Finally Video RLSA – Video Remarketing Lists for Search

Finally Video RLSA – Video Remarketing Lists for Search

RLSA for video has finally arrived. Here’s a tutorial on how to set up a VRLSA campaign.

Yesterday, July 13th, two things happened.

  1. I went to the Soul 2 Soul concert (Tim and Faith Hill)
  2. Video Remarketing Lists for search ads have finally arrived

What does this mean?

You’re now able to remarket search ads to those who have watched your YouTube Videos. We did a RLSA tutorial a while back, but this is a bit different. We’re now going to implement video.

Basically, it means your YouTube channel and your videos are becoming much more relevant. You are now able to create Remarketing Lists on search for those who have watched any videos on your channel. This is how it works.

  • Viewer watches one of your YouTube videos. 
  • Viewer goes to google to search for the product or service you offer.
  • They see your ad at the top of search. 

Why should you care?

Because you get more touches with a potential buyer, patient or client. You’re also able to bid higher and have a wider range of keywords that you otherwise might not be able to afford. Bid high and go broad. (I like to get very aggressive on competitor keywords.)

I know this can be confusing. Especially if you are not familiar with RLSA ads. I am familiar with them and I’m still having a hard time explaining this…:)

Let me show you how Video Remarketing Lists For Search works. Let’s set up our first campaign.


RLSA Video Remarketing Video Transcript

Hey, what’s up? Jace over here at Marketing High and today we are going to go over RLSA, ads for videos. This is something that just came out on July 13th, it is new. It has not been around now. RLSA ads have been around for a long time, but, this is a little bit different, because, now you’re able to run RLSA ads to people who’ve viewed your videos.

That’s the difference. Before, you could always run them to people who visited your site, now you’re able to run those to people who’ve actually looked at your videos, been on your YouTube channel. It’s a big, big step.

I want to show you this. Let’s assume that you own an addiction rehab recovery center and somebody is over here watching your videos. Okay, I know, New Roads. Eric does a lot of good videos. We’ve shot a few of them, but if somebody is on their YouTube channel, you can see that they got a lot of videos over here. Let’s say they watch this video here that they just launched three days ago.

Well, this video is just talking about one of their worker’s story. She came to the rehab, got fixed up, I mean, great story. If I watch that video and then I’m over, looking for an addiction recovery center … addiction, recovery, center. So then, if I Google addiction recovery center, because I have watched this video on New Roads, now, they should pop up at the very top. They can bid a lot higher for keywords and I’m more likely to buy.

Whenever you do remarketing, if they’re visiting you at third, fourth, fifth time, it’s just that more likely they’re going to convert. I always tell people they need multiple touches. These new video ads that have come out allow for multiple touches. You really want to do them. I’m going to show you how to set one up.

First thing you want to do is have a good YouTube channel that is step number one. Have a good YouTube channel and this YouTube channel needs to be attached to your AdWords account. There’s just a lot of things you need to have done. You need to have your website attached up here. Make sure you have a good call to action. Then, produce really good videos. People are watching all of these videos.

Now, the next thing you’re going to do is jump over here to your campaign … How bout we do it. I’m just going to set one up. The first thing you’re going to want to do is set up over here on your shared library, you’re going to click audiences, then you’re going to click on your remarketing list right here. You’re going to go to YouTube users and viewed any video from your channel, viewed video from channel. Okay, we’re going to hold everyone on here for 300 days and then we’re going to create that list.

Now, right here, anyone’s who watching a video … I probably already have those down here, but anyone who watches a video from our YouTube channel is now going to be on this list. Next thing you need to do is jump over here on your campaigns, you’re going to click search network, ’cause remember, we’re now going to create a campaign for search. So, if they type in anything to do with addiction recovery, addiction rehab, we’re going to show up, we’re going to bid high, because we want to make sure that somebody who’s been on our YouTube channel is now seeing our ads.

We’re going to go … Okay, now let’s go through, leave that, we’re not going to use that. I like to do all features. Blast, nope, it’s fine. Got it, got it. I usually click off, I don’t like to be included on their search partners, just don’t. You can go to your locations. Let’s say, obviously we want more United States, you could go down to all the way into each state, zip code, whatever you want to do here. Just depends on your budget, what you want to maximize.

Default, we’re going to go $10 and we’re going to go $20 a day. Click on … I always like to accelerate, just ’cause I want my ad showing and I want to know how often they can show. You will want your locations, you’ll want your … All this stuff, you’ll want to make sure you do. Just develop a good ad. I’m not going to go into that, there’s some other videos out there that will go into that, just make sure the ad is really, really good. Have your extensions, have your call extension, have your call-outs, have your services, those all need to be included. Nope. I’m sorry.

I’m going to come back and create that ad here in a second. This is the big part. Normally you want to be really, really strict on your keywords. Especially in the rehab, you’re going to be paying anywhere from 60 to $100 just to get this keyword. Well, what you can do, since you’re only going to be targeting those who have visited your YouTube channel and watched your videos, you can be very broad here. We can just add almost everything, which, normally you don’t do this. Just to make sure you…

We’re going really, really broad. We’re going to hit every keyword we can or combination of keywords.

Okay. Now, once you’ve saved those, then, what you want to do is jump over here to your audiences. We’re going to click here on our audience and we’re going to go down here to ad group. You can do it campaign. Let’s just do campaign, because it’s set up under campaign. Interest and remarketing, then you’re going to click right here on video view list. It’s updating right now.

I just set up this list a second ago, you’re going to send that over to that side. And then it’s target and bid or bid only. Add these lists or categories so I can set bids on them, but show ads when my other targeting methods.

