First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Sheffield, and I’m pleased to announce myself as a new addition to the Yinc Marketing. team. I’ve always had a passion for marketing, and I’m pumped to help instill that passion in others. Today i’d like to talk statistics in helping you increase your Facebook Engagement.

699 Million

There are 699 million users who log into Facebook every single day ( a 27% increase from last year). This would suggest that Facebook has become a ritual in our every day experience. Think about it, your alarm goes off, you check your email, then your Facebook … am I wrong? I know that’s how it works for me anyways.

Post Photo’s

Photos get 39% more interactions. Imagesphotos on facebook have an incredible way of conveying a connection with others. People are inherently visual, and it’s easy to have an emotional reaction from a photo. Start making an effort to take, and share
incredible photos. I’m personally a huge fan of photos for a completely, non numerical reason as well. Photos are inherently raw and telling. Using photos on a regular basis will help to create a transparent feel to your business, and instill trust in your brand.

Brevity is Key

Posts with less than 80 characters get 23% more interactions. You’ve been working all day long, the last thing you want to do is read an anecdotal post. That seems a whole lot like work doesn’t it? Keep your posts witty, and brief, and you’ll experience a much better response.

Quote Often

Turns out that Quotes receive 26% more likes than normal posts. More often than not, quotes are brief, and have empowering words that people can easily connection with.

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We all “Like” the Weekend

Posts receive 18% higher engagement on Thursday and Friday and 32% higher on the weekends. The weekend is when we go on adventures, attend weddings and attempt Do It Yourself projects. That gives us quality content to post, and to view on the weekends. Take advantage of your fans attention on the weekends.

peak facebook posting timesPost During Peak Times

Posts between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. get the most shares and clicks. On the same vein, the perfect frequency to post is every other day. Avoid the temptation to share every cat meme you come across. This will make your feed irrelevant to your audience.

No One Likes a Debbie Downer

“Positivity” and “Learning” are among top most shared topics on Facebook. Facebook is a form of entertainment, and we go there for an uplifting, and value added experience. Be sure to post and share content that is positive and genuinely adds value to your fans.

Great for Business

72% of businesses say they frequently acquire business from Facebook, and 42% say that it is Critical for their businesses survival. Because Facebook has become a part of our daily routine, Facebook has also become an incredible place for us to find solutions to our needs as consumers. With carefully crafted Facebook Advertising, you can have your fingers on the pulse of your target audience in a way no other advertising mean can provide you. Oh, and yeah, this happens to be our specialty.

In Other Words

Increasing your Facebook Engagement is really quite intuitive. Pay attention to the posts that you personally respond to, and ask yourself why you did? When you can identify the common threads among the posts you respond to, simply implement those principles into your own posting technique. Remember, photos are huge, keep things brief, witty, and positive, and post during peak times. If you implement these principles, you should notice a healthy uptick in your Facebook Engagement.


Mike Sheffield





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