A Real Text Conversation About Creating A Unique Selling Proposition

A Real Text Conversation About Creating A Unique Selling Proposition

This is a real conversation between me and friend about her Unique Selling Proposition. When we finished I realized our conversation is exactly what businesses need to help discover their USP.  You confuse your lose!

Instead of me preaching, you can just see how it comes together.  

The struggle to discover a USP?

Jace: When creating a business you have to bring some type of value to the market place and you need to find people that will give up their hard earned cash for your product or service.

Value and customers go hand in hand. If you don’t have value you won’t have customers. If you don’t have customers your value really doesn’t matter. 

What value are you going to bring and who are the customers?

Since you are starting a spa you need to ask what kind of services are you offering.

Spa? Cranial? Wellness? Massage? What is it?

What needs are you going to fill? What are the benefits?

You have to figure that out first and I don’t think you have.

Friend: Blualignment is about Body Alignment. Lol. bluAlignment “bringing you back to your body” is about organizing your body so that you don’t feel pain anymore. Tension, stiffness, etc. are not supposed to be an aspect of everyday life. Your body should be injury free. BluAlignment was created to bring you back.

Jace: Lol….ok so forget bring you back. That is confusing.

Friend: lol…My value is that I am getting people out of pain.

Jace: Closer

Friend: and teaching people how to get out of pain

Jace: Organize your body so that you don’t feel pain anymore. Now that makes a little more sense. Lol…bring you back to your body sounds like it should be on a soap commercial…haha

Friend: Lol….you never got it? My core mission is to help people out of pain, and that includes psychological pain, body pain and how its all woven together.

In the beginning, I’m starting with the physical, but it will expand to be all encompassing.

Jace: Nope never got it. You don’t say that anywhere on the site. Why not just say it?

Friend: Yeah…I should. It’s because I think a lot and say a little. Alos because I think I have to learn a 100 things everyday before I can help anyone, but its all just excuses like you said before.

Jace: Why not just say it?

Friend: Yeah. I haven’t really known how to say things on blualignment because I imagine myself 10 years in the future and I  don’t think I know how to give what I want to give.

Again, it goes back to excuses. And school, and biding my time. and having a whole lot of faith in my future self. and not a lot in my current self. So, yeah I agree. I need to say it differently.

Jace: Yeah but I wouldn’t worry about that right now you can worry about that after you get customers you fake it till you make it.

Friend: OK. Whats directly wrong with how I am saying it now?I mean clarify when you said “you just need to say things a little different.”

Jace: Okay…so take a look at your website.

Friend: I did I am I didn’t say anything about helping get people out of pain.

Jace: Does it say anything about pain in the top two sections? Does it say anything at pain anywhere?

Friend: Nope. It does not. I just had this assumption thats why people see bodyworkers.

Jace: so that’s a perfect example…How is anyone supposed to know that you can solve their problem if you don’t tell him you can?

Friend: But yeah, stop assuming. start saying simple things. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. 

Jace: In marketing you cannot ever assume you have to treat everyone as if they’re 5 years old. The very first section needs to tell people the benefit. After that you can then have the section about you. So let’s adjust that whole top section of the website to address the fact that you get rid of people’s pain.

Friend: Can it be simple like: “BluAlignment’s mission is about helping you out of your pain. After a lifetime of chronic holding patterns and injury; come in to realign your body, relax, and rejuvenate. “

Jace:  :|…Kind of….:(

Friend: BluAlignment is about reorganizing your body to live a pain-free life. After a lifetime of injuries and chronic holding patterns; come in to realign your body, relax, and rejuvenate. 

Lol…I’m a sensitive person, but my feelings aren’t easy to hurt. So no stress about truth if ya feel me.

Jace: Think 5 year old

Friend: Lol…OMG…Bodywork is so second nature. I don’t even know anymore what normal people know about their body…SHIZ

Jace: No Swearing…:)

Friend: I didn’t. I changed the spelling

Jace: I promise you if you can figure out how to be simple people automatically gravitate towards your message. I should be writing all of this down and making a book out of it. haha

Friend: Ok what about this? “After a lifetime of injuries and chronic holding patterns; come in to realign your body, relax, and rejuvenate bringing you one step closer to a pain-free body.” 

Jace: When somebody asks you what do you do…. What are you going to tell them? Imagine telling somebody that in an elevator. What would they think?

I can see it now… imagine leaning over putting your arm on their shoulder and saying…After a lifetime of injuries and chronic holding patterns; come in to realign your body, relax, and rejuvenate bringing you one step closer to a pain-free body.

