Words matter. And the words we use will determine whether we will earn business from a prospect, or they will go someplace else.

Confuse you lose. People need to know what you do and how you are going to solve their problem. The first step is to create a message that you and your team will use.

The message needs to answer the questions … what do you do?

Here’s a simple formula:

[What you do] to [what’s the benefit].

Here are some examples of Unique Selling Propositions or one-liners that are simple and effective:

“Video Marketing Campaigns to Grow Your Business”
“Workshops to Help Clarify Your Message”
“Addiction Treatment Center to Help You Beat Addiction and Be Happy Again”

A bad one-liner is product-focused and self-focused. Keep your message customer, and problem/solution focused.

Here’s another formula you can use to help create your Unique Selling Proposition:

You know [problem]? Well, what we do is [solution]. In fact, [proof]

An example using the formula above:

“You know how businesses struggle to get leads and sales? We create marketing campaigns to generate leads and sales. We helped a plumbing business grow 20% this year.”

Get your message right.

Here is a link to our newest guide.

Keep Marketing!