How To Dominate Your Market With A Killer Video Remarketing Campaign

Video Remarketing Campaign

Remarketing is good, but video remarketing is amazing. It’s extremely under utilized and simple to implement. This post is going to walk you through how to set up a full video marketing campaign.

Video remarketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to show ads to people who have already interacted with your website and YouTube videos. The benefits include:

  • Reminds people about your product or service
  • Builds deeper relationships
  • Keeps your brand in front of them
  • Increases purchases
  • Lowers your cost per conversion
  • Increases revenue

Here’s quick overview of how it works.

A visitor comes to your website or your YouTube channel and takes a peek into your product or service. They look around, but leave without taking any type of action. Although this is frustrating, 87% of visitors are going to bounce off of your website and never come back.

This does not mean that they are not interested. We just need to be more proactive and keep our message in front of them.

A person like me takes 10 to 12 touches before I decide to make a purchasing decision. Especially, if it’s a big one. A touch is considered an email, video, text, phone call, etc.

We tend to give up way to soon on our prospective buyers.

“Visitors who return to your sites dramatically outperform new visitors. New visitors spend an average of 2 minutes 31 seconds onsite, compared with 5 minutes 31 seconds for returning visitors. This is a difference of over 100%. When looking at pages viewed per visit, we see that new visitors view an average of 3.88 pages per visit, but return visitors look at 5.55 pages per visit.


Return visitors not only spend more time on your site and view more pages, but they are also more likely to make purchases and become evangelists for your brand.” KISSMETRICS

It’s not easy to get a visitor to your website. So why are we willing to let them go quietly? It’s time we make some noise and keep them coming back to your website.

I am going to show you how to keep them coming back with a Video Re-marketing Campaign.

YouTube Display Network (YouTube Video) vs Google Display (Banner Ads)

“YouTube outperforms all other networks and is the only social network that has both better time on site and more pages viewed per visit than the site average. Therefore, video should be seriously considered as a medium for growing brand awareness and for connecting with potential new customers.”

We recommend using both a video remarketing ad and a simple banner ad. It doesn’t need to be an either or. You will get a much higher return on investment with a video ad, but don’t abandon your banner ad campaign.

What Does A Good Banner Ad Looks Like?

I want to show you what a good banner ad looks like. The goal is conversion not pretty.

Banner ads can show up all around the internet on different websites. You can hand pick the sites you want or allow google to pick them for you.

Bad Idea…

If you allow Google to pick your placement, you’ll show up on kids sites, gaming website, and random anonymous sites. This has always been a huge problem with display ads. You never really know if they are being seen. We know this.

  • Half of paid online display ads have never been seen by a human.
  • Agencies get kickbacks from display networks.
  • Bot traffic is used to trick the advertisers out of more money and to increase the
    bottom line of both the agency and the network.

**Marketing Hy did a whole article on the fraud of display advertising. You can check it out here. “You’ve been Scammed. 4 Marketing Scams Marketers Are Selling Marketers That Impact Your Business”**

YouTube Video Remarketing Ads

Now for the fun part. You can use remarketing for video campaigns similarly to the way you’d use them for Display Network or Search Network campaigns.

Video remarketing requires that you have a really good explainer video. You can get one from Ydraw if you need a good one, or you can create your own. It doesn’t matter.

But what does matter is:

  1. Your copy (the video script)
  2. Your Headline (Does it grab attention?)
  3. The Story (Why should they care?)
  4. Your Solution (How are you going to solve their problem?)
  5. Call To Action (What exact step do you want them to take?)

The video can be 30 seconds or 10 minutes. It’s totally up to you. The most important thing is that you have one.

Here’s some examples.

Here’s what Zendesk could do with this video. A visitor comes to the the website and gets a cookie placed on their browser. Zendesk can now run the video above as a YouTube remarketing ad.

So when the visitor is watching a simple music video, they will be served up a Zendesk ad. After the visitor watches the ad, Zendesk could then remarket with another video. Like this one:

That’s 3 touches, 7 more to go..:)

My only complaint is the fact that Zendesk has a lousy call to action at the end of their videos. They never ask the viewer to do anything.

They say it’s “branding,” but it’s a mistake. Ask your audience to take action.

Let’s look at another example. This is something simple that Grant Cardone could do with a Video Remarketing Campaign.

Currently he is pitching his $5000 retreat in Miami.

When it comes to spending $5000 on a retreat, you have to plan on multiple touches.

Step 1. Mr. Cardone needs a video.

Grant could record a simple video that would invite you to come back and take a second look. The video doesn’t need to be some expensive master piece. He can pull out his phone and shoot a video in 2 minutes.

It would be helpful to offer a promotion to visitors that did not buy. Something with urgency.

Step 2: Upload the video to YouTube.

Mr. Cardon would then have to head on over to YouTube and upload the video. All YouTube video campaigns pull from YouTube videos. You need a good YouTube channel.

Step 3: Setup the remarketing campaign. (instruction below) 

Do you realize how powerful that is? A personal invite from Grant Cardone right before you watch a Taylor Swift music video.

I love it!

With video ads, you’re able to deliver an exact message to people who have already shown interest in your product or service.

note: This can also be done with a remarketing campaign on Facebook, but that’s for another day.

How To Set Up A Video Remarketing Campaign.

Make sure your Google Analytics code is on your website. You can also use Adwords or tag manager.

I am going to give you the 10 steps to set up your video retargeting campaign with adwords. After, you can watch the video and actually see how it’s done.