We’re going to go to target and bid. Show ads only to people associated with these lists or categories. That basically … If you do this, it opens up the door to anyone, so you want to target and bid, that’s important. Then you hit save. That is it. That’s how you’re going to out there and set up a RLSA search ad for your YouTube viewers.

If you have any questions, you can always visit us online. Go to If you are looking for some help for YouTube advertising, any type of AdWords, those types of things we can help. Just go to our website, get in touch with us.

Check out our channel and subscribe to it. If you have comments, if you like videos like these, let us know and we’ll keep creating them, but these should be really helpful, especially if you’re spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on AdWords.

This is going to save you some money. Get you a lot more. More qualified patients, more qualified leads. And, I am out. Talk to you later.

RLSA for video has finally arrived. Here’s a tutorial on how to set up a VRLSA campaign?

How To Create A Video Remarketing Campaign

How To Create A Video Remarketing Campaign

Get excited because I am going to show you how you can set up a Remarketing campaign with your YouTube Videos. Video remarketing is a great source of leads which turn into customers.

Watch the tutorial and let me know if you have any questions. We would be happy to help you with your Video Remarketing Campaigns.

Here is the video transcript generated by a computers. Please forgive spelling and grammar.

Good morning everyone? I am excited because in this video we’re going to discuss a little bit about video remarketing. I noticed a lot of people have questions on this, plus you really can’t find a lot of material out there that discusses how video remarketing works and the different things you can do with remarketing. Like uploading different lists. So, I’m just going to walk through it real quick and then I’ll get this video uploaded so you guys can check it out.

Here are a couple of images to show you what the different lists look like

Different-YouTube-Remarketing-lists Example-of-a-Video-Remarketing-list-you-can-create

So first off, I’m sitting on my YouTube channel. Obviously, I’m going to use my stuff just to show you how we do it. So, first off- I’m going to use Ydraws’. I’m going to go to Ydraw’s YouTube channel. Okay, so here is a bunch of videos. Obviously, on your YouTube channel make sure you have your website connected to all your social media, those types of things. But, if you look at all your videos you can see we have tons of videos uploaded. So, if you’re a business and you’re using YouTube, and you’re uploading videos, well the best thing you can do to get the most out of them is actually track the different people that use those- that watch those videos, so that you’re able to run them a different video.

So, let’s assume that you’re an attorney. Okay. You’re starting to shoot videos once a month. Well what you can do is target… You can upload your video and then when somebody watches that video, you can cookie their machine, and when I say cookie that just means that you’re putting a little code on their browser that then allows you to market to them. So, you can run them a display ad; you can run them a banner ad and you can run them different video ads.

Let’s say on month two you upload a new video, well at that time you’re then able to run that video as an add to whoever watched your first video.

So, over time you can collect these big audiences that you’re able to market to. For example, let me go show you. So right now I’m on the actual Ad Words account. you can go here and go to YouTube users. So, once you have your Ad Words account you’re going to link it up to your YouTube and then basically you can track your channels. So, here’s all your options. You have ‘viewed any video for my channel’, ‘visited a channel page’, ‘viewed any video as an ad’, ‘liked any of my videos’, ‘commented on them’, ‘shared any of them’, ‘subscribed’. I mean it’s kind of freaky that you’re getting tracked like this on YouTube, so if you’re doing any of these things on YouTube you are getting cookie.

So, let’s say ‘viewed a certain video’- I can go in here and build a list. Says, okay, if they watch let’s say Dr. J. They watch this video. So, right now there are 125 people who’ve seen that vide. So, I can call this Dr. J video. I’m going to keep this list for 150 days. Open, open, include users from the last 30 days… Okay, so now I click save. Now, what I’m able to do- it’s building it right now, it’s updating. This video right here, I am able to run an ad to anyone who watches this video now. So, let’s say I open, let’s say I do another video that’s like this Dr. J that people like. Well then, I can just click on this and run anyone who watches this video another ad of another video, and it’s cheap. You’re talking it probably cost me $.10 a view which they have to watch out past 30 seconds.

Okay, so those are just a couple of options. Let me go down through here and just check out some of the list that I have going. Okay, ‘Viewed’, see on this one? It’s similar; this is something else that is pretty popular. You can see I have a list right here of 100,000 to 300,000 viewed my ‘Wait, wait, wait’ video. This is a similar audience.

Not only can I target those who watched it, like the people who’ve seen it, I have 190,000 on there, but I can build a similar audience where Google will go out there and say okay we’re going to build you an audience that looks like the same people that watched your ‘Wait, wait, wait’ video and then you can then advertise to them. Same thing here, ‘Viewed City video’. I got a similar 100,000 to 300,000. And you can’t run them a search ad yet. I actually think they are going to be updating that, but you can run them YouTube ads. You can run them display ads.

So, if you have any questions let me know, but that is kind a how YouTube remarketing works. The gist of it is you upload your video. You then build a campaign that cookies anyone who watches that video, so that then you’re able to run them adds when you launch your new videos. So, it’s just another way to keep track of your customers and you have to emphasize it is cheap. It’s not expensive to do these things. Yes, there’s a lot that goes behind, lot that goes on behind the doors that we don’t see. It’s all computers doing it, but it’s very, very effective. So, if you have questions, let me know.

You’re always welcome to subscribe to our channel. Watch any of our other videos. We have tutorials on YouTube ads; We have tutorials on Facebook video ads. Also, if you want Gmail video ads, which I’m loving right now. Check out those videos, here are some links. And, we’ll see you later.

If you would like to check out some of our other blogs here is a simple list of must reads

Gmail Video Ads

How to Export Your Linkedin contacts and run them ads

Video remarketing is a great source of leads which turn into customers.