Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Instagram Video Marketing: Your Brand’s Best Bet

Since the launch of Instagram in 2010 Instagrammers have taken the world by storm.

According to in January 2013 there were 90 million users and that number has skyrocketed to over 400 million as of September 2015.

Aside from the number of users alone, Instagram is a unique and progressive choice for marketing your brand. You need Instagram video marketing for your business.

What makes IG so great for brand marketing is the way that IGers relate to each other. Instagramming is all about showing your personality which allows brands to reach out and connect with their followers on a personal level. Instagram video marketing is your best bet.

Structurally, Instagram was built to be mobile and to give its users the ability to have a visual social media “diary” documenting their life on the go.

Now its essential for a lot businesses and Instagram video marketing is a huge key to their success.

Due to the intimate connection brands have made with their followers, Instagram was named the most effective social media platform for business in 2013 by Mobile Marketing Magazine.

That’s exactly why you need to be doing Instagram video marketing to run a more successful business.

In 2013 Instagram gave us the ability to share videos which does much more than just put an ad out there, it portrays the identity of your company.

Instagram has been mainly a hot spot for the tech savvy and “in touch” crowd, unlike Facebook where everyone has a friend like their cat lady Aunt Edna and of course, their Mom.

Considering this, brand marketing via IG takes on a new spin. Brands illustrate “who they are” and how their identity relates to their followers.

Producing a marketing video for Instagram is relatively simple due to the mobile intent of IG. Capturing a video doesn’t require fancy cameras and sound equipment, it can be recorded on any smart phone or tablet.

Keeping that in mind creating a video for your brand has endless possibilities. For instance, if you are a coffee company a quick video of coffee being brewed in the morning would be brand representation.

Starbucks has perfectly demonstrated dynamic marketing with their followers. As a powerful entity which has a store on what seems like every corner, their online presence has followed suit.

An impeccable example of an Instagram marketing video is a simple panning view of a Starbucks location with a line out the door and the Baristas doing amusing tricks while serving up a beverage.

That video has over 58 thousand likes.

Once you have your video ready to gram adding hashtags is a great way to increase your views.

Instagrammers often search hashtags to find new accounts to follow, so if you hashtag correctly you can acquire new followers.

Being responsible with your hashtags is very important.

Because of the way hashtags are constructed the words flow together and sometimes can be misconstrued.

Make sure it reads easily, one bad example of a hashtag is #susanalbumparty which was etched into the internet forever to promote the album release party of Susan Boyle.

Being a brand on Instagram is all about keeping followers engaged through a personal conversation.

With that being said your followers want to be a part of your process, not just a receptor for ad campaigns.

Whether your video content is an exciting new product reveal or a peek behind the scenes, you can say a lot with so little in the short 3-15 second time limit.

If you want to read more about instagram, check out this article