  1.  Connect your YouTube account to your Google AdWords account
  2.  Log into your AdWords account
  3.  Click “Shared library > Audiences > View
  4.  Add a remarketing tag to your web page
  5.  Create a remarketing list
  6.  Set-up a new Video Ads Campaign
  7.  Under “Video Targeting” select “Remarketing”
  8.  Select the remarketing list you previously created
  9.  Click “save”
  10.  Watch and adjust according.

You can use remarketing for video campaigns similarly to the way you’d use them for Display Network or Search Network campaigns. There are specific remarketing list types that are tailored to help you show your ads to people who’ve been to your website and have seen your YouTube videos.

**A Note From Google”

It’s important to be careful using multiple types of targeting. If you use more than one targeting method at a time, AdWords will apply them all. For example, if you target a specific keyword, age, and channel, your ads will only be shown when all those methods match your ad at the same time. This can restrict your impressions significantly. Therefore, it’s not recommended to pair remarketing lists with multiple types of targeting, like demographics or interests. It’s best to target broadly, and opt in to all video ad formats.

**A remarketing list must have at least 100 active visitors within the last 30 days before you can show an ad to people on the list.**

The video below will walk you through the steps and you will be able to see how it’s done.

That’s it.

Simple right?

Now it’s time to go out and set up your own campaign. You will love it.

Let me know if you have any questions. I would like to hear how your video remarketing campaigns are doing.

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Video Transcript – Video Remarketing Campaign

What’s up, guys. This is Jace over here at Marketing Hy and today we’re going to go over how to set up a video remarketing campaign. This goes along with a blog. It’s going to be quick. If you want to jump over to the blog, you can find that at

If you’re here already, great, welcome. I’m going to show you how to set this up.

The reason you want a video remarketing campaign is because with remarketing you’re able to bring those people back to your site. A person like me takes multiple touches before I decide to buy a product or service, especially if it’s expensive.

If you’re getting into the thousands of dollars, you need to always be in front of these customers and get a minimum of eight to thirteen touches before they’re going to buy. The best way to do that is one, not only to show them banner ads, which banner ads really aren’t that effective.

You need to jump over and do an actual video remarketing campaign, so that they can hear your message, they can watch your message, and it’s just cool. I love it when I go to a website and then I’m over on a YouTube video or a music video or something like that, and their message pops up in front. It doesn’t happen that often, a lot of companies are not using this.

I’m going to show you how to actually set up this video remarketing campaign.

Video Ad Campaign

First thing you want to do is set up audience, so over here under ‘shared library’, click your audiences, and we are going to set up a list. So you click here and just say, “I’m going to set up website visitors.” You’ll have to … they’re going to give you a tag. If you haven’t done so already, you need to put that tag on your website, and it’s a simple code, very easy to do. You can do it yourself or have your web guy do it. You’re going to name this list, we can call it ‘video remarketing’.

I already got plenty of these, so I’m not going to do it here. Visitors of a page, you can tell it the exact page you want them to visit. You can extend this out 30 days. What I like to do, I like to set up a 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, I set up a ton of different remarketing campaigns or audiences.

Once that audience is set up, you can just jump over here and go to campaigns. Under ‘campaigns’ we’re going to put a new video campaign. Let’s label this ‘remarketing’, ‘video remarketing’ better.

Scroll down. You’ll want to do it on in-stream or video discovery ads. We’re just going to put ten dollars a day. We’ll leave it here, YouTube search, YouTube videos. Now, the difference here is the YouTube search is going to show up in the right-hand columns or sometimes up at the top. The YouTube videos, this is going to show in-stream.

And then since I am doing a video remarketing campaign, I don’t care, you can leave these ones on. United States, simple, you can put ‘ad delivery’. Always do a frequency cap, so two views a day is fine. You don’t want to bombard people, and impressions you can always say two or three impressions per day. That might be too much for some of you. Save. Remarketing.

Now here’s you’re going to pick your video, so this one actually is a really good one right here. I’m going to do in-stream. Ideally, what you’d like to do is drive them to an actual landing page. With video remarketing ads you always should have a good strong call to action on the end of your video, and then also drive them to a landing page. If you don’t have that right now, great. Just keep them coming back to your site. You can put your site information there. We’re going to go six cents.

Actually, since it is remarketing, I’m going to go higher, 13 cents. Popular videos, don’t mess with that. I will then click over here. Any interest, okay. We don’t want it to pop up to any interest, but that’s … yeah, we’re going to leave it on the interest. Here we go, video remarketing list. Now, a video remarketing list, these are people who’ve watched certain videos. Like if they’ve viewed this video, I’m hitting them up with a cookie.

Video Remarketing Lists

So, there’s a video remarketing list or your AdWords remarketing list. The one we just set up was an AdWords, and I can say, okay, visitors for the last 90 days. Bam, done. Okay? That is it, so very simple. That is how you’re going to set up a video remarketing campaign. A couple of things you want to be aware of, you need to have at least 100 people on your list before it’s going to show. Another thing is, you don’t want to start adding all of these interests, placements and everything into this. Your target is your remarketing. Separate those things out. Don’t put everything on one campaign, that can cause some issues.

Got it? I hope this helps. Go out there, test it, put it to use. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us, visit Subscribe to our channel. We always are putting out new videos, especially if there’s changes with Google or any type of video ads. So if anything comes down the line in video remarketing, we’re usually going to post about it. So you’ll want to subscribe.