wes: I think we covered it.

Jace: So, contact. If you guys have questions, you can always contact us. I am And Wes is If you have problems with your online marketing, if you have an online marketing teams, it’s not getting good results, reach out to us. We’d be happy to help. Check out our website. Check out our videos, and we will see you guys next time. We are going to probably be covering a little bit about keyword targeting. There are some tricky things you need how to do on the YouTube keyword retargeting. No retargeting. YouTube keyword, YouTube ads. Keyword YouTube ads. We’ll get it right by the time we go to the next one.

Wes: So, we’ll work on it before we shoot the next video.

Jace: So, I’m out. See you guys later.

[End of recorded material]


How To Find The Right YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

How To Find The Right YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

Today we are going to talk about YouTube Video Ads and one of the hardest parts.

I am about to show you how to find YouTube videos and channels where you can run your YouTube video ads.

You know those little commercials that most of you skip? These are call inStream video adverts, and these are your golden ticket.

They work and I am going to show you a few tips and tricks, one of those being how to get FREE clicks on your YouTube advertising.

Yes, really.

First lets chat about Google and YouTube advertising. There are a couple of things you need to know.

Remember that with YouTube, our benefit as advertisers is because the viewer has already done the hard work of typing in their search term, finding the video, and then deciding to click on the video to obviously watch it: They have explicitly demonstrated that they are interested in that topic.

Thats we’re going to show our ad.

Where should you run Ads?

Everyone seems to be on the Facebook gravy train right now. That is were all the rage is. I myself like Facebook but I do not see the same returns that I am getting on YouTube. I would totally forget about Twitter and Linkedin they are the worst.

I have tested their ads multiple times and it is very costly.

YouTube, on the other hand, is amazing and gives us the opportunity to place our ads in front of the perfect target audience. So if I were you

I would be using Facebook and YouTube.

All Good So Far?

YouTube gives you the ability to spend very little and still get in front of a laser-targeted audience.

Plus, you are not just running the same old image ad. You have the ability to tell your message with a 30, 60, 90 second or longer commercial.

Where else can you get that kind of publicity?

Let me bring you up to speed on Google and YouTube advertising. I won’t bore you to death, but it’s important you get a few details under your belt.


As most of you know Marketers tend to ruin everything. Well the crazy thing about YouTube is that seasoned hardcore internet marketers have little or no idea how awesome YouTube ads really are!

This is changing quickly.

I am starting to see more and more courses, products and “gurus” pushing out YouTube ads.

About a year ago YouTube allowed you to link out of your YouTube videos to your website or a specific Landing Page. This changed the game. I like to tell people that they need to treat YouTube as an extension of their website. Everyone is starting to get the picture.

Over time, more and more people will start running ads.

Why does this matter? Because your costs are going to slowly increase. So you better get moving.

Youtube Advertising 101

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. Nothing beats YouTube as far as education and attention. When people are looking for reviews or information – video will hold their attention and can educate them on the product or service features and benefits.

The first step is to create a video that will capture their attention. I am not going to go into that here, but you can read some of our other articles about creating an amazing video. Here is a good example.

The second step is Finding YouTube Videos To Run Ads On

Warning…This is very time consuming and can drive you bonkers. (necessary evil)

  1. Go to YouTube search the keyphrases that apply to your business. “weight loss” “video marketing” “personal injury” etc
  2. A list of videos is going to pop up which now become potential candidates.
  3. Create a blank spreads sheet with the keywords along the top
  4. Now click on every video and see if they allow ads. *a video ad will play before the video or a yellow dot can be found on the play line. This indicates ads will play at those points.*
  5. If the video allows ads, copy and past the URL into the spread sheet
  6. Rinse and Repeat
  7. Find up to 500 videos. (YouTube limits you to 500 per target group)
  8. Place the URL into your placement target group on the adwords campaign.

When I first started YouTube advertising I did this manually. I would hire people and this is what they did all day long.

You can only advertise on YouTube videos where the Channel Owner has elected to monetize their videos, and selected which of those videos they want to earn money on.”

