Unlocking the Secret to Facebook Video Marketing
Facebook is unmatched in their social media presence.
As of January 2016, 1.591 billion people login every month and 1.038 billion login every single day.
In fact Facebook calculated in 2012 that 5 new profiles were created every second. People all over the globe are jumping on board every day, and Facebook’s users are of a wide age demographic ranging from tweens to octogenarians.
According to SproutSocial, the average American spends 40 minutes on Facebook a day. Not surprisingly 50 percent of 18-24 year olds log onto FB as soon as they wake up.
With a growing user population and no loss of popularity in sight, Facebook has now achieved superstar status and from a marketing stand point cannot be ignored.
Thats just one reason why you need to be using Facebook Video Marketing.
Obviously social media marketing’s unique advertising niche has many benefits, and creating a Facebook page is a no brainer. But how can you as a brand maximize your audience reach effectively?
It doesn’t matter if you you’re a pet shop in Hoboken New Jersey, Nike, or even Metamucil your audience is on FB and they are watching videos. There are around 8 billion video views on Facebook daily.
With an ever changing platform format, understanding the Facebook’s video distribution is key.
If you share a video that is already up on the internet, say for example a video from your YouTube channel, the audience reach is actually quite low.
Research conducted by SocialBakers tells us that the organic reach of a video post is only 8.7 percent which means only about 9 out of 100 fans get to see said video post.
Sounds low right?
Simply uploading the content directly to Facebook can make all the difference. Doing a direct video post (also known as posting a native video) has risen to some of the top viewed online video content.
SocialBakers’ analysis also shows us that native video uploads to Facebook have surpassed YouTube links and embeds in user news feeds.
This is due in large part to the auto play feature on FB. Auto play on Facebook automatically plays a native video silently while the user scrolls through their news feed.
Another added bonus of posting native videos to Facebook is the call to action.
Use Facebook Video Marketing today.
When the video is done playing, the viewer has two options, to replay or click the call to action button. A CTA is an instruction to the consumer that provokes an immediate response.
Often times a call to action is something along the lines of “learn more” or “buy now”. Further engaging the audience is so important because it drives brand awareness and in turn leads to sales.
A Cisco study projects that by 2019, 80 percent of the world’s internet traffic will be video. Combined with Facebook’s skyrocketing statistics, the marketing path for brands to take is quite clear.
Constant compelling video content is necessary in order to reach the target audience.
Facebook is the leading social media platform, and now is the time to fortify your brand’s online presence with video marketing.
If you’re interested in reading more click here.