Turning Off Automatic Targeting On Remarketing (retargeting) Campaigns.

So in this video, I am going to show you guys how to save a bit of money on your remarketing campaigns, especially if you feel like you’re spending a little too much.

This is something that I feel like is a bit of a flaw in the new Ad Words campaign system and it shouldn’t be there but it is and it’s usually checked.

This thing I’m talking about, it’s between conservative and aggressive targeting. Okay?

It’s usually checked conservative, which is just allowing Google to go outside your actual remarketing audience and see if they can find more.

And this is happening more and more with artificial intelligence and campaigns being more and more automated. But I want to show you this setting because it can make a lot of difference.

So over here on your remarketing campaign, 30-day remarketing campaign, you’re going to click on the actual ad group. Now, I get very high click-through rates on my campaigns because of these banner ads. Just a little side notes. These are custom made, very engaging. Okay? So these banner ads get really good click-through rates, but I still was spending too much for my audience.

So you have to go down here to settings, and then you have to click ‘edit ad group’ ‘group targeting’. Under ‘group targeting’ you can see something called ‘automated targeting’. It’s under settings, and this is not easy to find. ‘Automated targeting’ a lot of times this is what’s checked, ‘conservative automation’.

This means Google is going outside of your remarketing audience, which isn’t good. Okay. You don’t want that. Nor do you want aggressive targeting. If it’s a remarketing audience, you only want your ads being shown to that audience.

So what you need to do is turn this off. No automated targeting. Hit save, and then that will eliminate Google from going outside of your actual audience that you’re going after.

So if you’re spending a lot on your remarketing campaign and you’re only spending … Let’s assume you’re spending $1000 on driving traffic, but you’re also spending $200 on remarketing.

Okay. Those numbers, that’s not a really good or healthy ratio. So you probably have a couple things checked that shouldn’t be checked and I want to show you where.

So I hope this helps. Quick little tip. Should save you some money on your remarketing campaigns, and if you like this video, subscribe to our channel.

We do a lot of this stuff where we show you little tips and tricks just on stuff we learn and should help you out.