It’s a pain in the butt and very time consuming. This has to be one of the biggest barriers to entry for YouTube advertising. You would think that Google would come up with a better solution, but that has not been the case. Google wont’ tell you exactly what videos you are allowed to play on. They want you to put in the 60 hours of manual labor.

Is it worth it? Yes…

Now, for the good news!

I have software that will do this all for me. It is exclusive, but we do allow our clients to submit us their keywords and we will do all the work for them. We do charge a small fee. If you are interested, you just need to shoot me an email.

If you have questions about YouTube Ads or you are interested in our services, let us know. We basically create and run amazing Video marketing campaigns for companies who are looking for leads, branding and more customers.




Top 5 YouTube Ads and 7 Concepts We Learn From Them

Top 5 YouTube Ads and 7 Concepts We Learn From Them

Do you know what are considered to be the Best YouTube ads in 2015? Google asked ad makers, brand shapers, copywriters, and coders to vote on their favorite YouTube Video Ads.

Let’s start from the top. We will dissect these later on.

This one is still one of the best commercials I have seen. Love It!

I want you to pay attention to these ads. There’s lot we can learn from these winners. This is consumers voting on what they like to see and share. Ever since YouTube came out, consumers have been screaming to advertisers. They have been telling us to change our ways and produce videos that move them.

Think about it…Consumers now have the power to engage, comment, share, and click. Here are some trends from some of the top YouTube video ads.

1. Tell The Truth!

Dollar Shave Club is the perfect example. Mike was able to share everything from the brand’s persona to its value proposition all while oozing authenticity. It worked…launching his business into millions.

2. Entertain them First.

YouTube is a place where people are looking to be entertained. Here is a great example of a video ad that we produced. Our first job was to grab their attention and the second was to keep it. This was a video created specifically for YouTube ads. We interacted with the “skip” button. How do we know this worked? By reading the comments. How often do you have people like your YouTube ads?

3. Be Interactive.

Old spice is a perfect example of how to interacts with your audience. It’s brilliant and the whole campaign has to be the absolute best on YouTube. Millions of views, subscribers and publicity.

By the way…

A very powerful way to engage your audience is by creating an interactive video. It’s like a choose your own adventure. You can go here to read more about it.

4. Take All The Time You Need.

This is one of the powerful aspect of running ads on YouTube. You’re not restricted by time. It kills me when companies use 15 second TV commercials and think they will perform on YouTube. Video ads are about having a conversation with your audience. This is hard to do in 30 seconds. Now, don’t go out and create a 20 minute video. (2 to 3 minutes is plenty).

“It’s time to break free of the 30-second spot. Nike’s “Winner Stays” video, which has more than 115 million views, is more than four minutes long. Your story doesn’t have to fit into a timeframe of 15 or 30 seconds anymore; it just has to be a story viewers want to watch.”

5. Tell A Story.

This is pretty difficult because you have to shift you mind set from an ad maker to a story teller. This takes a lot of thought and energy. “The Scarecrow,” has to be one of the best videos for telling a story. I have written about it before, but I just can’t stop bringing it up. If you are going to take the time to create a video ad…Why Not Make It Epic?

6. Have Fun!

Have a bit of fun with your audience, play with the skip button, or pull some pranks. Our company is going to come out with a couple of funny ads in the coming weeks. We are going to interact with the skip button. Look for it.

7. Don’t quit.

YouTube video ads needs to be an on going process. You will most likely bomb your first time, but that does not mean you should quit. Keep creating and keep entertaining. Eventually you will fail enough to succeed.

Gone are the days when ads lived in one medium and are constantly being restricted. You can see that businesses can really change the paradigm with YouTube ads. You can now tell your story for practically free and if that doesn’t work we suggest you start running YouTube ads.

YouTube video ads (also known as Pre-roll ads) are a great way to get your message in front of your target audience. There are so many things you can do with YouTube. It really needs to be a part of your Marketing plan in 2015.

If you need help with running YouTube Pre-roll ads please let us know. We have a couple of tips and trick that will help you dominate.

No. No. No. Your YouTube Video Ads Just Bombed – Video Marketing Tutorial

No. No. No. Your YouTube Video Ads Just Bombed – Video Marketing Tutorial

Behold the everlasting devastation of a Sprained Ankle

This sucks…It’s finally happened and it couldn’t be at a worst time. Miami camp is coming up. I woke up Saturday morning to play some 2 on 2 basketball. We needed one point to win the 2nd game and tie up the series.