Friend: Hi. Guy, I have 10 seconds with. I work with the connective tissue in your body that is responsible for organizing and compartmentalizing your body. The work I do frees your body from old injuries and stress. Ok BYEEEE…. Lol

Jace: Yep and they would say that girl’s crazy…

Friend: Ok let me try again

Jace: Yes think about it. You need to start there. If a customer doesn’t know what you do within 5 Seconds of hitting your website you lose. When you confuse you lose.

Friend: Getting you out of pain. done…:)  Does your 5 yr old get that?

Jace: Closer… So when people ask you what you do? I get rid of people’s pain….

Friend: I get rid of peoples pain by touching them….lol

Jace: You don’t need to say how you do it yet. You let them ask that question. Or that happens in your next sentence.  Think about it this way. If somebody is in pain and they meet you and you tell him/her you get rid of pain….what do you think happens next?

Friend: They say “hey, i was gonna ask for your number anyway, but now this is perfect. got a card?”

Jace:  hahah…You’re thinking the wrong clientele. I picture an old lady in an elevator. Your picturing some dude at a dance

Friend: aw. Ok. You’re right. Too many guys in my life. Old lady. I like this.

Jace: Ok so now you need to adjust the message

Friend: Ok, but if i say I help people get out of pain. You said its closer, but not quite.

Jace: Well you have kind of the second section which also talks to the benefit to the consumer. What is the end result that the consumer wants?

Friend: what about something like this? Bringing you out of pain and towards optimal health through touch therapy.

Jace: Once again why did you go back. I can bring somebody to church…I can bring somebody on a date… I can bring something to work…but I would never say I can bring me out of pain. Do you get rid of people’s pain or not? Or are you bringing them out of pain? whatever that is. Why not “I get rid of people’s pain through touch thearpy.”

Friend: Ok. point made. Is this 5 yr old worthy? 

Correcting imbalances in the body giving you guaranteed and lasting pain relief, while allowing you to unwind and relax. Call for a free consultation. Maybe I won’t say guaranteed. Just never mind for a second. I’m editing it again.

Jace: Haha…Guaranteed is a good thing. People want guarantees. They hate risk and a guarantee eliminates risk. 

Friend: Life is a risk. But yeah I get it Im just kidding btw, sort of. How does this sound… is it too much?

BluAlignment corrects imbalances in the body that gives guaranteed and lasting pain relief, while simultaneously allowing you to unwind and relax enabling your body’s self-healing mechanism. Call for a free consultation. 

What does guaranteed even mean? That no matter what, you won’t leave this office with pain… Or does it mean if I can’t deliver, I assume full responsibility including ownership of compensation?

Jace: Yeah they guarantee doesn’t work in this situation. Basically I guarantee is the stuff you do works. That sentence is kind of messed up. You’re referring back to in balances. What do you think of when I say Geico?

Friend: 15 minutes could save you 15%

Jace: Think of the size and what Geico actually really does behind the scenes. They’re humongo company that does billions of dollars and the only thing they want you to think of is 15 minutes could save you 15%.

You’re still overthinking. List to it.

“BluAlignment corrects imbalances in the body that gives guaranteed and lasting pain relief, while simultaneously allowing you to unwind and relax enabling your body’s self-healing mechanism. Call for a free consultation.”

Friend: BluAlignment uses touch therapy to correct imbalances in the body that gives guaranteed and lasting pain-relief. Call for a free consultation. 

Even more simple is…. BluAlignment uses touch therapy giving guaranteed and lasting pain-relief.

Jace: 🙂 🙂 🙂 TEARS OF JOY!!!

If I Could Guarantee To Get You More Business With A Simple Headline Adjustment…Would You Be Interested?

If I Could Guarantee To Get You More Business With A Simple Headline Adjustment…Would You Be Interested?

This is one of the most important posts I have created. It’s about saying the right words. This will help your business. 

I am testing it on ads and websites so I will update you on the results. If you want to learn a lot more about creating great copy here are some resources.

I have produced a video recording to walk you through each step. Here they are.

  1. Yes
  2. Questions
  3. Fix Their Problem
  4. Benefit Based/Not Feature
  5. Who Cares!

If you like this, you might want to check out our Unique Selling Proposition Post. Click here

Words matter. The majority of advertisers pay too much attention to how pretty things look. Instead, of what they are saying. I am constantly testing my headlines and when I learned this formula I quickly made adjustments to my Facebook campaigns, Adwords, and website headlines. So far so good!

If I could GUARANTEE to get you more customers, views, traffic and conversions by making a simple adjustment would that interest you?

