You’re Not Getting Enough Video Views. Let’s Fix It!

You’re Not Getting Enough Views

My Friends,

It has been a couple of weeks but it has given me some time to come up with something amazing. So far Ydraw has created about 940 different types of videos.

That is 940 stories, 940 different messages, 940 calls to action. It has been an amazing ride and we hope it will continue to grow. We love our clients and hope they have huge success.

But it is not all happy tears.

NO…It’s not!

In fact, there is one problem that keeps popping up.

You’re Not getting Enough Views.

A video needs to be seen and heard before it will produce the results and this does not happen without a bit of effort. Sure, you will get an occasional viral video, but this is extremely unlikely.

How unlikely? Put it this way…

You might have a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming a big YouTube sensation. If your video gets 1000 views, you are in the top 3.1 percent. If you get 10,000 views, you will enter the domain of 0.3 percent.

Don’t let this discourage you, because video marketing is all about quality not quantity. It’s by far better to have 5 qualified viewers than a million unqualified. If getting views created customers, then I would buy a million video views from click farms in China.

How do I know this?

Let’s move on…☺

I want to show you how you can get qualified views at an extremely low cost. You have your video, now it’s time to get the customers.

Run ads on YouTube.

I have been harping on this for the last 6 months. Before long it is going to get too expensive and the ROI is not going to be there. It happened to Google Adwords and it will eventually happen to Video Ads.

Marketers tend to ruin everything. We will all jump on board and drive up the price. Just last week I saw about 5 other network marketers start pushing YouTube Ads.

It is the next big thing, so you will want to get started.

The Cost?

8 to 15 cents per view.

I have created a simple How To Guide that will teach you how to exploit this secret source for high converting laser targeted, low competitions traffic.

Plus, I have a couple screen shots to show you some results.

You can get it here. (although I said it was simple the blasted thing took me all day to create, so make sure and use it.)

How To Drive Laser Targeted Traffic To Your Videos

We also have created a Video Marketing Academy for those who want to tackle video ads on their own.

Not only do we tell your story…We help you get it out there.

If you still do not have a video, then you need to start there. Telling your story is step number one. Ydraw can help with that.