I took my typical jump shot and that was it. Game over.

But wait…I ended up coming down on the foot of my defender and immediately hit the deck. Within seconds my foot started filling up with fluid and my anklebone turned into a softball. ME OVER!

If you have ever sprained your ankle, you should feel sorry for me. They hurt like the dickens (whatever that is supposed to mean). Once I got home I had about 5 hours of throbbing. I even asked my wife to hit me over the head with a baseball bat, but she declined. Which is funny because I know she has wanted to many times.

The point?

Just because you get hurt, doesn’t mean you stop playing the game.

Not every video is going to be perfect, not every ad is going to be a winner. We do get hurt. I can’t tell you how many times I thought I had the perfect advertising plan lined out, just to watch it fail.

Since I now have time on my hands I am going to create a series of blogs and videos to help you guys get your video marketing in place. I want to show you how I am getting qualified leads at $0.44 with video ads.

YouTube Video Marketing Proof That is Works

Just yesterday one of our clients came in and said:

“People are always calling from our video ads, lets increase our spend.”

I love hearing this because the same thing is happening to me. We are killing it with video.

But, this is not always the case. I have another client that has not taken the time to set everything up. They are not willing to do the little things that drive sales and leads so we continue to send them views. They are happy, but I am not.

They spend $500 a day on ads and I know they are not performing like they should. They are one of those bigger corporations with a lot of money to waste.

Their video sucks, their YouTube channel is a disaster and I can’t get them to change anything. I can’t even get them to link up their website to their channel. It’s crazy.

If you can’t link video marketing to leads, sales, customers and revenue…Your doing it all wrong.

So lets get started.

1. Video

If you are going to run YouTube ads or you just want people to listen to your message, you need an amazing video.

The first 5 seconds has to grab their attention and the next 30 seconds has to keep it.

“You want to communicate with an audience that suffers from ADHD. You have five seconds to hook their interest and 30 seconds until they decide they’re done with you. How do you do it?”

Last week I spoke in North Carolina at a Marketing Conference. I usually like to hand out a couple hundred dollars in cash. It makes for great entertainment. I do this for a reason. It grabs attention and people won’t forget it.

Here are the slides if you want them.

Shameless plug (If you ever need a handsome, entertaining, well educated, speaker that hands out cash…I’m your guy.

I like to use the acronym AIDA




So your first step is to get a video. If you have one already, make sure it is good.

Arnold Schwarzenegger just launched a video campaign for a Charity and he nailed it. Just pay attention to the dumb little sequel comment (that’s funny).

Long Version

Short Ad Version.

These are so right in so many ways. They have call to actions, their YouTube channel is optimized, it’s entertaining and grabs your attention from the very beginning. He gets two thumbs up, but more importantly he is going to get some huge results.

In the following days (weeks) we are going to show you how to get results.

1. YouTube Channel Optimization (linking your channel)
2. Video Optimization and how to hit page One of YouTube and Google in minutes
3. Video Ads (Hacks that will give you a 10 X return)
4. Script Writing techniques (Copywriting 101)
5. Annotations, and New YouTube Cards
6. How you can Buy Video Traffic for a couple dollars a day.
7. How to capture leads from your Videos

Get ready, because this is going to be fun. I am in a 10-day rehab process so lets see if I can get all of this done in that time period.

Peace out!

Jace Vernon

PS. You guys are awesome! Thanks for reading about our Video Marketing Failures and Successes. We hope you enjoy Video Marketing 101

7 Ways YouTube Pre-Roll Ads Can Generate Business

7 Ways YouTube Pre-Roll Ads Can Generate Business

You know those annoying little commercials that pop up in front of YouTube videos? I know you have seen them.

The ones that you hate and can’t see to skip fast enough. Those special little creatures are what we like to call YouTube Pre-Roll Ads.

I’m still trying to figure out if I hate them or love them. They are just so convenient for lead generation and business owners.

