Marketing Campaigns Don’t Need to be Complicated,  Keep it Simple.

Marketing Campaigns Don’t Need to be Complicated, Keep it Simple.

Marketing Strategies - Keep it Simple

Marketing does not need to be complicated, keep it simple and your marketing message will be clear.

Your marking campaign doesn’t need to be over complicated, keep it simple and your marketing message will be clear.

Marketing to Solve their Problem

First off, you have a product or service and that product or service solves a problem.

If you’re a property manager, the problem you’re solving is people don’t want to manage their own properties, it’s complicated, it’s a pain in the butt, and so tell people that. And you don’t need to over complicate it.

You don’t need to come up with some amazing slogan or anything that tries to sound pretty. The idea behind marketing is tell people how it is, tell the problem you solve, and then create a clear message.

Kinda simple.

Share Your Marketing Message

Step number two. Make sure you create a clear message and share your message.

Share your message on social media, video, on your website, on brochures, whatever you want to do.

You’re just gonna take that clear, simple message and you’re just gonna put it out there.

And then at the end, you are gonna invite people.

Give Them a Call to Action

I’m always surprised by these companies that build these amazing videos. They go out there and they’ll spend hundreds or thousands of dollars and the video doesn’t even invite people to do things.

So you want a clear call to action and invite them to change, invite them to buy, invite them to try, and that’s it.

Marketing Mistakes – What Not To Do:

Complicate Your Marketing Message

What most people do is they complicate things.

First, they confuse the heck out of their audience because they don’t create a simple message.

They want to talk about all the features of their product. How it does this, how it does that, how it solves, how it’s this color, and they forget at the end of the day they’re there to solve their customer’s problem and they don’t ever speak to the customer or mention their problem.

Confuse Your Ad with Features

Companies are just doing too much. They are using too many words and also using too many marketing strategies.

So you’ll go to a lot of websites and you have no idea what they do because they’re sharing so many different messages and what you want to do is stick to one message.

Another thing they do is have too many websites, too many funnels, just too many platforms. They over complicate things and they can’t figure out the one thing that’s gonna get them customers.

They’ll run display ads, video ads, Instagram ads, and it’s not bad to do all this stuff, it’s just what you need to do is find one avenue that’s gonna produce you income and then turn around and expand out from there.

Most importantly where most companies go wrong, is they like to do everything all at once. It just gets too complicated and at the end of the day they are not getting the results they want.

This week make it a goal to simplify your marketing.

Keep it simple.

I promise you if you keep it simple you’re gonna see great results without confusing your audience.

If you have questions, always reach out to us.

You can find us, or you can go to our other company, sister company, if you’re looking for a video.

Keep marketing!