Try it.

Video Transcription (It’s computer generated so forgive typos.)

Hey what’s up guys? If I can guarantee to get you more customers, views, traffic and conversions by making a simple adjustment, would that interest you? Of course it would. Today we are gonna discuss this very thing that I have on the screen. We are gonna go over headlines, some adjustments that you should make immediately to your marketing material including Facebook ads. I’ve already made those adjustments and I am seeing results right away. So let’s jump in.

I did a video earlier on this but I didn’t give it justice. I don’t think I really showed you guys some good examples. I’m going back. I’m gonna revisit this and I want you guys to really walk away with some information on how you can instantly change the copy on your website, instantly change the copy on your Facebook ads so that you’ll get results. Words matter. A lot of times people get caught up in doing pretty things, well words actually matter and we need to make sure we’re saying the right words to the right audience. Got it?

Let’s jump over. I’ll come back to this. I want to jump over to a couple of websites and I want you to look at these websites and just think in your mind: does this tell you what they do? Does it give it give you a value proposition? Then we’re gonna jump over back to that slide then we’ll come back over and see how you see it differently. Okay? This is also for my own employees for them to go through so they can apply it to their clients so I might throw some of that in here too.

First off, let’s take a look, here’s a realtor’s website. It’s right here in Saint George and you come to this website and what does it say? “Committed to excellent, through integrity, and community serve, PK Real Estate, Utah” and then it just gives the address. Okay? Let’s jump over to this one. This is a bankruptcy attorney. “Get the help you need.” Here’s another one. This is Red Cliffs Dental. “Feel confident in your smile.” Affordable cosmetic dentistry in Saint George, Utah for pros.” Here’s one. We’re just doing a proposal for these guys. “Your engineering challenges solved here.” “Innoteka advances your time to mark up by providing senior engineers with at least 10 years of experience.” That makes the difference. Got it?

Here’s ours. “A whiteboard video and animation company that loves creating incredible animations for you. Want one?” Here this one. “We’re a video marketing company. If I guaranteed to drive you views, leads, customers and sales would you be interested?” And here’s another one that I just changed. We do a lot for the addiction, recovery youth programs. “If we could guarantee to help your teenager with our evidence-based residential treatment program, would you be interested?” Got it?

If you look at the difference in those, you can tell that some of them are written really well. Some of them are not. They’re just not speaking to you. Here are your five steps on actually creating a really good headline that converts, that works. I have a lot of data that backs this up and just with the little tweaks that I’ve made … I’ve done a lot before this but with the little tweaks that I’ve made the last couple of days, my results have gone through the roof for me and our client.

First thing you need them to do is start saying yes. There’s a book out there called “Getting to Yes” that you go read. It’s important that when somebody starts nodding their head yes and they start agreeing with you, that is key. That’s good. Let’s assume that you’re doing door sales. When you approach a door and you start getting the person to nod their head and just agree with you. That’s good. When you’re creating a headline, you want to make sure that they’re saying yes, they’re responding to your question yes, or they’re starting to nod their head being like: hey. That’s me.

1. Is get them saying: yes.
2. I like to ask a question. So if you go over to the why draw one which we’ll go back to but it asks: “want one?” If you want a video, would that interest you? I’ve been using that a lot. Would this interest you?
3. Fix their problem. You want to make sure that in your headline, when they land on your website, they know what you do. You’re gonna fix whatever problem they have. A lot of these websites don’t even address the problem. They don’t talk to the person looking at the screen and it’s kinda hard to really do business if you don’t even know if they’re gonna fix the problem that you have.
4. Needs to be benefit based/not featured. A lot of people … Let’s jump back over here and jump over to … Let’s go to this one. “Get the help that you need.” So here’s a bankruptcy attorney and the last number four: benefit-based/not featured. “Get the help you need.” What is the actual thing that this person is coming to this bankruptcy attorney for? “Get the help you need.” What does that really mean? It needs to be benefit based. If you’re going through a bankruptcy it’s frustrating. You want somebody to take care of it. You want it off your plate. You want it done quickly. You want that relief and that’s the benefits and you need to be showing those. Helping good people through difficult times. Okay? It doesn’t really talk much towards … no one’s gonna be like: okay, yes. You don’t get the … There’s no question. There’s no yes there. There’s no benefit. You’re not really addressing the problem.

The last one is: who cares! When people look at your stuff … A lot of times I’ll look at people’s marketing material and I’m like: who cares? Throw it away. You have to make sure that you’re talking to somebody who cares. They have a problem and you’re gonna fix that problem and they care that you can fix that problem. You’re not just saying these words if you can just respond: uh, who cares? Then you have a problem. Let’s go back and see if these sites passed that test.

