We Generate and Close Leads Through Facebook Marketing For Your Company

With Facebook Ads, you can create targeted ads to people who are interested in your product or service. At the least, you have to test it.
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Average Facebook Ad Clickthrough rate:

Average Facebook Ad cost per click:


bands promote their Facebook posts


Fail At Facebook Advertising

To be or not to be on Facebook?

The short answer is yes! you definietely should be on facebook even if it is for retargeting purposes only.

  • 67% of the US population and 82% of the UK population is on Facebook
  • Facebook is the most popular app on smartphones
  • There are 829 million active daily users on Facebook
  • You can build custom audiences and target groups

Facebook is a beast and the best thing of all is:

Facebook has to make money for their shareholders therefore, they are doing all they can to improve their advertising platform. It’s only going to get better in the near future. After that, who knows what will happen.

It’s a win win for all.

Word of caution:

  • Don’t let Facebook control your budget
  • Don’t be careless on your tracking and reporting
  • Don’t forget to check your progress at least once a week
  • Run ads to specific landing pages that can track
  • Don’t forget to tell your mom you love her… 🙂

How to Create Facebook Ads The Right Way

Back in 2012 a video came out on YouTube about Facebook click fraud. It was awesome! It was a perfect example of what not to do with Facebook.

The number one take away is:

You have to build and target custom audience.

Meaning you build off of your current email lists, contacts, and you use your website visitors.

“The most relevant audience is your actual customers. When
you create Facebook ads, you start with them. The further
you get away from that center, the less confidence you
should have in the results.”
Jon Loomer

Are you ready to take the next step with us?
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Some ways you can target your audience


YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. You are able to choose what keywords you would like your video to show up for.


This is one of my favorite targeting methods. You are able to play in front of hand picked videos. I love playing my video in front of my competitors.

In-Market interest

Google knows what you are looking for. With in-market audiences you are able to play your video in front of people who have search or who are looking for you product. It is a bit complicated, but fun to play with.

  • Average Savings Cost 68% 68%
  • Increase in Website Traffic 35% 35%
  • Conversion Rate 75% 75%
  • Leads 33% 33%

The Results Were Amazing

We saw some amazing results with the ads we ran. This can be be for your company as long as you use our tips. We have created all types of guides to help you achieve the same results. So do not forget to subscribe to our blog.

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