312 Leads in 7 Days. Simple Webinar On How We Generate Leads

[Start of video Need more leads? This is The Best 10 Minute Online Marketing Webinar. Join Us!]

[Beginning of recorded material]

Jace: Hey guys Jace over here at Ymarketing. Today we’re going to do a ten-minute presentation to just kind a show you guys, what I like to call the 10 minute Webinar, we’re going to show you guys exactly what we do. I got Wes here, Wes say hi.

Wes: How are you doing?

Jace: Wes is kind of going to go over study we just did for a client. Mainly this webinar is to show you guys a little bit about what we do, how we do it, why it’s effective, and like I said I want this to be about 10 minutes. So, here is a slide.

I did this presentation a couple of weeks ago for a speaking gig. So first of, main thing about most businesses is they have a hard time getting their message out there, they struggle with getting leads, they struggle with getting traffic. And how it all started is basically, let me go to the next, next slide, I can kind of explain. How it all started… So I’m going to explain a little bit about myself. I am obviously a father of four. I started a company called Ydraw while back. Ydraw started the whiteboard animation field. Why from Ydraw we kind of broke Yinc? We noticed there was a lot of people struggling with video ads, video marketing, running traffic, and so we started Ymarketing.

It’s been around a couple of years now. Wes, he is the CMO. He does the kind of, the chief marketing officer, and I basically run the company. Okay, so that’s a little bit about myself. And we will jump right in, keeps coming up on the slides. Okay, so how does everything work? So when we come on board with a company we focus on four main things. Our job is to get your message in front of your audience. If you don’t have a message, that’s where Ydraw comes in place. They will go out there and create your message and tell your story. We like you to show up everywhere. We love YouTube. There is ways you guys could go out there and put your videos in front of your competitors videos, you can go out there and put your message in front of audience who is looking for your product and service. Let’s say they go on YouTube and they search how to change, like a plumber, how to do plumbing on my house? Well if you’re a plumber, if you create video you can run ads there. So we love YouTube marketing, we love Facebook marketing. What we do on Facebook marketing is, we do the same thing. We take your message, we find the target audience, you are going after it and then we will run them ads. Well with that comes PPC pay-per-click. Same idea once again, when people are searching for your product or service we want to pop up. Now a lot of times people aren’t doing YouTube ads. They aren’t doing Facebook ads. They aren’t doing PPC. We kind of have the philosophy that you need to be doing all of it. Now, you might not want to spend as much money on YouTube, as you do PPC or the other way around, it just depends all on your ROI. That’s what we focus on this return on investment. So those are our four core why gave you three, our last one is e-mail marketing. So, when we come on board we like to create e-mail campaigns. So, you want to communicate with your audience that suffers from ADHD. Whenever we create ads, videos, we realize you only have 5 seconds to hook somebody’s interest and 30 seconds till they decide if they’re going to do business with you. So everything we create is engaging, especially on YouTube, especially on Facebook. We want it to grab attention. And if you want you can jump over to our website. We do have our website. I put a link over on the side of this, hanging out where you guys are able to go and up along the top you are going to see a YouTube tab, you are going to see a Facebook tab, you are going to see our e-mail tab, then the PPC, and other things explained, exactly how we do it. There’s a few write-ups, we have blogs, we have, you know, the Yinc University, where you can educate yourself. If you don’t want us to do it, you guys can turn around and do it yourself with our education. Budget killers, I did want to do a word of warning. Most companies fail, because they don’t watch certain things. Budget killers, like I’ve had a lot of clients that come to us and say ‘Hey, we’ve already done YouTube ads. They didn’t work for us.’ Well, I can go through these and realize, hey they’ve messed up. They didn’t watch their budget. They let their ads run on the wrong videos. Same goes with PPC. Same goes with Facebook ads. The reason most people fail is because they don’t pay attention to it, or they don’t know what they’re doing. Okay, if you want to check your ads often, make sure you’re not playing on kids’ videos, make sure you’re shown up in the right spot. Don’t have too broad of an audience, especially on Facebook you can have 20,000,000 if you’d like. You need to be 2,000,000; 200,000; sometimes 15,000. That’s kind of the size you want to look at doing. That’s it. So, here is what I want to do. I want to have Wes, I’m going to bring up his slides. So, main reason for this is to show you a little case study we did for a client. Let me take this out.