Once again, “Get the help that you need.” You can answer that with: who cares? Am I saying yes to that? Is there a question there? No. This one is pretty rough. Let’s go to this PK Real Estate one. “Committed to excellence.” What do you say when you read stuff like that? “Committed to excellence.” You would assume that. Who cares? “Through integrity and community service.” Once again. Who cares? It doesn’t talk to my benefits. Now if I came to this website and it said basically: hey, if I could guarantee to sell your home in one month and get you the maximum value. That is something that would interest me and they need to ask a question: would that interest you? Do you want me to show you how to do it? Immediately I’d want to engage with this company instead of right now: “Committed to excellence.” Okay, great. There’s nothing in here that pulls you in. They need a little help there.

This guy obviously needs some help. Take this dentist. “Feel confidence in your smile.” Once again, if you’re going to the dentist, you’re going there for certain things. You want results. They need to talk about … They need to get you saying yes. They need to get you agreeing to what they’re trying to propose here. So “Feel confident in your smile.” Uh, who cares? Got it?

This one: “Your engineering challenge is solved here.” Okay? What exactly is that? What’s my engineering challenge? Does it have a question? No. Does it get me saying yes? No. Your engineering challenge is solitary? Yes. No, it doesn’t say that. Once again, you can answer this with: who cares? Right here: “Advances your time to market by providing senior engineers with at least 10 years of experience.” That makes the difference. Once again, you can answer that with: who cares? Got it?

If you look at the ones that I’ve changed, this one … There’s some SEL that takes place on these and that’s one thing. You need to have an H1 tag on your website with your keywords in it. You just need to play with this a bit. One thing I wanted these people to know when they hit “Why draw is”. We’re a whiteboard video and animation company, so when they come here they’re like; I’m in the right place. “We love creating incredible animation videos for you.” It’s like, great. Want one. This little section here, I’ve thought about adjusting and I probably will do some testing because you could answer who cares to that little section, but then we say: “Want one?” Obviously they start saying yes, you’ve got your question in there. People want incredible animation videos. They come to us for that, but there’s a little bit of work that’s still left in this headline, but you get the point.

In this one: “We’re a video marketing company.” Once again, I like to start out by telling people what is it that we do. “We’re a video marketing company” and then I use the very thing: “If I guaranteed to drive you views, leads, customers and sales. Would you be interested?” Most of the time, business owners are coming to our website. They’re people looking for traffic. They’re people are looking for video marketing that will actually get results. So I start off “if I guaranteed to get you these things, would that interest you?” And if they say yes, then they’ll continue reading. And that’s all you can ask for. All you want them to do is to keep reading. You want to earn their trust. Peek their interest enough that they will keep reading your material.

this was one that we switched up, actually just this morning. So before it was just talked about where Cambio is: “An evidence based residential treatment program that focuses on education.” That’s what they had. I went in there and said; if a parent were coming to me. If they had a troubled teen that had some type of disorder what would they be looking for? One, they want it fixed. They want a strong headline to say … They want people that know what they’re doing. Here it is: “If we guaranteed to help your teenager with our evidence-based residential treatment program, would you be interest?” Now, I have evidence-based residential treatment program as for keyword purposes, I could probably tweak that whole line a little bit. I will. I always do the testing on it. Got it?

Let’s jump back over to this and I’m gonna go through a couple more. Here’s kinda your template. “If I could guarantee you something in a specific amount of time … Would you be interested?” That’s a good one. There’s a lot of different things you can do. I like this one. A guy name Cody Butler … Actually, I’ve noticed his stuff. I do have his program which really lines this out. He mentions this. This is kind of his formula. You can go over to … Dan Kennedy has a pretty good formula on creating headlines, and this can also be substituted … You can also use the same word as “unique selling proposition.” Why would somebody come to you and use your product or service over going to somebody else or doing nothing at all? They really stress that. This is an easier one, the one that Cody puts together but Dan Kennedy and those guys, they have a great one too.

If you were … If I was marketing … This is more for us, for our aligning pages. “If I could show you how to generate hundreds of addiction recovery leads with $35 … Would you be interested?” Urgent Care: “If I could show you how I generated 20 new Urgent Care patients per month … Would you be interested?” Divorce: “If I could guarantee I could give you 35 qualified inquiries for bankruptcy every month, would you be interested?” Same. We could go dental implants.

