How To Rank A Successful Blog Post In 2018 | Letter 3 To Marketing Hy

The problem with blogging and creating blog posts is the fact that you can spend hours on writing and never get ranked. I have seen this with some of our clients. They have spent thousands on content creation and have hundreds of blog posts, but none of them are ranking.

Why is this?

Because they do not follow the formula. You’re being paid to know the formula.

From now on, I want to see 1500+ word articles that follow SEO best practices. Let’s jump in.

How to rank a blog post?


Ranking a blog post is something that every marketer needs to know how to do. You must learn how to write, rank, and optimize a blog post.

It’s hard, if not impossible, to hit that number one spot on Google without knowing the building blocks of a solid post.

You’re competing against people who study blogging all day long, so make sure you follow the steps that I am going to show you.

1. Why Should We Create And Rank A Blog Post?

To get leads.

Writing is an inbound marketing strategy.

Getting a blog ranked on page one of Google can take several months to years.

We want to generate traffic which turns into leads.

It goes back to our marketing formula.

“Content creates conversations. Conversations create customers.”

2. How to structure your blog (Blogging Formula)

Here is a simple infographic that will explain the structure.

3. How To Research, Find, And Use Keywords

You need to do keyword research before you create your blog. You want to think and act like the user and figure out the keywords they will be using in their search queries.

Do not just write an article. Answer the questions your audience is searching for.

Use Google Keyword Planner.

Find keywords that people are searching for and answer their question.

It’s that simple.

Here’s a screenshot to show you what it looks like.

Pick the keyword you want to go after and start with a headline.

  • 5 Simple Steps To Creating A YouTube Advertising Campaign.
  • YouTube Advertising Hacks For Any Business.

“The headline is so critical that 73% of buying decisions are made at the point where readers come in contact with it. And 8 out of 10 people will read your headline if you make it powerful and relevant to them.”

After the headline, you jump into the opening paragraph or introduction.

Use the keyword in both places.

A combination of the keywords should be used throughout the article.

4. A Quality Blog Post Is Key

Your post has to be unique and contain useful content. Quality does matter.

The more you can help consumers the better.

Last week I was checking up on New Roads Addiction Center to see their progress. They’re showing up in Featured Snippets. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like.

If you want to learn more about Featured snippets you can check out this new guide. It came out yesterday.

I would recommend reading it.

5. Be Entertaining And Interesting


In school, we all learned how to write boring articles. You need to unlearn most of what you learned.

A blog post needs to be entertaining and hold the attention of the audience.

  • Ask Questions
  • Post Pictures
  • Tell Stories
  • Quote Experts
  • Provide Data
  • Show Statistics And Results

Beware of the following:

  • Long paragraphs
  • Boring research paper “feel”
  • Short Articles

I hope this helps.

The goal of any blog post is to create a conversation between the business and the customers.

You do this by answering their questions, keeping them engaged, helping them, and solving their problems.

Good luck I will be checking up on your blog posts to make sure you’re following these simple guidelines.

—How To Rank A Successful Blog Post In 2018—