Wes: So, as Jace has pulled that up, some of you if you read Jace’s e-mails in the past, some of you might recognize me from the proofreader that got fired. Actually, I am no longer proofreading Jace’s e-mails, but basically what I want to walk you guys through is our last experience with one of our clients. And it was a unique experience in a few ways. And Jace has pulled that up now, but I got a call from this client and they told me ‘Okay, we have a conference in Brazil and we have two weeks to get sign ups. We need help filling the seats.’ So, we said great, we hadn’t advertised in Brazil before, but we knew that YouTube would… Brazil was the second biggest platform for YouTube and Facebook was very popular there. So we could use their same systems, we already had in place. They gave us a $20,000 budget to spend and by the time we worked everything out and got the contract signed, we had about eight days to spend it. So, we were trying to figure out, okay how can we effectively spend this budget in a small amount of time and make sure we are getting called by the leads. What also made this challenging is a qualified lead, meant these people were able to invest about $500,000 into the service. So, it made it, we had to make sure we’re very targeted, well and then to add to it. The first two days we were running ads. Facebook had some issues and we didn’t get it running till about a day and a half in. So that cut our time to six days to generate enough leads to fill all the seats for this conference. Now Jace if you go to the next slide. Basically what we did, we started out, we created 11 campaigns. And the reason we created Olympic campaigns is because we needed to test images, headlines, and as many audiences as we could in a very short amount of time. So, we build them all out at once and started running them. We saw a lot of thing happen, initially we set our budget about $1,000 a day, and we were spending about 300. Facebook would spend as much as it could and stop about 300. And so, it took about three days for us to start hitting our full budget, but as the budget increased we saw better conversion rates and better click rates to the website. In this next slide you are seeing, basically, our most influential ad, where we had just over 14,000 clicks. Our clicks per to the website were 18 cents and this one was interesting thou. Because we went a little bit broader on this, but we did target. Obviously the demographic would really turn the corner for us, because as we are creating these ads we saw, we are obviously seeing a lot of numbers, but we have spent a lot of money and stayed targeted. So, if you go to the next slide would really turn the corner for us. We knew we needed to get to the wealthiest in Saint Paul. So we actually searched the most expensive neighborhoods in Saint Paul and read a few articles and hopped on a few real estate sites to make sure we were finding the most expensive places to live. And then we actually went into Facebook and hit the location from the latitude the longitude and then we’re able to target multiple neighborhoods, multiple wealthy neighborhoods, to generate these high quality leads. We didn’t get as many clicks on those, but the clicks that did come were already high quality in turn to our most qualified leads. The other thing, so Facebook worked out really well for us, once the Facebook allowed us to run our ads. The second thing we did was YouTube. We obviously wanted to hit as many people as we could, but we had a mixture of mattered. So, initially we set our targeting budget at 2 cents a view. So, our first 3,500 views we were getting for 1 cent. Once we’d run out for a day and a half the campaign stopped. So, we bumped up our targeting a little bit higher and then, in the end we ended up giving up just under 80,000 views at 3 cents per view. Our reach was very strong on YouTube and we got really targeted with some placement and different things like that. So, a lot went right, we had some issues, but in the end we ended up generating enough leads to force them to move their conference to, basically they had to move their conference because we generated too many qualified leads for them, to make sure everyone fit.

Jace: And Wes you tell them the number, how many leads did we get? So we got in the 300, what was it?

Wes: We ended up only spending $10,000 of their budget, we got 368 leads and about 100 of them were qualified to invest that much. And so it was huge numbers. We were only hoping to generate about fifty, so we doubled our goal. And what’s great for this client is if they close one of those cells, they made their money back. So, yeah it was a great campaign.

Jace: Yeah like, they’ll make it back five, six, seven, eight times, so that is a good thing. So, and I noticed some of this numbers, I mean 3 cents a view. It’s pretty typical and this is for Brazil. So you do get a little less if you are over in the United States, it’s going to be a little more than 3 cents a view. The biggest thing was, this client came to us. We were on a big crunch, but that’s exactly what we do. We took his message, we ran Facebook ads, we ran YouTube ads and we got him leads. So Yinc, if you guys want to check us out go over to yinc.com, marketinghy.com, just read about what we do. And our whole goal is, we want you guys to get an ROI, we want to run your Facebook ads, we want to run your YouTube ads, and there is all these little things that we know and understand that a lot of other companies don’t. So, if you have questions were around, you can contact Wes. His e-mail is wes@marketinghy.com. You can always e-mail me at jace@marketinghy.com. Or just go over marketinghy.com and fill out our contact form. That is it. We will be around. Talk to you later. Bye Wes.

Wes: Peace.

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