Those are just headlines that I’m starting to play with, I’m starting to market, but the whole idea is to follow this formula where you get them saying yes, you get them like you ask a question. You look to fix their problem. It’s benefit-based, not features. Remember, benefits are the results that they are looking for. That’s what you need to cater towards. Don’t tell people you have the best looking, the blue, the reds, the longest dress. Those are all features.

Lastly, “Who cares!” You need to make sure they can’t just answer: who cares? This morning, I gotta a little brother that’s out there, marketing … Right now he’s knocking doors for security systems and we had a pretty good conversation. I told him instead of knocking doors and asking the question … a lot of people when they knock the door, shake your hand, hey this is who I am. I’m from this company and they will say: “Do you have a security system?” Well I kinda talked to him and said the next time you’re going knocking doors today instead of just introducing yourself, ask them a question. Say, “hey if I could show you how to protect your family and make you feel safer, would that interest you?” And immediately, how are they gonna answer that? They’re not gonna turn around and be like: no. Get outta here. They’ll be like, “Yeah. That would interest me.”

Or if you’re trying to replace once security company with another security, so you’re just there to switch their system over to another one. You could say, “Hey. What if I could guarantee that I’d save you money and replace … and get you the newest upgrade?” Or “save you money and get you a newer system, would that interest you?” Immediately that opens up the conversation and you’re able to move on from there and start educating them.

Something that’s really important, after that headline, you need to have some meat afterwards. I look at this. Obviously when they look at your material and they get past the headline, they’re like: “Okay, yeah that does interest me.” You need to be able to back it up with some good material. Next thing, they can get my video marketing checklist which gets them in the funnel, or they can read these testimonials. It’s good to show them that, yes, they read the headline, they’re interested but also you can back it up, that you have the testimonials. You’ve done it for other clients. That’s always a good thing, and you want to make sure those types of things are on your website and you’re showing it.

If we jump back over here “Experience you can trust.” They’re attorneys. You should be able to trust them. You could answer that “Who cares?” Here’s a testimonial or this is the founder “Capstone Law focuses its practice on bankruptcy and dept relief because we know how financial difficulties can impact every aspect.” They are talking about them a lot. It’s not focused on the consumer. That’s one other thing you want to really pay attention to, is your headline has to be focused on the reader. It needs to be focused on the person with the problem not on you. A lot of people have a tendency to always be talking about me, me, me, me. This is what our company does. This is what we do, but you need to turn it around and focus it on their problem, their issue. I did write that down of, “Fix their problem.” Don’t be talking about you. Don’t be talking about the stuff you do. Make sure you’re there to fix their problem and talk about their problem.

Just read some of these websites. Go here and video testimonial. This is probably good. “Sedation and dentistry” but once again “Quality customer care.” Who do they start talking about? They start talking about themselves. They don’t talk about the viewer’s problem.

Get to work. Make sure you go over all your material. If I jump into Facebook ads. I’ve actually created a couple and you can see these ads. I’ll show them to you real quick. I went out with Why Draw and basically said, “Hey! If I can guarantee to craft a perfect video that would mesmerize your audience and get them to listen, would you be interested?” That’s a simple, simple headline. We followed up with a video that shows them some of our work and then if nobody listens to your story, you’ll never be heard. That’s something that could be “Who cares?” So I could probably go back there and fix that but the main headline right here and what I want you to look at.

There you have it. Go back. Readjust all your headlines. Readjust your ads. Start testing different headlines and make sure you pay attention to focusing on the benefits. Do these five things. Get them saying yes. Ask a question. Fix their problem. Don’t be talking about what you do? Talk about their problem and how you can fix it. Be benefit based/not featured and then if you can answer who cares to any of this, then you have a problem. You need to go back and readjust it.

Hope this helped. There are a lot of other videos out there that show you guys how to set up Facebook ads. We spent a lot of time on creating these videos so go check them out. If you’re looking to grow your business or have questions, feel free to reach out to us. Go to marketinghigh.com. Information is below and we’d be happy to help. Enjoy your day.

How Do I Create A Unique Selling Proposition And Why You Need A USP

How Do I Create A Unique Selling Proposition And Why You Need A USP

Why Do you need a Unique Selling Proposition? (call it a slogan if you would like)

Years ago I attended a GKIC conference in Texas. At the time, I was young and it was a bit of a sacrifice to get there, but I made the trip and ended up learning all about Unique Selling Propositions. Something that would prove to be extremely valuable to my businesses. We have also been able to apply the lessons to our client’s businesses.

A USP answers the following question in 5 seconds. (more…)