How Small Businesses Can Use Video Marketing To Get More Customers.

How Small Businesses Can Use Video Marketing To Get More Customers.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Since I do not have a lot of time, I have decided to record a quick video for small businesses. We are going to discuss ways a Small Business can use Video to get more customers.

This video is 10 minutes long, but well worth your time. If you have any questions about video marketing, let us know.


How Small Businesses Can Use Video Marketing To Get More Customers.


Video transcript for Small Business Video Marketing

Hey, this is Jace over here at Marketing High. We are going to discuss how a small business can use video marketing to get more customers. This video is going to be four small businesses. I do deal a lot with small businesses.

Basically, the hardest thing for them is getting new customers, getting their product out there, getting their message out there. I’m going to show you guys how you can use video and how you can do it effectively. If you’re bootstrapping the company, if you’re tight on a budget looking to get the best deal, or pay very little for advertising, this video is for you. We’re going to jump right in. If you have questions, obviously you can always get ahold of us at This is the second time shooting this. I screwed up the first time. For some reason the voice went out ten minutes into the, well three minutes into the video and it was like, 15 minutes. We’ll try to get this done in three minutes.

1. Get A Video For You Business

First off, very first thing. If you’re a small business you have to get used to video marketing. You have to get comfortable with video. Your number one step is, get a video. Another day I was listening to a podcast by Rick Mulready. It’s called The Art of Paid Traffic.

He had a guest on that … Basically, this guest did Facebook ads for fitness places like Vasa. I don’t know if they’re big yoga studios, stuff like that. He went on to discuss how, he works with a client they have to do video. He said, “If they’re not willing to do video usually I cannot work with them. I can’t get the ROI.” He had one client that they spent like 2 to 6 thousand on ads. They turned it into $200,000 profit.

His main thing was, you have to use video. I’m the same way. I tell these companies, you have to be using video because it’s popular. You’re very first thing you need to do it get a video. Now, does it need to be some expensive $20,000 video? No. I do own a company,

We started the whole white board animation videos. We do videos over there. They can be expensive for some. They’re very cheap for others. A video doesn’t have to be expensive. You can shoot one on your iPhone. You can get it done professionally. Or you can go over to Fiverr and purchase one.

If you guys aren’t familiar with Fiverr, you can just jump over here. Let me show you. I’ll make this a little bigger for you. I’ve tried this just to see if I could get some really good response.

I had this girl right here. Her name is Ally. Ally Madison. You can check out what she does. She just did a simple promotional video. I wanted a re-marketing campaign and right here you can just play this. That’s her right there. Simple way to get something done. Like I said, five to $20 to get you a video. Now, almost all videos need to have a good headline, problem. Tell them what problem you’re solving, how you’re going to solve it, and a good, strong call to action. I have videos on that for you if you want to check them out.

Don’t worry about spending a huge amount of money. Let me show you a couple things. This is a video. If you’re not familiar, Tai Lopez, he has millions of views on his videos. He buys a lot of them, but you can see what he does, he’s very popular. This is a phone. This is an ad. This is an actual ad playing in front of a motivational video. Okay. He’s telling you how to make six figures. Now, say, on this motivational channel, here you got a guy named … I’ll let you hear it.

Since it is a lifestyle motivational, make a lot of money … They’re playing these on these how-to-succeed-in-life. These guys right here are going to show you how to succeed in life. Well, they’re running their video ads in front of these videos that show you how to succeed in life. Very simple.

Here’s a group, two girls. You can see, very simple. Now, this last video, this could be expensive. He shoots some pretty expensive ones. Here’s two that just, I mean, it’s a camera.

They introduce themselves.

They’re from Australia. Now, they’re playing their video ad right in front of, once again, these motivational videos. Okay. Something that everyone can do. Small businesses could do them. They aren’t expensive. Let’s say I skip this ad. I’m going to skip that ad. Great. That did not cost them anything. They got their brand out there and there’s nothing. Now, if I watch that video out past 30 seconds, you’re going to get charged eight cents, ten cents. Okay. The very first thing you need to do is get a video.

2.  Upload Your Video To YouTube

Secondly, you need to upload that video to YouTube. Now, crap. If I could go back to that sister video. Let’s see if we can get them up again. No, that’s Ty. Here’s Tai Lopez again, showing off Ferrari’s and stuff like that. Let’s look at his channel. If you go to Tai Lopez.

We’re going to go to his YouTube channel.

I’m going to see what he’s done here. Okay, very good YouTube channel. Here’s why.

He has his website. He has all of his social media here. You want to do that. Now, here’s his branding. Great. If you go look at my own channel. Okay. Let me see, view my channel. I think that’s where I am. Okay. You can see right here at the top that I have my value proposition right here, my website, social media, and there it went. Okay. You can see that I have everything that you should have on a channel. If you’re missing these types of things man, just add them. Go click up here, edit your links. You want to make sure your YouTube channel is ready to go to get customers.

Now, whenever you’re doing a video make sure you have the right title tag, description tags, and keyword tags. That is very important. You want to try to rank that video for relevant key terms. Okay? If you take a look at my videos. I’ll show you a quick example. I went and shot this really quickly with Tailor. This is a video that talks about what we do. It’s very simple. It’s just me talking and you can see, yeah, it gets a lot of views, good views, stuff like that. You’ll see I did a good title tag; Want to Drive More Leads, Sells, and Customers? Then you do a good description. Make sure your link’s in the description. Then, make sure you use the right key word tags. Got it?

3.  Upload Your Video To Facebook

Next thing you want to do is jump over to Facebook, upload your video to Facebook. I did that here. I took that same video, I jumped over and uploaded it onto my Facebook feed right here. I’ve done a boost. I’ve just boosted, I actually ran an ad, but I’m driving them to a checklist. Make sure your videos always have a good, strong call to action. Make sure they have a good headline. You want them to do something. If they’re going to watch your video, don’t just have the video end without inviting them to do something. What I do is, I invite people to go get their free marketing checklist. That way, they get on my list. Got it?

4. Promote Your Video

Once it’s uploaded to Facebook, you’ve created a post. Then, basically it comes down to promotion. You want to make sure you take your videos and you actually promote them. Viral videos don’t just happen. They do get promoted. Remember that. You’re not shooting for a viral video. What you want to do is get your message in front of a target audience. You do that through Facebook ads. You can go onto Facebook, which we have tutorials you can check out. Go to Facebook. Run an ad to the exact people you’re looking for. YouTube ads. I showed to a few things you can do. You can run your ad on your competitor’s videos. You can run your ad on like industry. Say you’re a real estate agent. Well, you can go run your ads on loan officer’s videos. Post it on your blog, imbed it, and then send it all out to your email list. You have to promote a good video once it’s created. They don’t just work.

A lot of people go out there and they do get a video. Probably 85% of our clients on the WhyDraw site will go get a video, but then they don’t promote that video. That’s the big thing, you do need to go promote it. Got it? Those are your four things. Make sure you get a video. Upload that video to YouTube, get your YouTube channel created. Upload it to Facebook, do a post for it. Promote. Do a Facebook ads, do YouTube ads, post it on your blog, and none of this has to be expensive. $5 a day will get you a lot of traction. Like I said, you can get eight cent views, 12 cent views. Video marketing is extremely important. Especially if you are a small business owner.

If you have questions visit our site, There’s some checklists there that you can use, other webinars, whatever you need. Over on our YouTube channel we do have a ton of tutorials to show you exactly how to set up YouTube ads, Facebook ads, all of those things. You can go check them out. Okay. Have a good day.

Thanks for reading

How Small Businesses Can Use Video Marketing To Get More Customers.