What are YouTube Pre-Roll Ads? (often times call Truview ads)

They are 30, 60 or 90 seconds of pure bliss and opportunity for your business, as long as you create a good one.

The Pre-roll Ad Opportunity

• YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine.
• Internet users watch almost an hour of web video every day
• Web video is growing and will continue to grow
• Everyone watches YouTube videos
• Video is the fastest growing form of ad format

I could keep listing things to try and convince you to get Pre-roll ads, but I will save the theatrics for another day. If you are not running them you should be, because in a couple of years the marketers will of ruin this medium like we do all the other ones.

Think Adwords back in 2001.

Targeting options with Pre-Roll ads

What makes pre-roll ads powerful? It’s the ability to deliver your story to a target audience. You can decide between location, demographic, placement, and keyword.

They also provide reporting to see what is working and what is not working. This will only getting better with time. Google continues to improve the platform and tracks everything consumers are doing which makes it better for us.

For example.

Lets say a personal injury attorney needs to find customers in the Las Vegas area. They would be able to run a video ad to people in the Las Vegas area, ages 35 to 65, on a YouTube video talking about personal injury.


Let’s assume you have a Hotel in San Francisco and you would like to run your Video in front of 45 year old Males who have been searching for 5 star hotels in San Francisco.

This can be done.

This is not a perfect science yet, but over time the targeting is only going to improve. We can also track those who have watched our videos and run them banners ads or other videos ads as they browse around the Internet.

This is what they call remarketing. It’s another way you can build lists and keep track of those who have interacted with your product or service in one way or another. We will bring this up again

There are a couple of things you will need to consider when generating the perfect pre-roll ad.

Here are 7 Ways Video Pre-Roll Ads Can Generate Business

1. The Video

You can’t do boring nor should you. There seems to be this idea that any video will work. We strongly disagree. Bad videos or a poorly produced script is not going to help you. In fact, it could do the exact opposite.

The last thing you want is to make a poor first impression or damage your brand.

Like anything, you want to put your best foot forward. Don’t be careless and cheap. Yes we understand that your Uncle just bought a new camera and is willing to shoot your Companies video for free. Resist the temptation to be kind and cheap. Your video really does matter and needs to be customized for the YouTube setting.

We have found when a customer creates junk they tend to not use it because they know deep down it does not represent them well.

Here is a good example

We ran a simple little test on this bad boy and here are the numbers.


2. Have remarketing in place

2015 is the year of the pixel and the bigger lists you can build the better. Remarketing allows you to send a pre-roll ad or banner ad back to a visitor.

You do not just have to sit around and wait for your visitors to come back. Go get them and bring them back, because you can.

Here are your Video Remarketing options.


3. Target The Right Audience

There are a couple of tricks that will save you a lot of money with Pre-roll ads. You can’t just dive in without targeting your audience.

You have age, gender, topics, interests, location, and placement. You also have the ability to exclude certain demographics.

There are a lot of different choices that you will have to play around with.

3. Tell Your Story

By telling your story people are able to see a different side of your business. It’s personal and a great way to let others know what you’re all about.

4. Limit Mobile (have caution)

Although mobile is popular and continues to grow it can be a big click waster. I will reduce the cost per view by 30% on pre-roll ads.

5. Build Out Your YouTube Channel

This last year Google allowed you to link your Website up to your YouTube Channel, which in turn opened the door for, better lead generation.

Treat your YouTube channel as an extension of your website.

6. Set Up Annotations (links out)

Drive your traffic away from YouTube to landing pages with Annotations.

Every video you create needs to have a purpose and a Call To Action. Make them an offer and drive them to it.

7. Test And Track Conversions

You want to make sure you have some sort of tracking in place. I understand that companies have different goals. Some of you may need leads others may want to increase brand awareness. Both will work.

We have found some unique results with YouTube Pre-roll ads. One of our clients did not get a lot of leads, but they saw a nice increase in their search traffic.

So don’t give up too quickly.

By running and creating YouTube Pre-roll ads your able to drive video shares, new channel subscriptions, and create a lot of buzz about your product or service.

Try It.

You might find out that you love YouTube Pre-roll ads.

7 Ways Pre-Roll Ads Can Generate Business



Video SEO Stuff.